Participant Poll What is your current role in the grant? Project Manager Faculty Dean/VP/Other Leadership Role Career Navigator/Coach Other (list in chat) How far along are you in your sustainability work? Early stages Have done some sustainability work Have done significant sustainability work
Sustainability Virtual Institute: Round 4 TAACCCT Sustainability Virtual Institute: Launch Webinar February 28, 2017 2 – 3 p.m. EST
TAACCCT Announcements March Consultancy Call on Employers, Internships and Apprenticeships March 20 @ 4 PM EST Invitations Coming Soon Data Validity Letters Coming Soon You may receive a letter asking you to review your FY 2016 APR Outcomes.
Presenters MODERATOR: Eugenie Agia, Workforce Analyst, TAACCCT Grants, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration. FACILITATOR: Jennifer Freeman, Program Director, TAACCCT Learning Network, Jobs for the Future GRANTEES: Tara Sheffer M.A., Coordinator, Division of Engineering & Business Programs, Logistics Grants, Columbus State Community College, Round 3 Scott Wegeng, Supervisor, Grant Projects, Division of Engineering & Business Programs, Columbus State Community College, Round 3 Rebecca Lake, Dean, Workforce and Economic Development, Illinois Network for Advanced Manufacturing (iNAM), William Rainey Harper College, Round 2
Participant Poll What is your current role in the grant? Project Manager Faculty Dean/VP/Other Leadership Role Career Navigator/Coach Other (list in chat) How far along are you in your sustainability work? Early stages Have done some sustainability work Have done significant sustainability work
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Sustainability Virtual Institute Overview TAACCCT Sustainability Toolkit Overview Grantee Examples Q&A Closure and Wrap-up
Sustainability Virtual Institute Overview
SVI Timeline 1st Coaching Call/Assessment: February 6— February 24 Kick Off SVI Webinar: February 28 (2:00—3:30 p.m., ET) 2nd Team Planning Calls: March 1—March 24 SVI Webinar Part 2: March 28 (2:00—3:30 p.m., ET) Final Team Planning Calls: Final Team Planning Calls: June 1—June 23 Final SVI Webinar: June 27 (2:00—3:30 p.m., ET)
Participant Question 3. What practices/policies/strategies do you want to sustain? (describe in chat) 4. What barrier to sustainability are you most concerned about? (describe in chat)
Access the toolkit at: TAACCCT Sustainability Toolkit Access the toolkit at:
Why focus on sustainability?
Examples Credit for Prior Learning Work-Based Learning WI, CO and LA created statewide, transparent credit-for-prior-learning processes to accelerate student success Work-Based Learning Colleges in Michigan are maintaining work-based learning models and operating them as Registered Apprenticeship programs Relationships with employers Colleges across the country plan to maintain and expand the strong working partnerships they have with employers.
Visit our website: Dr. Rebecca Lake, Dean Harper College November 28, 2016 Visit our website:
Illinois Community College Districts TAACCCT Round 2 grant Illinois Network for Advanced Manufacturing (INAM) Members: 21 community college Goal: Expand and improve the delivery of CTE programs aligned with industry-recognized credentials for student employment in high-skill advanced manufacturing occupations. FPO Pics Go Here
Sustainable Deliverables Deliverable 1: Education Plans created for each students and a “coach or navigator” increasing student retention and completion. This includes assisting with enrolling, courses clearly listed, advising when to take courses, etc. Deliverable 2: Enhanced and/or new curriculum for short-term certificates written with common learning objectives.
Sustainable Deliverables Deliverable 3: Equipment purchased and/or enhancement of a room or facility to augment learning. Deliverable 4: Enhanced employers relations increasing donations of equipment and supplies; scholarship funding; hiring of students and graduates; working to align curriculum with workforce needs. Deliverable 5: Articulation agreements signed four Universities to structure ongoing career pathways to Bachelor’s Degree in Manufacturing.
Moving Forward Using What Valuable Outcomes Learned Each College implemented and continues to use those shared ideas and outcomes relevant to their institution that started in INAM. Harper easily shifted from INAM to Registered Apprenticeships (American Apprenticeship Initiative Grant) enhancing what was learned. Harper became a Registered Apprenticeship Program Sponsor. This is a Win-Win-Win outcome for the TAACCCT Grants, the overall vision of ETA, and those companies and students we serve every day.
Round 3 TAACCCT LINCS National Consortium | Broward College, Lead Tara Sheffer, Coordinator Logistics Grants Scott Wegeng, Supervisor Grant Projects
LINCS & SCPro Fundamentals Partnered with CSCMP to develop SCPro™ Fundamentals Certification program A career development program for entry- and mid-level supply chain professionals 8 certification tracks covering key disciplines within SCM Supply Chain Principles Demand Planning Customer Service Operations Supply Management & Procurement Transportation Operations Manufacturing & Service Operations Warehousing Operations Inventory Management
Our Approach to Sustainability Planning Focused on sustainability from the start Sustainability planning is not a linear process Used the toolkit and coaching sessions to inform discussions Included diverse stakeholders: project staff, faculty, non- credit, grant’s office staff, R4 TAACCCT staff Focused on both the project and institutional levels
Sustainability Efforts 1-credit online self-paced courses aligning with certifications Employer training partnerships and industry engagement Fast-track enrollment process Further embed SCPro Fundamentals content into associate degree programs A.S.S. Supply Chain Management (20+ years) A.A.S. Engineering Technology (new degree, NSF) Create an impact report that focuses on our individual institution
Making the Most of SVI Think broadly about key innovations Prepare for your coaching calls Focus on telling your story Be willing to revise your sustainability plan Know that SVI is a starting point
Wrap-up and Next Steps
SVI Timeline 2nd Team Planning Calls: March 1—March 24 SVI Webinar Part 2: March 28 (2:00—3:30 p.m., ET) Final Team Planning Calls: Final Team Planning Calls: June 1—June 23 Final SVI Webinar: June 27 (2:00—3:30 p.m., ET)
If you want to learn more about peer mentoring email Thank You! Download the new TAACCCT Sustainability Toolkit & Resources on WorkforceGPS Download Lessons from TAACCCT Round One Consortia: The Community College Transformative Change Initiative (TCI) report Connect with the NEW TAACCCT Community of Practice and search for TAACCCT resources at: Ask questions and to connect with peers and resources at If you want to learn more about peer mentoring email