BACK PAIN A Pain Specialist's Perspective
Background Neurosurgical ablative treatments for pain since 19th century but now infrequently used Ablation eclipsed by percutaneous injections or therapies that target central or peripheral pathways
Pain An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience which we primarily associate with tissue damage or describe in terms of such damage, or both Pain is “the perception of a noxious stimulus that begins in the dorsal horn and involves the entire spinal cord and brain.” The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience which we primarily associate with tissue damage or describe in terms of such damage, or both.” Pain can be described in terms of sensory, emotional, and cognitive components. These 3 components of pain are reflected in the mechanisms of the transmission and modulation of painful stimuli. Such mechanisms are mediated through the nociceptor neurons, the spinal cord processes, and the cerebral or brain processes. Many different taxonomies exist for the classification of pain. In the clinical setting, a physician must infer the pathophysiology of a pain syndrome from his or her patient’s clinical evaluation. The most common of these inferred pathophysiologies may be described as nociceptive, neuropathic, and mixed. For more information, please see Pain Assessment.
Pain Pathophysiology Nociceptive pain Neuropathic pain Pain is the human awareness of nociception and has been defined as “an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with tissue damage or described in terms of such damage.” A much more complex phenomenon than simple nociception, pain may arise in 2 ways: (1) as a response to a pathophysiologic process occurring within the tissues, eg, inflammation, or (2) in response to a pathologic process occurring along and within the nervous system pain pathways. In the first instance, the pain signal generates from intact primary afferent nerves that signal noxious events, or nociceptors. This type of pain has been called nociceptive. Nociceptors can be sensitized by release of algogenic agents (eg, protons, prostaglandins, bradykinin, serotonin, adenosine, cytokines, etc). In the second instance, the pain signal is generated ectopically and often in the absence of ongoing noxious events by pathologic processes in the peripheral or central nervous system. This pain is termed neuropathic. For more information, please see Pathophysiology of Pain.
Nociception The detection of tissue damage by specialized transducers connected to A-delta and C-fibers Nociception has been defined by Loeser (2000) as “the detection of tissue damage by specialized transducers connected to A-delta and C-fibers.” Anatomically, this process occurs predominantly peripherally and involves the nociceptor neurons, which terminate in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Nociceptors are the primary afferent neurons with specific nerve endings that can distinguish between noxious (thermal, chemical, and mechanical) and innocuous events, and can initially transmit this information centrally to the spinal cord.
Classification of Pain Nociception Proportionate to the stimulation of the nociceptor When acute Physiologic pain Serves a protective function Normal pain Pathologic when chronic Pain is termed “nociceptive” when the clinical evaluation suggests that it is sustained primarily by the nociceptive system. Nociceptive pain is pain that is proportionate to the degree of actual tissue damage. A more severe injury results in a pain that is perceived to be greater than that caused by a less severe injury. Such pain serves a protective function. Sensing a noxious stimulus, a person behaves in certain ways to reduce the injury and promote healing (eg, pulling his finger away from a hot object). This “good” pain serves a positive function. Some examples of nociceptive pain are acute burns, bone fracture, and other somatic and visceral pains.
Classification of Pain: Neuropathic Pain Sustained by aberrant processes in PNS or CNS Disproportionate to the stimulation of nociceptor Serves no protective function Pathologic pain Neuropathic pain occurs through central nervous system (CNS) changes, such as the processes of “wind-up” phenomenon and central sensitization that can occur in patients with a prolonged exposure to noxious stimuli or nerve injury, or through peripheral nervous system (PNS) changes, such as neuroma formation. It is disproportionate to the degree of tissue damage; it can occur without nociception. Also called neurogenic pain, neuropathic pain occurs when pathophysiologic changes become independent of the inciting event, thus serving no protective function. Neuropathic pain does not serve a positive function for the overall health of the person. Some examples of neuropathic pain are painful diabetic and other peripheral neuropathies, deafferentation and sympathetically-maintained pains, and nerve inflammation, compression, or laceration. For more information, please see Pain Assessment and Neuropathic Pain.
