Professor Christine Stevenson MA History of Art Professor Christine Stevenson
the ethos, and intensity, of the programme
Core Methodology Course Programme Taught Component Special Option Core Methodology Course Research Dissertation
teaching and learning seminar discussion groups, including on-site lectures one-on-one tutorials supporting the completion of research projects seminar presentations constituting part of the ‘informally assessed’ (formative) coursework, which also includes essays and other written submissions
Special Option classes run through the autumn and spring terms, with formal teaching concluding in week 8 of the spring term; thereafter most teaching takes the form of tutorials the Core Methodology course runs during the autumn term on a Monday during weeks 3, 5, 7 and 9 in the Modern and Contemporary section, ‘A Closer Look’ lectures run on the alternate Mondays in the autumn term Renaissance period option classes are team-taught during the autumn term, and then break into smaller seminar groups during the spring term
the Virtual Exhibition
MA History of Art Special Options in 2017-18: