Supporting the Supporters: Prevent at TUOS
What is Prevent? Universities are required to have “due regard to the need to prevent people being drawn into terrorism”. Prevent is part of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. It is about “pre-criminal” situations. At TUOS Prevent sits within safeguarding and student support.
Government Counter Terrorism Protect CONTEST Prevent Prepare Pursue
What is extremism? The Government has defined extremism as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. We also include in our definition of extremism calls for the death of members of our armed forces”.
What is extremism? Tim Foy, Director of Counter-Extremism, Home Office Talk of being “against British values” is unhelpful. TF gives the following as more helpful definitions of what should cause concern, stating that there is a problem with ideologies that unpick the glue of society: Ideologies that “preach” hatred of minorities and difference, sectarianism Ideologies that deny women/girls equality Rejection of principle of right to rule of law Rejection of democracy - “you cannot participate yourself” rather than “I don’t think people should participate” None of these views necessarily lead to violence but there is a duty to respect the right of others to enjoy the freedoms that these would deny. TF went on to define tolerance not as acceptance of another religion but acceptance of another’s right to it.
What is radicalisation? “…the process by which a person comes to support terrorism and extremist ideologies associated with terrorist groups.” Prevent Duty Guidance
If you are concerned? NOTICE CHECK SHARE This is not a definitive, complete nor always terribly helpful list……. Isolation Change in appearance Reluctance or refusal to work/socialise with those different to him/her Challenging “British values” Concerns from other students or family Absence – preparation for absence Etc. etc. NOTICE CHECK SHARE
Factors That Contribute to Vulnerability (Cole) OPERATION HINDSIGHT Factors That Contribute to Vulnerability (Cole) Association of Chief Police Officers National Prevent Delivery Unit
Factors That Contribute to Vulnerability (Cole) OPERATION HINDSIGHT Factors That Contribute to Vulnerability (Cole) Who is vulnerable to radicalisation? Everyone - especially through a period of seeking self-identity. Association of Chief Police Officers National Prevent Delivery Unit
WRAP Training
Student Welfare 25. RHEBs have a clear role to play in the welfare of their students and we would expect there to be sufficient chaplaincy and pastoral support available for all students. Prevent Duty Guidance Muslim chaplain An important adviser to staff and students Careful selection process Clear job description and line management Strong pastoral support “..responsibility relates to ‘normal’ strategies of support for students – mentoring, personal tutoring & freedom from racism or harassment.” “..not …to ‘spot & shop’ potential terrorists, but to provide space to listen.” Lynn Davies 11 Sep 2015, University World News
External Speakers 11. “…where any event is being allowed to proceed, speakers with extremist views that could draw people into terrorism are challenged with opposing views as part of that same event, rather than in a separate forum.” Prevent Duty Guidance
HEFCE Monitoring role Stress need to maintain academic freedom and freedom of expression
Notice, Check, Share Student Support and Guidance (CWAG 24321) Prevent Lead Any conversation relating to concerns about a student can be anonymous in the first instance Not expecting nor wanting colleagues to call the police
NOTICE Are you concerned about a student? Perhaps you’ve noticed a change in behaviour; are they becoming withdrawn, or acting differently? Maybe it’s something the student has said that’s worrying you. Staff in front-line support roles will often be the first to notice if a student is experiencing difficulties. CHECK Don’t ignore your concerns – check with others who may also have noticed something. You could speak to the student directly, or talk to colleagues/academic tutors, to see if they share your concerns. - SHARE If you are still worried about a student, contact Central Welfare & Guidance (x24321) to share your concerns. The team may be able to offer support and guidance to the student. If you are unsure about what might happen next, please refer to the “Referrals to Safeguarding Board” process.
Referral Check and share Discussion with police contact Safeguarding Board Adult Safeguarding – Sheffield City Council Case conference model If the student doesn’t wish to engage? Keep trying As with any other support/safeguarding/ grooming issue
Channel Channel provides support across the country to those who may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism. The overall aim of the programme is early intervention and diverting people away from the risk they may face. Channel uses existing collaboration between partners to support individuals and protect them from being drawn into terrorism. Who delivers channel? The process is a multi agency approach with a wide range of agencies and local partners working together to provide support for individuals.
Channel What kind of support is provided? Examples of support provided could include mentoring, diversionary activities such as sport, signposting to mainstream services such as education, employment or housing. Support is always tailored to specific needs of the individual following assessment by the multi-agency panel.
What about staff? Worried about a colleague? Treated the same way as any other concern – speak to Line Manager/HR Notice, Check, Share
Supporting the Supporters: Prevent at TUOS More information can be found on the Prevent web pages: