AI 5.2 3.4-3.8GHz Implementation of the MFCN framework Didier Chauveau ECC PT1 Chairman ECC-FCC-IC Liaison Meeting Maisons Alfort , 28-29 May 2015
5.2 - 3,4-3,8 GHz ECC Decision (11)06 + Guidelines to support the implementation of this framework at national level (mobile/FSS and mobile/FS coexistence) in 3600-3800 GHz Footer - add copy here
3400-3800 MHz ECC Decision(11)06 Updated in 2013, fostering the harmonisation and paving the way to LTE TDD in 3400-3800 MHz This framework is not exclusive. The bands 3400-3600 MHz and 3600-3800 MHz are allocated to the Fixed-Satellite Service (space-to-Earth) are used in some CEPT countries for that service (satellite earth stations). The 3600-3800 MHz band is also used in CEPT by Fixed Service for low, medium and high capacity P-MP and P-P systems. New round of authorizations soon in Europe for Mobile BB to respond to EU obligations (EC framework updated in 2014) C band is lightly used by earth stations in Europe Sharing feasible between individual earth stations and mobile Footer - add copy here
3400-3800 MHz ECC Channelling arrangement Preferred band plan Alternative band plan Footer - add copy here
3400-3800 MHz –technical conditions ECC updated the technical conditions in 2013 The least restrictive technical conditions (BEM – Block Edge Masks) are now suitable also for the high data rate IMT services Additional base station limits below 3400 MHz could be implemented at national level In the case of a TDD operation, it is beneficial to synchronise the TDD networks of different operators to avoid restricted blocks / guard bands between operators and therefore to facilitate an efficient use of spectrum Coordination between mobile/fixed communications network stations and Fixed-Satellite Service (FSS) Earth stations could be required at national level or between neighbouring administrations Footer - add copy here
3600-3800 MHz Operational guidelines under development Upper parts of the downlink 3600-3800 MHz are usually used more extensively by FSS Earth Stations than the lower part 3400-3600 MHz. some CEPT countries are also using Fixed links in 3400-3800 MHz. The key principles for coordination at a national level of MFCN stations with FSS Earth Stations and Fixed Links in the 3400-3800 MHz band are defined in Annex 5 of the ECC Decisions With additional operational guidelines: Administrations will be able focus on a more efficient use avoiding undue burden for the protection of the incumbent Work on the 3.6-3.8GHz band can benefit from what already done for other bands (ie 2.3GHz) Best practices to implement the LSA regulatory framework at national level (see also ECC Report 205 – LSA approach) Registered Satellite earth stations increase the efficient use of the spectrum Footer - add copy here
3600-3800 MHz Operational guidelines under development Various case studies under development A trade-off between the simplicity of a spectrum sharing framework and spectrum sharing efficiency To identify tool box solutions to best suit national circumstances Current assumptions under debate. Administrations would define the criteria for the protection of the FSS/FS users by specifying the maximum permitted interference at the input to the FSS and FS receivers. These limits would then be used to calculate (as specified by the administration): exclusion zones corresponding to MFCN base stations with a pre-defined and common set of parameters, or the maximum permitted power (EIRP) to be radiated from any given MFCN base station sector that is located within a restriction zone. Work in progress : number of sensitive issues to address to develop operational guidelines supporting the efficient use of spectrum Footer - add copy here