SSHRC Partnership Funding Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Funding Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 Agenda: Introductions Overview of Partnership and Partnership Development Grants programs Topic of the Moment: Data Management Plans SSHRC Application Process – The Review Committee Perspective Proposal Development Questions
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs RSO Team:RSO Team Sheila Van Landeghem, Research Funding Manager Andrea Gill, Editorial and Proposal Development Officer Guest Speakers: Grace Skogstad, Chair of the Department of Political Science at UTSC Laure Perrier, Research Data Management Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Two Funding Opportunities for new and existing partnerships: Partnership Development Grants “Fostering” partnerships to explore a new approach or to test a partnership approach to research & related activities that could lead to best practices or models. Partners bring cash and/or in-kind resources. 2. Partnership Grants Formal partnerships engaging in research and/or knowledge mobilization through mutual co-operation, sharing of intellectual leadership, and resources in the form of cash and/or in-kind contribution
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs “Partner” in SSHRC programs means: An organization (not individuals) that participates actively and contributes in a meaningful way to the success of the endeavor. A Canadian or foreign postsecondary institution (and can be, for example, a specific centre or institute within a university), government department (federal, provincial, territorial, municipal), for-profit or not-for-profit organization, or foundations. The partner is expected to provide cash and/or in-kind contribution
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Insight and Connection Proposals must fall under the objectives of SSHRC’s Insight and / or Connection Program
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Partnership Development Grant: 1 to 3 years. $75,000 to $200,000. Multi-disciplinary adjudication committees (no external reviews). Contribution required from partners (no minimum amount) Salary research allowance for Canadian non-profit organization participant(s) only, up to 50% per year. Evidence of Formal Partnership required. Applicants to PDG need not have a plan to apply for PG at a later date.
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Partnership Grant: 4 to 7 years. Typically $500,000 to $2.5 million (higher or lower considered). Min. 35% match to SSHRC request, from cash and in-kind resources. Two-step process: Letter of Intent then invitation to Full Proposal. Adjudication and External Assessors, and possibly an interview at Full Proposal stage. Salary research allowance for Canadian non-profit organization participant(s) only, up to 50% per year. Evidence of Formal Partnership required..
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Topic of the Moment: Research Data Management Laure Perrier, Research Data Management Librarian, University of Toronto Libraries
SSHRC Partnership Programs Perspectives in partnership-based research Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Perspectives in partnership-based research Professor Grace Skogstad PDG 2015 Grants Selection Committee Member & Chair, Department of Political Science
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Evaluation Criteria: Must get a “pass” in each section Criteria Partnership Development Grants Partnership Grants Challenge 50% 40% Feasibility 20% 30% Capability
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Evaluation Criteria Aim and importance of the endeavour PDG PG Challenge Originality, significance, contribution to knowledge. Appropriateness of literature review; theoretical approach or framework; method/approach (including co-creation of knowledge). Quality of training and mentoring to students, emerging scholars, and other HQP, and opportunities to contribute. Potential influence and impact within/beyond the social sciences and humanities community. Potential for long-term viability and identification of progress indicators. 50% 40%
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Evaluation Criteria The plan to achieve excellence PDG PG Feasibility Probability of effective, timely attainment of proposal’s objectives. Quality and genuineness of the formal partnership, management and governance, leadership, including involvement of partners in design and conduct of research and related activities. Appropriateness of budget, indication of planned contributions. Quality of knowledge mobilization plans. Strategies and timelines for design and conduct of activities. 20% 30%
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Evaluation Criteria The expertise to succeed PDG PG Capability Quality, quantity and significance of institution’s contribution and commitment and experience in collaboration and formal partnership Quality, quantity and significance of past experience and published outputs of project directors, and team members relative to their role in the project, and stage of career Evidence of contributions (reports, policies, etc.) Experience in formal partnerships Potential to make future contributions 30%
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Proposal Development Andrea Gill Editorial & Proposal Development Officer Research Services Office
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Eligibility to Apply UofT approval + SSHRC approval For both programs approved MRA is due by the internal deadline Access to MRA determined by eligibility to hold an award at UofT (Provost’s guidelines) Postdocs and PhD students can apply directly through SSHRC
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs Other UofT Resources Upcoming Submission Deadlines (and Other Information): research-council-of-canada- sshrc/?s&post_type=funding_opps&discipline&opp_type Research Alerts System: Should you have problems with registering, you can contact Won Yoo / 416- 946-0374), Document. Mgmt. & Web Tools Analyst , Research Services Office OVPR Catalogues on research and Innovation at UofT: innovation-at-u-of-t/ University of Toronto Strategic Research Plan:
SSHRC Partnership Programs Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation SSHRC Partnership Programs SSHRC Webinars Partnership Development Grants (English) Tuesday, October 4, 2016, 12:00-14:00 ET Partnership Development Grants (French) Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 12:00-14:00 ET Partnership Grants – Letter of Intent (English) Wednesday, October 19, 2016 , 12:00-14:00 ET Partnership Grants – Letter of Intent (French) Thursday, October 20, 2016, 12:00-14:00 ET