UNIVERSITY EXAM 11.11.2015 L3 at 4.00 – 7.00 p.m. DO NOT ENTER the exam hall before you are allowed to. Use every second seat. A student can not participate in an exam without registering in WebOodi (the exam will not be graded). TDK / Faculty Tunniste / Code Tentti / Exam Rivi / Row TTK / Tech 461104A Lujuusoppi II Strength of materials II (110) 1 - 12 LuTK / Science 780372A Vihreän kemian perusteet Basic Principles of Green Chemistry (7) 14 781655S Röntgenkristallografia X-Ray Crystallography (5) 15 783643S Orgaaninen kemia II Organic Chemistry II (2) 16 780393A Orgaaninen kemia II Organic Chemistry II (1)