Map Components & Types of Maps
Title The title of a map should clearly state the intentions of the map. It should be specific to the map’s purpose.
Compass Rose Shows where the cardinal directions lie on a map. North, east, south, and west
Legend / Key List of symbols or colors that are represented on a map. Serves as a guide that tells you the meaning behind each symbol or color.
Scale Tells the user about the size of a map in relation to the size of the real world. Gives you a ratio between distances on the map and actual distances on the earth.
Date Maps should also contain a date when they were created. As maps are continually updated with additional information and improved accuracy, it is important to know the time when your map was published.
Physical Maps Depict physical features Mountains, rivers, lakes, elevation.
Political Maps Show political features. Features determined by people. Include boundaries and capital cities.
Special-Purpose Maps Designed to display specific data or information. Road maps, climate, natural resources, population density maps.