Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom Chris paragreen Bernie mcgrath
I.T. subjects at KHS No stand-alone subjects until Yr 10 Teaching of ICT “integrated into the curriculum” Design technologies covered in the Arts Excel taught within some Maths units At Yr 10 we offer programming and robotics Digicon 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom
Algorithms Level Content Description 7 Design and implement mathematical algorithms using a simple general purpose programming language 8 9 10 Use algorithms and related testing procedures to identify and correct errors Apply set structures to solve real-world problems Implement algorithms using data structures in a general-purpose programming language Level Elaborations 9 using a sort algorithm to determine the median of a set of numbers exploring variation in proportion and means of random samples, drawn from a population Level Elaborations 7 finding the sum of a set of consecutive numbers using a loop structure constructing geometric patterns such as a honeycomb, using dynamic geometry functionality Level Elaborations 8 debugging search and sort programs testing a number for divisibility Level Elaborations 10 using two-dimensional arrays such as matrices to represent and implement sequences of transformations of sets of points in the plane using pointers in algorithms Digicon 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom
Digital Technologies Level Content Description 7 Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors 8 9 10 Develop and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions using a general-purpose programming language Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in structured English and validate algorithms and programs through tracing and test cases Develop modular programs, applying selected algorithms and data structures including using an object-oriented programming language Level Elaborations 9 designing algorithms to solve real-world problems and describing algorithms using flow charts and structured English, for example START, END, IF and UNTIL recognising that different algorithms can solve a problem with different trade-offs Level Elaborations 8 creating digital solutions that provide user navigation and prompts with controlled repetitions, for example an information kiosk that has layers of buttons and prompts the user three times before returning to the beginning Level Elaborations 8 developing and modifying digital solutions by implementing instructions contained in algorithms using a programming language developing a digital game that manipulates models of real-world objects programming a robot to recognise particular objects and to treat them differently, for example to choose objects based on colour Level Elaborations 7 investigating and designing some common algorithms, such as to search, sequence, sort, merge and control data structures checking the accuracy of an algorithm before it is implemented, for example desk checking it with test data to see if the instructions produce the expected results Level Elaborations 7 using diagrams to describe key decisions, for example creating flowcharts using digital systems to describe a set of computational instructions using structured English to express algorithmic instructions, for example using conventional statements such as ‘while’ and ‘endwhile’ in a ‘while loop’ when describing interactive instruction Level Elaborations 9 tracing algorithms to predict results and program state for a given input, for example desk checking or using an interactive debugging tool using tracing techniques to test algorithms, for example desk checking an algorithm for a given input by stepping through the algorithm while keeping track of contents of the variables Level Elaborations 10 coding separate modules that perform discrete functions but collectively meet the needs of the solution defining classes that represent the attributes and behaviour of objects in the real world or in a game selecting different types of data structures such as an array, record and object to model structured data Digicon 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom
Focus on Year 7 Level Content Description 6A Design algorithms involving branching and iteration to solve specific classes of mathematical problems 7A Design and implement mathematical algorithms using a simple general purpose programming language 8A Use algorithms and related testing procedures to identify and correct errors 6D Design, modify and follow simple algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration 7D Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors 8D Develop and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions using a general-purpose programming language Digicon 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom
Use related testing procedures to identify and correct errors Focus on Year 7 Design, modify and follow simple algorithms involving branching and iteration trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors Use related testing procedures to identify and correct errors Digicon 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom
An algorithm in Measurement Digicon 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom
Teaching the Cartesian Plane Digicon 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom Digicn 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom
Transformations and Iteration Digicon 2017 - Integrating Algorithms and Coding into the Mathematics Classroom
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