4th Annual Project and Construction Management Professions Conference, Sandton, 28 October 2016 Overview of Transport Infrastructure & Budgets Prasanth Mohan (Chief Director: Road Infrastructure & Industry Development
Department of Transport Minister of Transport Roads Rail Aviation Maritime Integrated Transport Planning Public Transport Support Branches Deputy Minister Director General Vision “Transport, the Heartbeat of Economic Growth and Social Development” Mission The Department of Transport aims to lead the development of efficient integrated transport systems by creating a framework of sustainable policies and regulators; and implementable models to support government strategies for economic, social and international development. CAA SAMSA 5 x Road Agencies PRASA Other Agencies (not under DoT) BMA TRASNET (TFL & NPA) SARS CSIR ATNS ACSA
Infrastructure Inventory: Roads Road Authority Paved Gravel Total Length (km) Length (km) National roads (SANRAL) 21 403 Provincial Roads (9) 47 348 226 273 273 621 Metropolitan (8) 51 682 14 461 66 143 Municipalities 37 691 219 223 256 914 Total proclaimed roads 158 124 459 957 618 081 Un-proclaimed (estimate) 131 919 591 876 750 000
Infrastructure Inventory: Ports, Rail, Pipelines
Broader Sector Challenges Integration of transport system and services in rural areas (accessibility and mobility) Lack of opportunities in maritime economic development (South African cargo still moved by foreign shipping lines) Integration of transport services and initiatives with broader government planning frameworks; Reduction of road accidents and fatalities & a need for proactive interventions The turnaround time in the development & promulgation of legislation & policy formulation Duplication of functions & role clarification between DoT, Provinces & Agencies Prevalence of incidents of fraud & corruption within the sector
Broader Sector Challenges (Roads) RSA Network Length ~750 000km 80% paved roads have exceeded their design life Funding Backlogs - Maintenance: R 197 bn Structured approach to maintenance to optimise limited available funding is critical. NDoT – funding based on maintenance and safety needs. Structured decision support system Scarce skills – Limited Professionals Problem – decision making tools from provinces are not uniform Cannot compare performance between different municipalities or different provinces (apples vs apples)
MEDIUM TERM ALLOCATION Summary of Budgets PER PROGRAMME CURRENT MEDIUM TERM ALLOCATION 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 ADMINISTRATION 394 763 401 870 421 138 444 722 INTEGRATED TRANSPORT PLANNING 78 954 81 471 85 796 90 601 RAIL TRANSPORT 18 985 533 20 133 805 21 290 443 22 482 708 ROAD TRANSPORT 24 525 567 27 405 721 29 827 661 31 498 010 CIVIL AVIATION 253 223 159 418 167 814 177 212 MARITIME TRANSPORT 121 733 117 462 120 443 127 188 PUBLIC TRANSPORT 11 655 390 12 800 964 13 540 041 14 298 283 TOTAL DEPARTMENT 56 015 163 61 100 711 65 453 336 69 118 723
Summary of Budgets (Transfers) MAJOR DETAILS OF TRANSFERS CURRENT BUDGET INDICATIVE MEDIUM-TERM ALLOCATION 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) 18 890 267 20 033 644 21 185 457 22 371 843 South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) 13 915 586 16 216 986 17 832 229 18 830 834 Provincial Roads Maintenance Grant (PRMG) 10 202 503 10 753 664 11 535 668 12 181 665 Public Transport Operations Grant (PTOG) 5 400 292 5 722 871 5 990 298 6 325 755 Public Transport Network Grant 5 592 691 6 359 895 6 793 269 7 173 692 TOTAL 54 001 339 59 087 060 63 336 921 66 883 789
Summary of Budgets: Other Transfers INDICATIVE MEDIUM-TERM ALLOCATION CURRENT BUDGET INDICATIVE MEDIUM-TERM ALLOCATION 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 Transport Education and Training Authority (TETA) 1 105 1 161 1 228 1 297 Universities (bursaries) 9 939 10 434 11 040 11 658 Employee Social Benefits 178 187 198 209 Railway Safety Regulator (RSR) 55 987 59 564 63 018 66 547 Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) 193 862 203 555 215 361 227 421 Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA) 10 093 17 696 18 722 19 770 Rural Road Asset Management Systems Grant (RRAMS) 101 514 107 309 113 533 119 891 South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) 21 191 22 251 23 542 24 860 South Afican Maritime Safery