WHO DO YOU LOVE? I john 2:15-17
The Character of the World This world has a Prince (Jn. 12:31) This world has a Philosophy (I Cor. 3:19) This world has a Purpose (Jn. 7:7) This world has a People (Lk. 16:8)
The Corruption of the world The Lust of the Flesh deals with our Passions (Doing) The Lust of the Eyes deals with our Possessions (Having) The Pride of Life deals with our Position (Being)
The condemnation of the world This world and it’s system are passing away Only that which is in the will of God will abide forever Why is this world a problem for so many people? Answer: It’s all they’ve got – the love of the Father is not in them
I John 5:4 “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.”