IBM Kenexa BrassRing on Cloud Candidate Portal December 2016
Candidate Portal Business Problem: How do you verify that the candidate opening the offer letter is the candidate that applied? How do you have the candidate accept the offer letter in a secure way and make sure it is stored in the system? How do you get supplemental offer information (corporate policies, etc) to the candidate and from the candidate? Benefits Candidates that are further along in the recruiting process will be able to log into a secured location with their TG profile (i.e. Username/Password) to review, retrieve and respond to offer documents . The Candidate portal page can contain: - Links to the PDF version of the Offer letter (non-editable) - Doc sub form (w/unique identifier that corresponds to the PDF Offer letter) to record acceptance/decline of offer. - Candidate forms used to collect additional information or verify candidate information. - Additional attachments for the candidate to print of/review.
Candidate Portal Process BR user collects offer data Offer data is on Candidate form in Candidate Talent Record Offer data is approve (if necessary) BR user creates offer letter Offer letter is stored as a PDF on Candidate Talent Record BR user makes document(s) available to Candidate By posting them to the candidate portal BR user sends notification to candidate Email should indicated documents are available to be signed and should contain a URL link to the Candidate Portal Candidate receives email and clicks on Candidate Portal URL Presented with login page Candidate is authenticated Candidate logs in with Talent Gateway Username / password used during application process Candidate accesses documents that BR user has made available Candidate reviews offer letter Offer letter is not-editable Candidate indicates response to offer letter Offer Response form allows candidate to respond with an acceptance or decline of the offer. System notifies Recruiter that Candidate has responded to the offer
Candidate Portal – Create Document/Offer Letter BrassRing user selects to create a document (offer letter) for the candidate.
Candidate Portal – Create Document/Offer Letter BrassRing user selects the document template that will be used to create the offer letter.
Candidate Portal – Create Document/Offer Letter If your organization utilizes the BrassRing Word upload feature for the document templates below is what the user will see. They will have the opportunity to “Preview” the offer letter and make any necessary changes directly in the Word document and then re-upload the letter. If your organization utilizes the BrassRing text editor feature for the document templates, the user will see a text editor box containing the offer letter information.
Candidate Portal – Create Document/Offer Letter After the offer letter is edited the BrassRing user will click “Save as PDF”.
Candidate Portal – Posting to the Portal BrassRing user selects “Go” button to post the letter to the candidate portal.
Candidate Portal – Posting to the Portal BrassRing user can select additional attachments, candidate forms, and document packets to post along with the offer letter they previously created. An expiration/removal date can also be defined; which will remove any posted items from the portal on a specified date.
Candidate Portal – Posting to the Portal BrassRing user will be able to see the status of the posting, whether it was successful or not. The BrassRing user can then select the appropriate email template that will be used to send the candidate a link to access the portal and eSign their offer.
Candidate Portal – Sending the Offer Email BrassRing user can edit the email prior to sending to the candidate.
Candidate Portal – Candidate View The candidate will receive the email, including the link to access the candidate portal.
Candidate Portal – Candidate View The candidate will login to the Talent Gateway using their credentials created during the initial submission. If the candidate did not apply through a Talent Gateway, BrassRing does have functionality to allow the candidate to login with client defined credentials (i.e. the candidate’s email address, zip code, phone number).
Candidate Portal – Candidate View The candidate will click on the Offer Letter link to review and respond. If the BrassRing user posted any other attachments, forms, or document packets, the candidate will also see those links to click on and review or complete.
Candidate Portal – Candidate View The offer letter will open as a PDF document at the top of a new window. The candidate can review their offer and scroll down to see the document subsidiary form. This form is used to capture the candidates offer response.
Candidate Portal – Candidate View Clients may want to branch fields depending on the candidate’s response. For example, if the candidate Accepts the offer you can collect an eSignature and today’s date. If the candidate Declines the offer you can collect the reason why they declined the offer. Clients can also add legal verbiage to indicate a binding agreement between organization and candidate.
Candidate Portal – Candidate View Once the candidate Saves their response, the Offer Response (Document Subsidiary form) becomes read-only.
Candidate Portal – Result of Offer Response Automated communications can be set up to send emails to BrassRing users when a candidate responds to their offer. Below is an example of an offer accepted notification. RAM triggers can also be configured to move the candidate automatically to an Offer Accept or Offer Decline HR status if necessary.
Candidate Portal – Result of Offer Response BrassRing users can view the offer response a number of ways. One way is to view the candidate’s Talent Record and click on the View link that is next to the PDF offer letter in the action log.
Candidate Portal – Result of Offer Response BrassRing users can also view the offer response details by clicking on Attachments > Document Subsidiary form next to the corresponding offer letter.