contents Project overview Block diagram Microcontroller 8052 Motor Driver IC Android App and Bluetooth Device Schematic & Working of the project Advantages Applications Future scope Conclusion
Project overview The project is designed to develop a robotic vehicle using android application for remote operation. This robot along with camera can wirelessly transmit real time video with night vision capabilities. This is kind of robot can be helpful for spying purpose in war fields
Contd.. The whole path that the robot traverse is being seen by the wireless night vision camera that is placed on robot and accordingly the video signals are sent by the camera for the direction it traversed. Remote operation is achieved by any smart-phone/Tablet etc., with Android OS, upon a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based touch screen operation.
Block diagram
Microcontroller It is a smaller computer Has on-chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports... RAM ROM I/O Port Timer Serial COM Port Microcontroller CPU A single chip
Features of MC 8052 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range Fully Static Operation: 0 Hz to 33 MHz 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM 32 Programmable I/O Lines Three 16-bit Timer/Counters Eight Interrupt Sources Full Duplex UART Serial Channel
Block diagram of MC CPU On-chip RAM On-chip ROM for program code 4 I/O Ports Timer 0 Serial Port OSC Interrupt Control External interrupts Timer 1 Timer/Counter Bus Control TxD RxD P0 P1 P2 P3 Address/Data Counter Inputs
Pin out of 8052
What is called Android..? Android is an open-source operating system which means that any manufacturer can use it in their phones free of charge. It was built to be truly open. For example, an application can call upon any of the phone’s core functionality such as making calls, sending text messages, or using the camera.
…….contd Android is built on the open Linux Kernel. Furthermore, it utilizes a custom virtual machine that was designed to optimize memory and hardware resources in a mobile environment.
What is an android application on mobile phones? An android app is meant for phones with an android based operating systems. They can be downloaded from the android app Market which is pre-loaded on every android phone. Blue control APP and Bluetooth Spp APP are some examples.
Android-The world's most powerful mobile platform Very customizable. Open source operating system is easily changed, hacked, manipulated, and molded to fit whatever functionality you had in mind. Found on all platforms for all prices depending on what hardware and software version you are interested in. The battery is usually replaceable.
COMPARISION OF ANDROID WITH OTHER OS ANDROID OS : Android is open source software, manufacturers can modify the operating system to suit their respective needs and phones. This becomes a cheap and feasible alternative for the manufacturer, as opposed to developing an operating system in-house or hiring a software company to do it.
i-OS: It's not available on all carriers but this is expanding. The battery is not replaceable which is why all the I Phone users you know have it plugged in all the time as the battery degrades.
Windows Phone: Windows Phone is a closed-sourced, which means that it is solely developed by the company and protected by copyright. The Windows Store is limited as there only a few number of apps
An example of Android App Blue-control Screen
ANDROID APPLICATION OPERATED BLUETOOTH The Android platform includes support for the Bluetooth network stack, which allows a device to wirelessly exchange data with other Bluetooth devices. The application framework provides access to the Bluetooth functionality through the Android Bluetooth APIs.
FEATURES OF BLUETOOTH Super simple and easy way to interface using Bluetooth stack. 3.3V Device with standard 5V DC Power source. Can also support SPI Protocol, pins are made available. Low power consumption, Low cost. Has high-performance wireless transceiver system Can be used to interface with PC, Mac or Android phones/tablets.
Generic Default Visibility at Software side:HC-06 or Linvor Default Pairing code is not '0000' but '1234'. Please use Baud Rate with 8-N-1 connectivity from other device. Works with any microcontroller with Serial connectivity.
Power on Reset circuit +5V + 10 uF 31 EA/VPP X1 30 pF 19 11.0592 MHz 8.2 K 10 uF + 11.0592 MHz EA/VPP X1 X2 RST 31 19 18 9
RF remote control The circuit uses HT 12E, HT 12D encoder and decoder. 433MHz ASK transmitter and receiver is used for the remote control.
Features of RF Range in open space(Standard Conditions) : 100 Meters RX Receiver Frequency : 433 MHz RX Typical Sensitivity : 105 Dbm RX Supply Current : 3.5 mA RX IF Frequency : 1MHz Low Power Consumption Easy For Application RX Operating Voltage : 5V TX Frequency Range : 433.92 MHz TX Supply Voltage : 3V ~ 6V TX Out Put Power : 4 ~ 12 Dbm
RF Encoder & Decoder The HT 12E Encoder ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for Remote Control system applications. They are capable of Encoding 12 bit of information which consists of N address bits and 12-N data bits. The HT 12D ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system applications. This ICs are paired with each other. For proper operation a pair of encoder/decoder with the same number of address and data format should be selected. The Decoder receive the serial address and data from its corresponding decoder, transmitted by a carrier using an RF transmission medium and gives output to the output pins after processing the data.
Wireless Camera Wireless camera detects and scan all the common video frequencies, usually somewhere between 50 MHz and 30 GHz, within a certain radius It then allow the user to monitor what is being broadcast on those frequencies, if the signal is strong enough, the wireless camera detectors usually display the images.
MOTOR driver L293D L293D is a dual H-bridge motor driver integrated circuit (IC). Motor drivers act as current amplifiers since they take a low-current control signal and provide a higher-current signal. This higher current signal is used to drive the motors. L293D contains two inbuilt H-bridge driver circuits. In its common mode of operation, two DC motors can be driven simultaneously, both in forward and reverse direction.
Operation of motor driver L293D has 2 set of arrangements where one set has input 1, input 2, output 1 and output 2 and other set has input 3, input 4, output 3 and output 4, according to block diagram if pin no 2 & 7 are high then pin no 3 & 6 are also high. If enable 1 and pin number 2 are high leaving pin number 7 as low then the motor rotates in forward direction. If enable 2 and pin number 10 are high leaving pin number 15 as low then the motor rotates in forward direction.
Contd.. If enable 1 and pin number 2 are low leaving pin number 7 as high then the motor rotates in reverse direction. If enable 2 and pin number 15 are high leaving pin number 10 as low then the motor rotates in forward direction.
Advantages Streaming of Video without visible light Inbuilt option to switch ON & OFF IR lights when required Disadvantages Limited distance of operation(50ft) Video is Streaming not recording
Working of project Refer to cd