American author research/novel paper
components Task You been assigned an American Literature Author to research, read and analyze a novel as well as research the historical context. The purpose of doing this is to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of that person’s life, works, and contributions to the landscape of great literature. You also researched the historical context of the novel. You will present your findings in a formal paper as well as a presentations:
Essential questions: From what kind of background does your author come? How does these experiences have influenced his or her writing? Authors are defined by their unique writing style, tone, common themes, and use of literary devices. In analyzing the literature you read by your author, what major issues and themes are noteworthy? How has your author’s work changed society or the world around us? What do literary critics have to say about your author’s body of writing? How did the world/society react to the book when it was published? Now? Why? What are your own pinions?
Components of Paper I. Introduction II. Historical Context of Society during Setting of Novel III. Author Section (Break into Personal and Professional) What influenced your author to write the novel Literary Analysis Section Summary of Book Analysis of Novel Conclusion
Your paper will include the following sections in this order:g Introduction: Your thesis is vital to the success of your paper. Do not cite in your introduction. Do not start your paper with a quote or question. Society Study: Present an overview of the time period. Focus on events that will be included in your literary analysis. Your society paragraphs will include major historical events and cultural aspects of the time (such as popular culture, inventions, reform movements, and important government policies and events). Personal information: In this section, discuss your author’s personal background. This information will include: childhood, education, marriage, etc. (chronological order). Professional information: This includes your author’s literary achievements and job/educational experience includes writing. Literary Analysis: This is the most important part of your paper. Choose three quotes that are easy to connect to society and discuss those connections. All works must be included. The connection may be personal but must ultimately reflect society’s influence on the author’s life. Conclusion: Make sure you conclude as strongly as you started your paper. Many have weak conclusions because the writer rushes to finish. Do not undermine your hard work with a weak conclusion.
Introduction When writing an introduction, follow ANT. Attention grabber – get the reader’s attention (First Sentence in First Paragraph). • relevant quote from an outside source • fact or statistic • description of initial response to the work• shocking or amusing generalization.. Necessary information (2-4 sentences in your first paragraph): American society was impacted by various events in the 1960s, such as Woodstock, the assassination of JFK, space exploration, the cold war and segregation. Segregation was a huge problem in themed- 1900s and it caused many African American men and women to not reach their full potential. Jackie Robinson was among these people. The difference between Jackie and other African Americans was that he acted upon the racism and made a name for himself. Thesis (last sentence in your first paragraph): Your thesis should consist of a topic and limiting ideas. It should never be a question. It should be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph.
What a thesis should be: 1. A topic or subject by itself cannot serve as a thesis statement. That information tells what the paper is about, but not what you and your research have to say about it. 2. A question cannot serve as a thesis statement because it is not a statement. A question merely says that an answer will follow. However, a question-and-answer pair can be a thesis statement. 3. A general statement that lacks a detailed point of view cannot serve as a thesis statement. A general statement may give the reader background information but does not reflect your point of view. 4. A “so what?” statement. This kind of thesis statement is too obvious (common knowledge) and demonstrates no originality of thought.
What a thesis should be 1. A complete sentence or two summarizing the point of view in your paper. 2. A specific declaration of your main idea. 3. A statement reflecting your position.
examples THESIS: Call of the Wild, written by Jack London, reflected his own personal experiences as well as the late 1800s and early 1900s through depictions of life in the Klondike and racial tensions. THESIS: Louisa May Alcott, author of Little Women, was a phenomenal writer because she wrote the truth about how girls were pressured in society of the 1800s which was also influenced from her own childhood experiences. THESIS: The influence of racism and slavery in the 1600s is seen throughout Mark Twain’s book, Huckleberry Finn. THESIS: Ernest J. Gaines reflects an African American outlook on society in the 1940s through his own childhood experiences and historical events in his famous book, A Lesson before Dying.
Historical context section Historical Context: Present an overview of the time period. Focus on events that will be included in your literary analysis. Your historical context paragraphs will include major historical events and cultural aspects of the time (such as popular culture, inventions, reform movements, and important government policies and events). Focus on events that are relevant to your novel
Author Section Personal information: In this section, discuss your author’s personal background. This information will include: childhood, education, marriage, etc. (chronological order). Professional information: This includes your author’s literary achievements and job/educational experience includes writing. Also, include why the influenced the author to write the novel.
Literary analysis: This is the most important part of your paper. Choose three quotes that are easy to connect to society and discuss those connections. All works must be included. The connection may be personal but must ultimately reflect society’s influence on the author’s life.
Lit analysis
Lit analysis cont…..
Introduction set up When writing an introduction, follow ANT. Attention grabber – get the reader’s attention (First Sentence in First Paragraph). • relevant quote from an outside source • fact or statistic • description of initial response to the work• shocking or amusing generalization.. Necessary information (2-4 sentences in your first paragraph): American society was impacted by various events in the 1960s, such as Woodstock, the assassination of JFK, space exploration, the cold war and segregation. Segregation was a huge problem in themed-1900s and it caused many African American men and women to not reach their full potential. Jackie Robinson was among these people. The difference between Jackie and other African Americans was that he acted upon the racism and made a name for himself. Thesis (last sentence in your first paragraph): Your thesis should consist of a topic and limiting ideas. It should never be a question. It should be the last sentence of the introduction paragraph.
BODY PARAGRAPHS Writing Body Paragraph help: TIQA- format: T-Topic Sentence: 1st sentence EX: The war’s impact on the economy and society was tremendous in the 1940s. I-Intro do quote or Paraphrase: Many social events were shut down.—2nd sentence Q-Quote or Paraphrase: EX of quote: “The 1940s was one of the hardest times in history” (Goodwin). EX of paraphrase: Many sports that required leather ball were severally impacted because the leather used to make balls were being used for the war effort. The only sport like that was not affected was basketball (Goodwin). A-Analyze and Connect to thesis: Analyze the quote or example. After you have provided the example or quote, you must spend a few sentences explaining how the example or quote supports the topic sentence. This is the VERY important. It is NOT a summary. This is YOUR opinion.