Current situation of ASEAN and higher education trends?
ASEAN Macro-economic Facts +625 million people 2,400 billion USD in GDP 600 billion USD for Intra-ASEAN Trade 7th Largest Economy of the world 4th Largest “one vision, one identity, one community” Economy of the world by 2050
Number of Higher Education Institutions in ASEAN >7,000 HEIs in ASEAN SEAMEO-RIHED (2014) 6 July 2015
ASEAN Higher Education in Focus by Economic Status: Low/Low-middle income: C, L, M, V Policy reform & system expansion Increasing student enrollment Enhancing Infrastructure development Quality Assurance Development and Implementation Quality Improvement Internationalisation Middle income: In, My, Ph, Th High income: Brunei - more independent and expand global partnerships Singapore - well-developed with high international recognition Education systems reflect economic, social, political, religious and philosophical differences that must be respected.
Current Situation of ASEAN Higher Education: Economic status Countries Current situation Lower income Low-middle income Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Viet Nam High enrolment demand Threaten of education quality Less access on equity Lack of human resource & financial support High demand on qualified faculty & staff More opportunity for private HEIs Emphasis more on teaching for skill improvement Middle-income Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand Emphasis on education quality Less public expenditure by shifting cost to students Emphasis more on research-oriented policy Controlled/limited oversea branch campuses High-income Brunei Increase public expenditure More international academic cooperation Singapore Emphasis more on cutting-edge R&D and innovation Emphasis on excellence, international profile & partnerships Hosting oversea branch campuses (13) The current higher education development systems in ASEAN Member States can be classified in relation to national economic status. -For HE in focus in GMS countries, it clearly identifies that GMS counties are emphasizing on policy reform & system expansion, increasing enrollment, infrastructure development and quality assurance development and implementation. -While the middle-income countries are emphasis on quality improvement and internationalization, which they have achieved the development and implementation of quality assurance system and move forwards for improvement purpose in order to meet the international standard for uplifting international recognition. -For high-income countries, they have different focuses due to well-developed with high level of international recognition. **Modified from “Higher Education Across Asia (2011)” and “Higher Education in Asia (2014)”
Effects of ASEAN Integration on Higher Education? Regional Integration Higher Education Development Effects of ASEAN Integration on Higher Education? Raising the demand on higher education (Massification!) Increasing cross-border education flux/mobility Increasing pressure on educcation quality from society Expanding the diversification of higher education providers Widening gap of access in higher education Opening up a potential investment on higher education Accelerating regional academic cooperation/networking Enhancing possible regional brain circulation through academic exchange Accelerating the harmonization of higher education systems Shifting the cost of higher education from public funding to students Demanding on high skill qualified workforce/professionals to support AEC-ASEAN Integration Challenges!
Since 31 Dec 2015 Free flow of capital/investment Free flow of goods & services Free flow of information & knowledge Free flow of people An integrated community will accelerate the pace of structural change, and is expected to generate some 14 million additional jobs by 2025.
AEC APSC ASCC Now, ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has officially opened since 31 December 2015. ASEAN Vision 2025 ASCC Blueprint 2025 inclusive sustainable Resilient Dynamics ASEAN Work Plan on Education (2016-2020) Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education (Nov 2015)
EDUCATION ASEAN WORK PLAN 2016-2020 ON ASCC ASCC Blueprint 20125 inclusive sustainable Resilient Dynamics ASEAN Work Plan on Education (2016-2020) Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education ASEAN WORK PLAN ON EDUCATION 2016-2020
8 Sub-Goals of ASEAN 5-Year Work Plan on Education (2016-2020) Promote ASEAN Awareness • 3 Priority Areas • 18 Activities 1 Enhance quality and access to basic education especially for disabled and marginalised groups • 2 Priority Areas • 6 Activities 2 3 Strengthen use of ICT • 2 Priority Areas • 5 Activities Support the development of TVET and lifelong learning • 3 Priority Areas • 8 Activities 4
7 5 6 8 Strengthen higher education sector through QA Complement efforts of other sectors in ESD • 2 Priority Areas • 3 Activities 5 Strengthen higher education sector through • 1 Priority Area • 4 Activities QA 6 7 Foster role of higher education through University- Industry Partnership • 1 Priority Area • 3 Activities Provide capacity building programmes for teachers and community • 3 Priority Areas 8
1995 Charter of the ASEAN University 1992 The 4th ASEAN Summit, the call for cooperation in the field of higher education and human resource development 1995 Charter of the ASEAN University Network was signed by the ASEAN Ministers responsible for higher education. Agreement on the Establishment of the ASEAN University Network was signed by the Presidents, Rectors and Vice-Chancellors of participating universities. 2008 One of ASEAN Sectoral Ministerial Body responsible for higher education cooperation and development.
AUN Mandate Strengthen the existing network of cooperation among universities in ASEAN and beyond; Promote collaborative study, research and educational programmes in the priority areas identified by ASEAN; Promote cooperation and solidarity among scholars, academicians and researchers in the ASEAN Member States; Serve as the policy platform on higher education development in the ASEAN region.
“AUN Membership Enlargement” AUN is The first and only higher education network under ASEAN. As the host country, the Royal Thai Government provides financial support for the operational costs of the AUN Secretariat. (6 countries) (10 countries) 11 17 20 21 22 26 30 Without location/ only map 1999 2006 2007 2009 2010 2013 1995 “AUN Membership Enlargement”
MQA International Seminar 18 Oct 2016 ASEAN University Network (AUN): Network of leading universities initiated by ASEAN since 1995 MQA International Seminar 18 Oct 2016
2016 AUN-SAN 2016 AUN-DPP 12 AUN Thematic Networks!!
ASEAN University Network AUN Composition & Activities Policy Platform Academic Staff Students Policy-makers (University’s Presidents/Rectors/VCs) Other Stakeholders ASEAN University Network Our Stakeholders & Our Key Result Areas Academic Conference/Seminar President Networking Academic Networking Resource Support Student Mobility Technical Support Student Activities / Networking
What have aun done in higher education development for asean integration???
AUN is serving ASEAN 5-year Work Plan on Education (2011-2015) Priority 1– Promoting ASEAN awareness P riority2B –Increasing the quality of education‐performance, standards, lifelong learning and professional development Priority 3 –Cross‐border mobility and internationalization of education Projects Activities % Non-members 2013-14 31 77 63% 2014-15 35 64 60% 2015-16 32 76 51%
inclusive sustainable Resilient Dynamics AEC ASCC ASCC Blueprint 20125 Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education ASEAN Work Plan on Education (2016-2020) ASCC Blueprint 20125 inclusive sustainable Resilient Dynamics AEC
Roles of AUN in ASEAN Work Plan on Education (2016-2020) SUB-GOAL 1: Promote ASEAN awareness through strengthening of Southeast Asian history and indigenous knowledge. PRIORITY AREA 1.1: Enhancing ASEAN awareness through exchange programmes for ASEAN students and youth PRIORITY AREA 1.2: Promoting a culture of peace and understanding through education in contributing towards peaceful and harmonious ASEAN Community PRIORITY AREA 1.3: Advancing ASEAN Studies Programme and courses at higher education level through online and cross-border mobility
Roles of AUN SUB-GOAL 3: Strengthen the use of ICT PRIORITY AREA 3.1: Expanding and improving human and institutional capacity in educational software development and online instructional design to enhance access to quality education SUB-GOAL 6: Strengthen the higher education sector through the implementation of robust quality assurance mechanisms PRIORITY AREA 6.1: Developing harmonised quality assurance mechanisms within the context of ASEAN SUB-GOAL 7: Foster the role of higher education in the area of socio-economic development through University-Industry Partnership PRIORITY AREA 7.1: Developing stronger linkages between universities, industries, and communities
Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education ASCC Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education ASEAN Work Plan on Education (2016-2020) ASCC Blueprint 20125 inclusive sustainable Resilient Dynamics AEC Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education endorsed by ASEAN Leaders at the 27th ASEAN Summit (21 November 2015)
Kuala Lumpur Declaration on Higher Education (Summary) AUN Strategic Goals: G1. Quality Gap Narrowed G2. Emerging Priorities Engaged G3. Exposure Expanded G4. In-depth Awareness G5. Teaching & Learning AUN Strategic Goals (G1-G5) have already been serving these areas under KL Declaration on Higher Education. ASEAN Higher Education for HRD Quality education Intra-ASEAN mobility of students & scholars Triple-Helix-Plus cooperation (U-G-I-C) Diversity HE for Innovation-driven ASEAN community Contribute and foster sustainable local community development Increase visibility of ASEAN HE globally G2. G2.&G5. G3.&G4. G2.&G4. G1.,G2.,G3.&G4. G1.
AUN & Roles to Support Higher Education Development in ASEAN ACTS GRADING SCALE ONLINE LIST of AVAILABLE COURSES (>19,000) ONLINE APPLICATION SYSTEM Internationalization of Higher Education AUN Youth & Student Mobility ASEAN Credit Transfer System (ACTS) “Student First” Harmonisation of Higher Education Quality (AUN-QA) “A Touch of Quality” AIM for “3Es”….New Paradigm Shift of Mobility…. EXPLORING new learning environment EXPOSING international experiences ENHANCING student’s soft skills
Higher Education Harmonisation Mechanism Ensure “Quality Education” & “Expected Competencies” Promote “Student Mobility” Enhance “Professional/workforce mobility” No QA…No QF AUN Quality Assurance Credit Transfer System AQRF facilitate AUN-QA AUN-ASEAN Credit Transfer System (ACTS) ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework (AQRF)
Supporting ASEAN Skilled workers and Professional Services Mobility Are universities just fulfilling base line standards? Domestic or global market? ASEAN Economic Community Free movement of Services ASEAN MRA (Professional bodies) Free movement of skilled workers ASEAN MRA –Skills Sector ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) ASEAN Quality Assurance Framework (AQAF) Device for comparison Referencing system 10 National Qualifications Framework and EQA system
Challenges for Higher Education Harmonisation in ASEAN 1. System & regulatory support 2. Quality recognition (QA & QF) 3. Information dissemination 4. Financial support
How can we achieve the higher education harmonisation in ASEAN? working together understanding and respecting our differences selflessly sharing our expertise and resources toward “one true goal”
Thank You More information at Website: www.aunsec.org Facebook Page: ASEAN University Network