Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 By Dr Abdullah Alzahrani د. عبدالله الزهراني SQL Data Manipulation
Reference الكتاب المرجع Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th ed., by Elmasri and Navathe, Pearson International Edition, 2007. Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
DM (Data Manipulation) SQL DM DM (Data Manipulation) INSERT UPDATE DELETE Some of the materials and examples are taken from: and the reference book Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM The INSERT Command INSERT is used to add a single tuple to a relation We must specify the relation name and a list of values for the tuple. The values should be listed in the same order in which the corresponding attributes were specified. Attributes not specified in a command are set to their DEFAULT or to NULL Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM The INSERT Command Forms 1st Form: inserting complete row : INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...); 2nd Form: inserting partial row : INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,...) VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...); Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM The INSERT Command Forms 3rd Form: inserting multiple rows (tuples): INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...) , (value1,value2,value3,...), (value1,value2,value3,...); Or INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,...) VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...) , (value1,value2,value3,...), (value1,value2,value3,...); 4th Form copying data from another table: If the tables have same structure we need to copy complete tuples: INSERT INTO table2 SELECT * FROM table1; If we need to copy partial tuples from another table: INSERT INTO table2 (column_name(s)) SELECT column_name(s) FROM table1; Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Customers table STUDENT table Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM INSERT 1st form Example The following SQL statement will insert a new complete row into Customers table: Example #1 insert into customers values (3,'Thomas', 'Jefferson', '', '931 Thomas Jefferson Pkwy', 'Charlottesville', 'VA', '22902'); Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Example #1 Results Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM INSERT 2nd form Example The following SQL statement will insert a new partial row into STUDENT table: Example #2 insert into student (student_id, student_name, GPA) values (438011,'Omar A', 2.1); Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Example #2 Results Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM INSERT 3rd form Example The following SQL statement will insert multiple new complete rows into Customers table: Example #3 insert into customers values (4,'James', 'Madison', '', '11350 Constitution Hwy', 'Orange', 'VA', '22960'), (5,'James', 'Monroe', '', '2050 James Monroe Parkway', 'Charlottesville', 'VA', '22902'); Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Example #3 Results Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM INSERT 4th form Example The following SQL statement will insert a new partial row from customers table where customer_id=2 into STUDENT table: Example #4 insert into student (student_id, student_name, email) SELECT customer_id,last_name,email FROM customers where customer_id=2 ; Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Example #4 Results Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM The UPDATE Command UPDATE is used to modify attribute values of one or more selected tuples a WHERE clause in the UPDATE command selects the tuples to be modified from a single relation. SET clause in the UPDATE command specifies the attributes to be modified and their new values. Several tuples can be modified with a single UPDATE command An example is to give all employees in the ‘Research’ (Dno=5) department a 10 percent raise in salary Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM The UPDATE Command FORM UPDATE table_name SET column1=value1,column2=value2,... WHERE some_column=some_value; Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. 9/20/2016 Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM UPDATE Examples Example #5 The following SQL statement will register new students (Adams & Omar who are not registered in any department) into Information Technology department (DEP_ID =3) : UPDATE student SET DEP_ID=3 WHERE DEP_ID=0; Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Example #5 Results Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM UPDATE Examples Example #6 The following SQL statement will add 0.1 to all students GPA in STUDENT table : UPDATE student SET GPA=GPA + 0.1; Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Example #6 Results Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM The DELETE Command DELETE removes tuples from a relation. It includes a WHERE clause to select the tuples to be deleted. Tuples are explicitly deleted from only one table at a time. Several tuples can be deleted with a single DELETE command A missing WHERE clause specifies that all tuples in the relation are to be deleted; however, the table remains in the database as an empty table. Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM The DELETE Command FORM DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column=some_value; Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. 9/20/2016 Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM DELETE Examples Example #7 The following SQL statement will remove all students who have no recorded email addresses from STUDENT tables: DELETE FROM student WHERE email is null; Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Example #7 Results Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM DELETE Examples Example #8 The following SQL statement will remove all students from STUDENT tables : DELETE FROM student; Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
SQL DM Example #8 Results Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016
End SQL Queries Dr Abdullah Alzahrani. 9/20/2016 Fundamental of Database Systems 1401312-3 9/20/2016