Unit Leader Training Seminar 2017 Popcorn Fundraiser Unit Leader Training Seminar
2017 Popcorn Seminar Agenda Planning out your Ideal Year of Scouting Funding the Scout’s Dreams Building the Plan Setting and reaching your Goals Steps to a successful Unit Kick-off Delivering the message to your Scouts and parents Increasing Scout participation Resources for Success
National Top Selling Scout 2016 National Top Seller Luke Fewx, San Francisco Bay Area Council Everything Luke and his Troop does is paid for by Popcorn Donated $18,000 in popcorn to local military groups Career total selling popcorn: $99,620 Scholarship Amount: $7,956 Selling Year Sales 2013 $9,214.00 2014 $26,417.50 2015 $25,477.00 2016 $38,511.00 Career Total $99,619.50
National 2016 Top Selling Scouts Top 10 Scouts Council Total Sales Luke Fewx San Francisco Bay Area $38,511 Richard Becker Garnett Heart of Virginia $23,365 Benjamin Colley Twin Rivers $21,480 Alan K. Szewczyk Jr. Great Alaska $20,702 Evan Matthew Richards Colonial Virginia $19,732 Jake Anthony Tomasko Longs Peak $17,270 Zachary Gerber Northeast Illinois $16,355 Joshua Caleb Sears Piedmont (NC) $16,000 Brayden Matthew Spayer W.D. Boyce $15,131 Everitt Owen Greater Niagara Frontier $15,060 $203,606
Cradle of Liberty’s 2016 Top Selling SCouts Top 10 Scouts District Unit Rank Total Sales Robbie S. Constellation Troop 219 Second Class $8,002.00 Aidan General Nash Pack 9 Webelos II $2,895.00 Stephen D. Minquas 493 Webelos I $2,846.53 Vinnie B. $2,816.96 Jacob C. Baden Powell 173 $2,590.30 Jeremy E. 91 Wolf $2,536.00 Caden A. 405 $2,500.00 Eli M. Washington 97 Dylan 414 Tenderfoot $2,473.00 Toby L. Eagle $2,305.00
Cradle of Liberty’s 2016 Top Selling Units Top 10 Units District Total Sales Roosevelt Troop 111 $ 38,291 Constellation Pack 284 $ 28,871 Washington Pack 17 $ 24,126 Conestoga Troop 512 $ 23,172 Pack 92 $ 21,168 General Nash Pack 10 $ 20,437 Continental Pack 73 $ 18,860 Pack 91 $ 17,505 Minquas Pack 493 $ 17,275 Troop 219 $ 17,193
Experience Of A Lifetime Ideal Year of Scouting It is our goal to be able to provide a year round quality Scouting program through proper planning, budgeting, and goal setting to insure we are helping provide Scouts an Experience Of A Lifetime
Ideal Year of Scouting Why did you get involved in Scouting? What do Scouts want to do?
