03 October 2017 Staff consultation BFW Management Ltd ‘As the health Sector is under increasing pressure to make significant savings, it is essential that different ways to deliver the property functions are considered, to drive transformational change in the way property is utilised ’ [Document title]
THE COMPANY BFW Management Ltd:- 03 October 2017 THE COMPANY BFW Management Ltd:- The organisation has approx.170 staff. BFW management Ltd is a wholly owned company limited by shares. It has a budget of approx. £20m. Significant efficiency savings achieved. Provides a fully management healthcare facilities management service. Has a head office, which is Ainscoe House. The company has a BFW Management ltd Board consisting of four Directors. It will manage a 15 year Service Contract to provide a property and estates service function to the Trust. There is an Internal client responsibility. Property related contracts have been identified, which will be novated. The company will have its own identity and branding. [Document title]
03 October 2017 Benefits The implementation of the BFW will generate efficiencies and benefits:- Service delivery improvements- This will be delivered through a mix of procurement efficiencies, contract management, economies of scale, partnership working and business process improvements. Efficiencies and flexibility: This will allow BFW Management Ltd to develop its service on the same footing as other commercial providers, i.e. tax and VAT benefits. Grant funding: Grants and Government funding is more readily available with a company structure and through a separate corporate structure. Generate income from trading opportunities- This will allow flexibility to trade and generate income. It will allow innovation –This will give BFW Management Ltd the opportunity to do things differently, providing future opportunities for partnership working, innovative delivery and investment. A commercial advantage. BFW Management Ltd will have greater freedom to operate and have the advantage of being outside some public sector restrictions. [Document title]
Staff Consultation – TUPE Measures Corporate Support Services i.e. Finance, Workforce and OD, ICT will be provided by the Trust to BFWM under a service specification agreement which will be reviewed annually. Client contract responsibility:- Any performance measurement relation to the monitoring of the BFWM service contract will be undertaken within the Trust. Other property related services The Head Office of BFW Management Ltd (BFWM) will be Ainscoe House, Blackpool Victoria Hospital. Terms and conditions of all transferring employees will mirror their current terms and conditions under Agenda for Change, and continuity of employment will be preserved.
Staff Consultation – TUPE Measures Trust employment policies and procedures are not contractual however, BFWM intend to retain these initially and follow them. There will be consultation if any policies or procedures are to be reviewed, changed or developed by BFWM in the future. BFWM has applied for Admitted Body Status so that transferring employees can access the NHS Pension Scheme. We understand that this is important to transferring employees and we will keep you updated on this application throughout the consultation process. BFWM intends to recognise Unison and Unite and will work with them to develop an appropriate Recognition Agreement. Access to discounts currently available to employees because they are employed by the Trust will cease from the date of transfer. Access to wider NHS discount benefits may change. BFWM will use best endeavors to try and obtain access to NHS discount benefits and any Trust benefits for employees but cannot provide any guarantees.
Staff Consultation– TUPE Measures Transferring employees who currently access salary sacrifice schemes will continue with the terms of the schemes post transfer. BFWM will use best endeavors to obtain future salary sacrifice schemes but cannot provide any guarantees. All schemes are subject to change if this is necessary to comply with HMRC requirements. A Compliance Business Unit will be established. The role of the CBU is to ensure that BFWM is legally and technically compliant. A Business Support Unit will be established to ensure the additional client role and responsibilities are delivered . An Energy and Sustainability Business Unit will be established. BFWM will provide a new uniform to employees. Employee email addresses will change to reflect BFWM’s email address.
Next Steps Staff will be invited to book into a one to one session with their line manager and Workforce Representative. Individual opportunity to raise issues and to check information. TU Reps have been sent dates for information and to ensure they are also available should they be needed. Locations of one to one meetings to be confirmed. Line managers to brief staff who cannot attend. FAQ documents to be circulated from consultation briefings.