Peripheral and Central Pathways for Pain Ascending Tracts Descending Tracts Cortex Thalamus Midbrain Pons The physiology of normal pain transmission involves some basic concepts that are necessary to understand the pathophysiology of abnormal or nonphysiologic pain. These include the concept of transduction of the first- order afferent neuron nociceptors. The nociceptor neurons have specific receptors that respond to specific stimuli if a specific degree of amplitude of the stimulus is applied to the receptor in the periphery. If sufficient stimulation of the receptor occurs, then there is a depolarization of the nociceptor neuron. The nociceptive axon carries this impulse from the periphery into the dorsal horn of the spinal cord to make connections directly, and indirectly, through spinal interneurons, with second-order afferent neurons in the spinal cord. The second-order neurons can transmit these impulses from the spinal cord to the brain. Second-order neurons ascend mostly via the spinothalamic tract up the spinal cord and terminate in higher neural structures, including the thalamus of the brain. Third-order neurons originate from the thalamus and transmit their signals to the cerebral cortex. Evidence exists that numerous supraspinal control areas—including the reticular formation, midbrain, thalamus, hypothalamus, the limbic system of the amygdala and the cingulate cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebral cortex— modulate pain. Neurons originating from these cerebral areas synapse with the neuronal cells of the descending spinal pathways, which terminate in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. Medulla Spinal Cord
“Healthy” nociceptors Nociceptive Pain Neuropathic Pain PNS peripheral nervous system PNS Peripheral sensitization “Healthy” nociceptors Abnormal nociceptors CNS central nervous system CNS Central sensitization Normal transmission The interplay of PNS and CNS pain mechanisms is complex. This slide highlights the interaction of physiologic and pathologic processes: 1) the activation of “healthy” nociceptors associated with central sensitization in response to a noxious stimulus, trauma, or inflammatory disease (nociceptive pain), and 2) because of still poorly-known mechanisms, the development of ectopic nociceptor activity and the occurrence of dorsal horn/CNS reorganization. Central reorganization Physiologic state Pathologic state Pappagallo M. 2001.
Chronic Pain Syndrome End result of a variety of pathological and psychological mechanisms that may have included, at some stage tissue or nerve damage.
Pain Interventions Nerve blocks and injections should be seen as part of a process of education and rehabilitation, allowing an opportunity for mobilization and return to normal activity.
Nerve Blocks (1) Diagnostic: local anaesthetic only, to clarify mechanism or simulate effects of therapy Therapeutic: anaesthetise a site or pathway temporarily(local anaesthetic) or “permanently”(lytic agent, cryo, radiofrequency) or reduce inflammation (corticosteroids) A block may be diagnostic and therapeutic eg. Symapthetic block or trigger point injection
Nerve Blocks (1) Diagnostic: local anaesthetic only, to clarify mechanism or simulate effects of therapy Therapeutic: anaesthetise a site or pathway temporarily(local anaesthetic) or “permanently”(lytic agent, cryo, radiofrequency) or reduce inflammation (corticosteroids) A block may be diagnostic and therapeutic eg. Symapthetic block or trigger point injection
Nerve Blocks (II) Common blocks for chronic pain include -Trigger-point injection -Bier block -Peripheral nerve injection (eg. Ilioinguinal,lateral femoral cutaenous, greater occipital) -Epidural injection -Intra-articular(eg.facet, SI joint) Sympathetic block(cervical, lumbar) Plexus block (coeliac, hypogastric)
Nerve Blocks (III) Case reports, preclinical data support long lasting effects of local anaesthetic blockade - RCTs support lytic coeliac block However, unclear how much clinical improvement reflects placebo effects, irrevelant cues, systematic absorption of local anaesthetic, expectations Side effects possible Rarely successful as a stand alone strategy for chronic pain
Trigger Point Injection Myofascial pain syndrome Taut band palpable (if muscle is accessible) Exquisite spot tenderness of a nodule in a taut band Pressure on tender nodule reproduces pain Range of motion with stretch limited by pain Techniques Dry needling Local anaesthetic only Local anaesthetic and steroid Botulinum toxin
Epidural Injection (I) Employed for decades using various techniques materials and patients Limited RCT evidence of efficacy Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar , Caudal Trans laminar Transforaminal
Epidural Injection(II) Applied for symptomatic relief in Disc protrusion with radiculopathy Spinal stenosis(circumferential or transforaminal) Acute pain, local inflammation of vertebral fracture Acute herpes Zoster May facilitate rehabilitation, avert surgery when applied within multidisciplinary frame work
Steroid Injections Interlaminar Epidural
Nerve Root Injection Diagnostic Establish or confirm mechanism of pain Therapeutic Local anaesthetic plus corticosteroid Technique Fluroscopy or CT essential for needle placement with contrast confirmation
INTRA ARTICULAR INJECTIONS Facet and Sacroiliac joints most common Diagnostic facet syndrome or SI joint pain Simulate results of potential spinal fusion or denervation of medial branch of dorsal ramus Therapeutic (local anaesthetic + corticosteroid) Reduce inflammation, pain Increase mobility, facilitate rehabilitation
Specific anatomic syndromes Facet syndrome Continuous pain worsened by rotation and extension Radiation into the leg or gluteal area, in a non-dermatomal distribution Tenderness over the joints and paravertebral muscle spasm
Sacroiliac joint injection
Symapthetic Blocks Diagnostic Therapeutic Technique Stellate ganglion Lumbar Therapeutic CRPS of upper and lower extremity Vascular insufficiency Refractory angina Technique Local anaesthetic, Neurolytic
MISCELLANEOUS Trigeminal ganglion Glossopharyngeal nerve Sphenopalatine ganglion
Managing Pain
CONCLUSION Interventional approaches are often reserved for patients with well established problems, failure of other treatments and pronounced disability. Do we miss an opportunity for early cost effective preventive treatment by reserving interventions for those least likely to benefit? “Doctors think a lot of patients are cured who have simply quit in disgust” DON HEROLD 1889