University p&t forum Introductions April 24, 2017.


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Presentation transcript:

University p&t forum Introductions April 24, 2017

Timeline: Preparing the Portfolio Spring Semester: Candidate begins portfolio preparation. Candidate prepares research/creative activity material for external review. Departmental selection of external reviewers with input from candidate, chair, and dep’t colleagues. NO STAKEHOLDERS. Chair solicits reviews. Materials sent to external reviewers. Reviews due August 1. 5 external letters required (department chair wise to request more than 5 to insure there are 5 reviewers); all received must be included in portfolio even if it exceeds 5 Candidate and chair discuss Waiver of Right to Review External Letters Letter from Department Chair must inform external reviewers of candidates wishes to waive or not waive review of external letters

Timeline: From Department to College Committee Example Sept. 6, 2017: Portfolio due in Chair’s office Sept. 6-21, 2017 Departmental review, vote Letter to Chair, copied to candidate Candidate has 5 days to reply Sept. 22-29, 2017: Chair’s review Letter to College Committee, copied to candidate Sept. 30, 2017: Portfolio to Dean’s office Oct. 3-Nov. 4, 2017: Portfolio review by College P&T Committee Committee letter to Dean, copied to candidate Timeline specific to each college

2017-18 Timeline: From College to Office of the Provost Early December, 2017 Portfolios to the Office of the Provost for review by the University P&T Committee Jan. - March, 2018 Portfolios reviewed by University P&T Committee March 2018 University P & T Committee Recommendations to the Provost March-April, 2018 Provost reviews portfolios April, 2018 Provost meets with candidates, makes recommendations to the President May, 2018 President certifies to FAU BOT that all procedures in University Regulation 5.006 (Tenure Procedures) have been followed Dates based on guidelines from the Provost’s Office

P&t documents University P&T Materials (located on Provost’s website) Criteria for the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure of Faculty Principles for Creating Criteria and Standards for Promotion and Tenure See new language in this document that addresses community engagement and undergraduate research activity College P&T Criteria Provost Memorandum (Re: Promotion and Tenure for 2017-18) P&T Forms Provost Memo: University P&T Portfolio Preparation P&T Forms: Nominee Portfolio Cover Sheet (for external reviewers); Waiver of Right to Review Letter from External Reviewers Candidate waives rights Candidates at FAU have right to review all materials including external letters of evaluation Individual Cover Sheet for External Letters Requested Sample External Reviewer Request Comprehensive Curriculum Vitae Template

Provost P&T Memo Prepare two portfolios and one supplementary portfolio according to requirements specified in Provost Memo Ordering of Materials in the P&T Portfolio – (see page 3 of Provost Memo) Pages 4-10 detail the requirements of the contents of each section of the portfolio

Order of Materials in Portfolio Sections 1-3 1. Signed Nominee Portfolio Cover Sheet 2. Signed Waiver of Right of Review Letter from External Reviewers (if agreed to) 3. Status Letters (position appointment letter and/or promotion and tenure letters as appropriate) Portfolio Cover Sheet – candidate’s signature verifies that after portfolio has gone through department and college review, all required materials are included in the portfolio Status letters: Initial letter of appointment to FAU (letters should document if years brought in to FAU), letter of stoppage of tenure clock if applicable, P&T letters to Assoc. (if candidate for promotion to full professor)

Order of Materials in Portfolio Section 4 – Up-to-Date Vita Follow CV Template order as follows: Education/Employment History Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity Publications in Print Refereed Journal Articles Books Book Chapters Textbooks Other (book reviews, encyclopedia articles, etc.) Refereed Presentations and Proceedings Non-Refereed Publications, Presentations and Proceedings Follow order of CV template: Publications in Print (including pubs in press) means written, reviewed, accepted and waiting for publication; include full citations, with anticipated date of publication, and number of pages Works currently under review should be included if the work is complete and has been submitted for review (include journal submitted to and number of pages) See instructions (page 2) of CV template for inclusion of work accepted after portfolio has been submitted, but before reviewed at all levels Subheadings included under many headings (see CV template)

Order of Materials in Portfolio Section 4 – Up-to-Date Vita (continued) Creative Activities and Achievements Grants External Internal Courses Taught at FAU Service and Professional Development Service to the Institution Department/School College University service Service to the Discipline/Profession Honors and Awards

Order of Materials in Portfolio Section 5 – Annual Assignments Section 6 - Instruction Section A. Teaching and/or Advising awards B. Quantitative Data on Teaching SPOT Data Table (see pg. 5) Dissertation/Thesis Committees (see table, pg. 6) C. Peer Evaluation (minimum of two recent evaluations) D. Course or curricular development E. Advising Activities Peer evaluations: recent defined as within two years of submission of the portfolio; also provide a brief explanation of the unit’s procedure for peer review of teaching

Order of Materials in Portfolio Section 7 - Scholarship, Research and/or Other Creative Activity Annotated version of parallel section of vita providing detailed information on each published or exhibited work List publications/work in categories as specified in the CV template Explain publications/work as described on page 6 of Provost memo Co-authored works – clearly explain the extent of your contribution to the work Include critical reviews of your work, citations, impact data, etc. Letters of acceptance for forthcoming work

Order of Materials in Portfolio Section 8 – Assigned Service and/or Administrative Activity Include a table that provides an overview of your service activity (see sample table on page 7 of Provost Memo) List all significant service assignments and activities to the University, Department/School, College, Profession, and Community Identify your role in the service activity, time and commitment, and the semester in which the service was provided

Order of Materials in Portfolio Section 9 – Self Evaluation Section 10- Letters of Evaluation from Independent Evaluators minimum 5 external letters, maximum 2 internal letters (if required in unit) especially evaluating quality of service to institution Section 11 – Report of the Department/School (including P&T Vote and reasons for the vote) Section 12 – Chairperson/Director’s Letter (including a clear statement of support or non-support and detailed discussion of supporting evidence for the recommendation) Section 13- Report of College P&T Committee (including P&T Vote and reasons for the vote)

Order of Materials in Portfolio Section 14 – Dean’s Letter (including a clear statement of support or non-support and detailed discussion of supporting evidence for the recommendation) Section 15 – Department/Unit Criteria for P&T Section 16 Annual Evaluations (for the period under consideration) Section 17 – Third Year Review Section 18 – Optional P&T Appraisals Replies to any material in the portfolio