Ways to access higher education for visual impaired students
What were the problems faced by Students with visual impairment? People don’t know about their education Discrimination at University University professors has no skill to teach them Limited access to higher education
What were the problems faced by Students with visual impairment? Inaccessible infrastructures at universities Limited access to the supports from friends at university Limited documents in Braille or Audio
What did we do (1/5) At Krousar Thmey level: Exposure visits to different universities Provide learning equipment to visual impaired students at university
What did we do (2/5) At Krousar Thmey level: Teacher capacity building in teaching STEM and ICT Prepare the students for the transition to university Workshop, orientation meeting, individual counseling, etc.
What did we do (3/5) At university and Ministry level: Awareness raising among university students, teachers and deans Awareness among important individual from Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport
What did we do (4/5) At university and Ministry level: Collaborate with universities to ensure that visual impaired students have access to variety of academic studies O&M training
What did we do (5/5) At university and Ministry level: Provide technical supports Training for university teachers and National Institute of Education officers about education for visual impaired students
Achievements (1/2) Students with visual impairments are welcomed by many universities in Cambodia Students with visual impairments get more support from their friends and professors at university
Achievements (2/2) Students with visual impairments have more choices regarding their academic study The change of Education policy Now visual impaired students can become the teacher
Figures 29 students studying at different universities 16 students with visual impairments graduated 5 public and 4 private universities welcome students with visual impairments 16 got the job after their graduation