Sample pack budget MONTH DESCRIPTION BUDGET September Pack Carnival/Popcorn Kick-off $ 300 October Halloween Party/ Webelos Camporee November Pack Awards Meeting/Den Gifts $ 175 December Holiday Party $ 500 January Pit Night/Pinewood Derby $ 125 February Game Night/Prizes $ 225 March Blue & Gold $ 1,500 April Bowling $ 100 May Memorial Day Parade & Barbeque / Webelos Camporee June Graduation- Camping $ 550 July Cub Day Camp $ 5,250 August Blue Claws Baseball Game $ 250 Total Activities Budget $ 9,450
Ideal Year of Scouting *Includes all Scouts attending day camp
Ideal Year of Scouting Plan our your Unit’s program year. Get the Scouts engaged. It’s their program Determine the budget for the year. Set the goal for the Unit and each Scout. Have a well thought out communication plan. Earn the desired funds needed from one fundraiser. Enjoy the activities planned and HAVE FUN
Trail's End - Have An Awesome Popcorn Kickoff VIDEO: Trail's End - Have An Awesome Popcorn Kickoff
Kickoff Your Program Year This is often the first gathering of the new program year for Scouts and parents, so MAKE IT A FUN EVENT! Conduct games, have snacks, offer door prizes, etc. Review all the activities planned for the upcoming program year. Review the costs for every activity and the cost for the year. Review the sales goal for every Scout and demonstrate how a Scout can earn his own way. Review the different selling methods Show-n-Sell Take Order Online selling Review the safety tips
What Are the Best Incentives? Scouting programs that they were able to plan out Gift cards: Movie theaters, iTunes, Game Stop, etc. Camping equipment Video games Pizza party Ice cream socials
Cradle of Liberty & Trail’S End Incentives Prize Program Bonus Prize Program ($750 Club) Prize Vault Trail’s End Scholarship Program Trail’s End Collection Patch
Trail’s end scholarship Scouts who sell at least $2,500 (in one calendar year) are eligible for the Trail’s End Scholarship. 6% of their sale is put into an interest bearing account. They will continue to earn 6% of all sales once eligible. Information available at sell.trails-end.com
Trail’s End SuperHero Collection PAtch Evil villain robot Mega-Corn has come to planet Earth to eat all of the world’s popcorn, so Earth has called upon The Popcorn Squad, a group of adventurous Scout with superpowers, to stop Mega-Corn before Earth is eradicated of popcorn!
Trail’s End Collection Patch Sell 1 item (Participation Patch) Make an online sale Make a military sale Sell 1 of each item Be a member of the $750 Top Seller Club Top selling Scout in your unit or sell $1000
Trail’s End Collection PAtch Encourages the majority of your scouts into other selling methodologies Online Military Sales goals Moves your Scouts to higher sales averages Fulfillment through prize system
Speaking To Scout PArents No out of pocket expense to enjoy 12 months of Scouting activities. Do one fundraiser a year and spend more time enjoying Scouting. Gives Scouts the opportunity to earn their own way & learn life lessons and responsibility All Scouts get to enjoy your unit’s program. Consumers are more motivated to purchase based upon the cause. We are NOT selling Popcorn. What are we selling?
Consumers are 2X more likely to support a cause they believe in. WE ARE SELLING ADVENTURES Consumers are 2X more likely to support a cause they believe in.
Trail’s End Resources
Trail’s End University Linked from the Popcorn Sales System Modules First Year Popcorn Kernel Advanced Popcorn Kernel Online Selling Reporting available to determine units that have completed modules
Trail’s End University
Trail’s End University Leaders choose their level of training Leaders can go back and review different topics as needed
Popcorn System, 2017 Updates Over 70 enhancements completed by May 1, including: Reduced need for repetitive tasks: Number of clicks Campaign selection Adding & Editing users Editing unit and Scout orders Reformatted unit invoices to be more compact when printing. Added two buttons on unit leader view “Order Popcorn” and “Order Prizes” for easy ordering navigation Added Scout’s name to top of Scout ordering form Added unit name and order name to top of unit ordering form Added differentiated Leader (Read & Write) and Member roles (Read Only) for Council, District, and Unit users Removed all unusable buttons –system wide
Today’s Online Fundraising Personalized story and message Simple to setup without help Goal based & real time Digital and social components drive viral support
Online Sales Site Personalized Scout Story Simple to setup with parent’s help if needed Goal based and promote Scouting activities Digital and social components Share Scout and unit’s story with friends and family
Online Sales Site New for 2017: Notifications for Scout & Leaders via website, email and text message Sales performance chart showing webpage visitors, number of shares and more National Sales Leaderboard so Scouts can see where they rank across the country
Cradle of Liberty Resources
Cradle of Liberty Resources colbsa.org/popcorn COL Popcorn Facebook Group Four webinars, starting in July Popcorn Fundraising Overview Unit Ordering & Online Popcorn System Scout Prize Program & Bonus Incentives Conducting a Unit Kickoff Scout Training & Family Fun Days July/August Popcorn Kickoff on August 26 District Popcorn Fundraiser Leadership
2017 Highlights
2017 Highlights
Scouts Selling Adventures 87% of consumers cited “Supporting the Scout” as the reason to purchase 2016 Trail’s End Research