CSE202 Database Management Systems


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Presentation transcript:

CSE202 Database Management Systems Lecture 0 Organizational Issues Prepared & Presented by Asst. Prof. Dr. Samsun M. BAŞARICI

Organizational Issues About this Course Course Title Course Code Semester Course Hour/Week ADU Credit ECTS Introduction to Computer Applications CSE 202 Spring Theory 2 Practice 3 4 Course Type 1. Compulsory Courses   1.1. Programme Compulsory Courses X 1.2. University Compulsory Courses (UFND) 1.3. YÖK (Higher Education Council) Compulsory Courses 2. Elective Courses 2.1. Program Elective Courses 2.2. University Elective Courses 3. Prerequisites Courses 3.1. Compulsory Prerequisites Courses 3.2. Elective Prerequisites Courses Organizational Issues

About this Course (Cont.) Language of Instruction English Level of Course Associate Degree (Short Cycle) Undergraduate (First Cycle) Graduate (Second Cycle) Doctoral Course (Third Cycle) Special Pre-Conditions of the Course (compulsory)  None Special Pre-Conditions of the Course (recommended) Course Instructor(s) Dr. Samsun M. Başarıcı Mail: sbasarici@adu.edu.tr Web: http://akademik.adu.edu.tr/fakulte/muhendislik/personel/sbasarici/anasayfa Organizational Issues

Main Objective(s) of this Course To provide the basis for data handling and management To make students able to apply data management and storage optimization techniques to a given problem Write queries to manipulate data Organizational Issues

Learning Outcomes of this Course Upon successful completion of this course, students will Know the main concepts of data and databases Understand the difference between data and information Understand the fundamentals of relational, object-oriented, and distributed database systems including: data models, database architectures, and database manipulations Organizational Issues

Learning Outcomes of this Course (Cont.) Understand the theories and techniques in developing database applications and be able to demonstrate the ability to build databases using enterprise DBMS products such as Oracle or SQL Server Be familiar with managing database systems Understand new developments and trends in databases Organizational Issues

Organizational Issues Course Content General information about databases and database users Database system concepts and architecture SQL and SQL programming techniques Relational algebra, relational calculus and entity-relationship (ER) model Object and object-relational databases UML and XML Functional dependencies and normalization for relational databases Organizational Issues

Organizational Issues Course Content (Cont.) Relational database design algorithms Disk storage, file structures, hashing and indexing structures for files Query processing and optimization Database security & database recovery techniques Distributed databases Organizational Issues

Organizational Issues Resources Required Course Material (s) /Reading(s)/Text Book (s) 1) Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe; “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 6th Ed., Pearson, 2014. 2) Mark L. Gillenson; “Fundamentals of Database Management Systems”, 2nd Ed., John Wiley, 2012. 3) Lecture Notes Recommended Course Material (s)/Reading(s)/Other Other sources will be announced Organizational Issues

Course Schedule (Weekly) Topics Preliminary Preparation Methodology and Implementation (theory, practice, assignment etc) 1 Introduction; Data, database systems and concepts Elmasri Ch. 1-2, Gillenson Ch. 1 Theory, case studies 2 Data modeling, relational data model, relational database model, relational calculus & algebra Elmasri Ch. 3 & 6, Gillenson Ch. 2-3 & 5-6 Theory, practice, quiz 3 SQL Elmasri Ch. 4-5, Gillenson Ch. 4 Theory, practice, case studies 4 ER Model Elmasri Ch. 7 Theory, assignment 5 ER Model (cont.) 6 Database design methodology & UML Elmasri Ch. 10, Gillenson Ch. 7-8 Theory, practice, assignment 7 MIDTERM EXAM Organizational Issues

Course Schedule (Weekly) (Cont.) Topics Preliminary Preparation Methodology and Implementation (theory, practice, assignment etc) 8 Object & object-relational databases Elmasri Ch. 11, Gillenson Ch. 9 Theory, practice, case studies, quiz 9 XML, introduction to SQL programming Elmasri Ch. 12-13 Theory, practice 10 Dependencies, normalization for relational databases & relational database design Elmasri Ch. 15-16 Theory, practice, assignment, quiz 11 Disk storage, file structures, hashing and indexing Elmasri Ch. 17-18, Gillenson Ch. 8 & 10 12 Query processing & optimization Elmasri Ch. 19 13 Database administration, recovery, security, backup & concurrency Elmasri Ch. 22-24, Gillenson Ch. 10-11 Theory, practice, case studies, assignment 14 Database administration, recovery, security, backup & concurrency (cont.) 15 Distributed databases Elmasri Ch. 25, Gillenson Ch. 12-14 Theory, case studies 16 FINAL EXAM Organizational Issues

Assessment (tentative) Semester Activities/ Studies NUMBER WEIGHT in % Mid- Term 1 20 Attendance - Quiz 5 Assignment (s) 4 Project Laboratory Field Studies (Technical Visits) Presentation/ Seminar Practice (Laboratory, Virtual Court, Studio Studies etc.) Other (Placement/Internship etc.) TOTAL   60 Contribution of Semester Activities/Studies to the Final Grade Contribution of Final Examination/Final Project/ Dissertation to the Final Grade  1 40 100 Organizational Issues

Organizational Issues Assessment (Cont.) Final Grades will be determined according to the Adnan Menderes University Associate Degree, Bachelor Degree and Graduate Degree Education and Examination Regulation Organizational Issues

Responsibilities of the Students Obtaining the text book(s) Coming to the course with a good preparation Completing the exercises with individual efforts unless told otherwise Following the rules set by the responsibles for the course and the implementation/lab. studies HONESTY !!! Organizational Issues

Organizational Issues Plagiarism Plagiarism will not be tolerated Projects without references: a penalty of 20% Submitting your own work that has been earlier submitted to satisfy the requirements of another course is (self)-plagiarism (also called double dipping) Copying a journal article or a section of a book or code from an article or book and submitting it as your own is plagiarism Organizational Issues

Organizational Issues Plagiarism Using significant ideas from someone else, but putting them in to your own words and not acknowledging the source of the ideas is plagiarism Copying an essay, code, work etc. from another student and submitting it as your own is plagiarism And PLAGIARISM is THEFT So don’t steal (Nobody likes thieves) Organizational Issues