Richard Douglas 14 September 2011 Preliminary Recommendations for the Business Sector in the Eastern Cape Province Richard Douglas 14 September 2011
Company level interventions
PREVENTION OF TB AND HIV Provision of condoms: particularly female condoms Provision of PEP and PREP: provision of preventative therapy where indicated.
ANNUAL TESTING AND SCREENING Annual provider initiated HIV counselling and testing and TB and STI screening Robust referral systems Immediate CD4 staging. Ensure men friendly clinics. Train peer educators, supervisors and managers to identify potential TB cases.
PROGRAMMES EMPOWERING WOMEN Recognition of different risks faced by men and women Explicit and detailed programmes that support and empower women Reproductive and maternal health rights Target young women in the workplace
CSI TO FOCUS ON HIV, TB &STI’S IN COMMUNITIES Training of community champions to address risks outside the factory gate
MIGRATION Address all issues related to migration - labour receiving such as agriculture is informal and seasonal, labour sending to mines and industry (out of province) and to urban centres (out of rural districts)
SECTORAL REPORTING TOOL Lead by example – report. M&E should ideally include unique patient identifiers based on a national master index for effective referral and monitoring. Data to be collected at company level and reported at industry and district level.
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT FOR MEDIUM-SIZED COMPANIES Programme offered by SABCOHA giving technical assistance in designing and implementing HIV and Wellness programmes and management systems
MOBILISE BUSINESS TO PARTICIPATE Include HIV and Wellness programme in "Best Company to Work For" surveys and other business competitions Lobby media coverage of workplace successes and other important HIV messaging. Research required into the return on investment of workplace programmes - proof of a positive return on investment.
RESOURCE MOBILISATION Resource mobilisation both from international partners and private sector to support a coordination mechanism at a sectoral level . SABCOHA uniquely positioned to effect this coordination.
KNOWLEDGE AND RESEARCH MANAGEMENT Involves collaboration in: disseminating sharing research findings implementation identifying research needs agreeing priorities
ADDRESS ALCOHOL ABUSE Mobilise and support initiatives aimed at addressing harmful alcohol consumption and risky sexual behaviour
CONDOM DISTRIBUTION IN HIGH TRAFFIC PUBLIC AREAS Condom dispensers or vending machines placed outside strategic points for increased access (coupled with education on regular and proper use)
MEDICAL MALE CIRCUMCISION Refer male employees for MMC in partnership with the DoH, have a policy on time off from work as an incentive
PLEASE VOTE Support Needs Refinement Don’t Support (please comment)