Popular Methods Approach – describes how language is used and how its constituent parts interact. With other words it offers a model of language competence Method – is a practical realization of an approach. It is a decision about types of activities, roles of teachers and learners, kinds of material which will be helpful and some model of syllabus organized. Methods include various procedures and techniques. Procedure – is an order sequence of techniques. (e.g. ‘first you do this, then you do that’). Or we can say it is smaller than a method but bigger than a technique. Technique – a term used to describe a technique is “model” A common technique is when using video material is called ‘silent viewing’.
Popular Methods What the interested teachers needs to do when confronted with new method is to see if it incorporates theories of language and learning. What procedures does it incorporates. If they are appropriate and effective for the classroom situation that the teacher works with. Are the techniques satisfying for both students and teacher and at the same time do they achieve result at the end. Popular methods include ideas at all various levels mentioned above and it is these methods, procedures, approaches ( and models) which influence the current state of English language teaching.
ESA In ESA model – three components will usually be presented in any teaching sequence, whether of five , fifty or hundred minutes. E – stands for Engage A point here is that unless students are engaged emotionally, with what is going on, their learning is less effective. S- stands for Study and describes any teaching and learning elements. A- stands for Activate This means any stage at which students are encouraged to use all or any of the language they know. When the teacher uses ESA he gets the students engaged before asking them to do something, like written task, a communication game or e role play.
Grammar – translation Method Gr-trans. Method was the most common method and used in learning languages for hundreds of years and it is still practiced. People who practice this method think that by analyzing the grammar and by finding equivalents b/w native language and foreign language will learn how is a foreign language constructed. Everyone who learns a foreign language should translate words and phrases and sentences as well. However, concentration on grammar –translation stops the students from getting the kind of natural language input. In other words the lack is that this method does not really help students to learn the language itself.
Grammar – translation method Principles A fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to read literature. If a student can translate from one language into another , they are considered successful language learner. The ability to communicate in the target language in not a goal of foreign language . The primary skills to be developed are reading and writing. And little attention is given to speaking and listening. And almost none to pronunciation. The teacher is the authority in the classroom. Deductive application of an explicit grammar rule is a useful pedagogical technique. Students should be conscious of the grammar rules of the target language. Wherever possible, verb conjugation and other grammatical paradigms should be committed to memory.
Audio – Lingual Method This is the name given to language teaching methodology based on behaviorist theories of learning. This theory suggested that much learning is the result of habit formation . Audio- lingual classes concentrated on long repetition – drill stages, in which the teacher hoped that students would acquire good language habits. Disadvantage for this method was that language was far more subtle/delicate than just formation of habits. Methodologists were also concerned in audio- lingualism that students were not exposed to real or realistic language.
Audio – Lingual Method Principles Language occurs most naturally within a context. The native language and the target language have a separate linguistic systems so they should kept apart. Students should learn target language. One of the teachers major roles is that of a model of a target language. By listening to how it is supposed to sound, students should be able to mimic the model. Language learning is the process of habit formation. Error lead to the formation of bad habit. When errors occur, they should be immediately corrected by the teacher. Positive reinforcement helps the students to develop correct habits. Students should learn to respond to both verbal and nonverbal stimuli. The teacher should be like an orchestra conductor guiding and controlling the student’s behavior in the target language. Speech is more basic to language than the written form. The ‘natural order’ – like children learn their native language of skill acquisition is : listening , speaking, reading, and writing.
(PPP) Presentation, Practice and Production - Method In PPP classes or sequences, the teacher presents the context and situation for the language ( e.g. describing a robot). He explains and demonstrates the meaning and form of a new language. ( can and can’t ). The students than then practice by making sentences with ‘can’ and ‘can’t’ before going on to the Production stage in which they talk freely about themselves. Methodologist say that PPP is very effective in teaching simple language at low levels but it is less effective with high levels.
Task – based Learning This Method gives emphasis on the task rather the language. (e.g. students might work for information about the train and bus timetables. To get the correct answer we find them the timetables, and they try to complete the task. ( usually after they hear someone doing it.) When they have completed the task, we can then ( if necessary) give them a bit of language study to clear up some of the problems they might have while completing the task. Alternatively, we might ask them to write part of a guidebook for their area. Their task can be finding facts, planning content and write in the brochure. We can then read their efforts and do some language /writing study to help them to do better next time.
Task – based Learning Principles The subject matter content is used for language teaching purposes. Teaching should build on students’ previous experience. When learners perceive the relevance of their language use, they are more motivated to learn. The teacher helps learners say what it is they want to say by building together with the students a complete utterance. Language is learned most effectively when it is used as a medium to convey informational content of interest to students. Vocabulary is easier to acquire when are contextual clues to help convey meaning. When they work with authentic subject matter, students need language support. Communicative competence involves the ability to read, discuss, and write about content from other fields
Communicative Language _ Teaching This method was a radical departure from the PPP CLT has two main strands: 1. Language is not just a bit of grammar. It involves also language functions such as inviting, agreeing, disagreeing, suggesting etc. They also need to be aware of the need for appropriancy when talking and writing to people in terms of the kind of language they use ( formal, informal, tentative, technical). 2. The second strand of CLT developed from the idea students get enough exposure to language and opportunities for its use and if they are motivated then language learning will take care of itself, in other words CLT becomes Activation and Study. CLT has had beneficial effect since it reminded teachers that people learn languages not that they “ know” them so that they can communicate. Giving students different kinds of language and giving them opportunities to try out real within the classroom which is called humanistic theory.
Communicative Language -Teaching Principles Authentic language is used in a real context. The target language is a vehicle for classroom communication, not just the object of study. Games are important because they have certain features in common with real communicative events- there is a purpose of exchange. Students should be given an opportunity to express their ideas and opinions. Errors are tolerated and seen as a natural outcome of the development of communications kills. One of the teacher’s major responsibility is to establish situations likely to promote communication. In communicating, a speaker has a choice not only about what to say, but also how to say it. The grammar and vocabulary that the student learn follow from the function, situational context, and the roles of the interlocutors
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