Authority (SAMSA) (MRCC) 7 586 7 965 8 427 8 899 African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC) 4 743 4 980 5 269 5 564 International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) 4 098 4 303 4 553 4 808 Non-profit Institutions 2 542 2 669 2 823 2 981 Cospas Sarsat 482 506 535 565 Southern African Development Community: International Civil Aviation Organisation Mission 60 61 64 Ports Regulator 28 561 19 489 20 619 21 774 International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 1 458 1 531 1 620 1 711 Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding (IOMOU) 322 338 358 378 Taxi scrapping 353 442 389 041 411 605 434 655 South African Nation Taxi Council 20 275 21 289 22 524 23 785 TOTAL OTHER TRANSFERS 817 438 874 328 925 035 976 837 TOTAL TRANSFERS 54 818 777 59 961 388 64 261 957 67 860 627
Summary of Budgets: Transfers (Public Transport Operations Grant) PROVINCES CURRENT MEDIUM TERM ESTIMATES 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 Eastern Cape 218 217 221 150 233 976 247 079 Free State 241 257 244 500 258 681 273 167 Gauteng 2 033 588 2 060 919 2 180 453 2 302 558 KwaZulu-Natal 1 011 045 1 024 634 1 084 063 1 144 770 Limpopo 326 129 330 512 349 682 369 264 Mpumalanga 549 133 556 514 588 791 621 764 Northern Cape 49 097 49 757 52 643 55 590 North West 100 926 102 282 108 214 114 274 Western Cape 870 900 882 605 933 796 986 088 Unallocated - 250 000 200 000 211 200 Total 5 400 292 5 722 871 5 990 298 6 325 755
Summary of Budgets: Transfers (Public Transport Network Grant) MUNICIPALITIES CURRENT MEDIUM TERM ESTIMATES 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 EC: Buffalo City 35 289 60 167 166 393 175 711 EC: Nelson Mandela Bay 330 095 370 079 390 803 FS: Mangaung 200 142 200 042 215 049 227 092 GT: City of Tshwane 950 011 975 000 1 000 141 1 056 149 GT: Ekurhuleni 500 002 700 034 800 017 844 818 GT: City of Johannesburg 1 015 508 1 102 932 1 177 000 1 242 912 KZN: Msunduzi 200 031 200 023 212 033 223 907 KZN: eThekwini 950 078 1 000 197 1 000 023 1 056 024 LP: Polokwane 200 026 201 003 215 050 227 093 MP: Mbombela 200 058 200 014 215 023 227 064 NW: Rustenburg 285 039 300 074 317 014 334 767 WC: George 106 444 115 275 105 295 111 192 WC: City of Cape Town 950 063 975 039 1 000 152 1 056 161 Overall Total 5 592 691 6 359 895 6 793 269 7 173 692
Summary of Budgets: Transfers (PRASA) PASSENGER RAIL AGENCY of SOUTH AFRICA MEDIUM TERM ESTIMATES Audited Not Audited Current R thousand 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 CURRENT 3 526 799 4 328 003 3 887 342 4 066 160 4 281 666 4 495 749 4 756 503 5 022 867 PRASA:Metrorail Operations 3 138 117 3 678 003 3 458 925 3 618 036 3 809 769 4 000 183 4 232 194 4 469 197 PRASA: Main line passenger services: Operations 388 682 650 000 428 417 448 124 471 897 495 566 524 309 553 670 CAPITAL 6 701 106 6 831 110 11 058 959 14 155 887 14 608 601 15 537 895 16 428 954 17 348 975 PRASA: Other capital programmes 4 758 874 4 851 197 3 906 624 8 234 603 7 206 878 7 692 629 8 128 663 8 583 868 PRASA: Rolling stock fleet renewal programme 5 699 959 2 560 508 4 170 266 4 420 482 4 676 870 4 938 775 PRASA: Signalling 1 084 147 1 105 180 810 711 1 875 973 1 844 184 1 912 835 2 023 779 2 137 111 PRASA: Metrorail: General overhaul of coaches 732 488 746 699 547 745 1 267 474 1 283 523 1 360 534 1 439 445 1 520 054 PRASA: Mainline passenger service; Refurbishment of coaches 125 597 128 034 93 920 217 329 103 750 151 415 160 197 169 168 Overall Total 10 227 905 11 159 113 14 946 301 18 222 047 18 890 267 20 033 644 21 185 457 22 371 843
Summary of Budgets: Transfers (Roads) SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY MEDIUM TERM ESTIMATES Audited Not Audited Current R thousand 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 CURRENT 3 125 460 3 453 733 3 736 149 4 252 623 4 586 160 4 832 471 5 127 581 5 414 726 SANRAL: Gauteng freeway Improvement project 301 000 425 100 463 359 505 061 533 344 SANRAL 3 951 623 4 161 060 4 369 112 4 622 520 4 881 381 CAPITAL 6 602 595 7 043 451 8 180 798 8 590 865 9 329 426 11 384 515 12 704 648 13 416 108 SANRAL: Non -toll network 5 934 636 6 448 616 7 515 300 7 721 054 7 935 587 9 335 831 10 083 540 10 648 218 SANRAL:Coal haulage road network 667 959 594 835 665 498 696 111 733 005 769 655 814 295 859 896 SANRAL:Moloto Road upgrade 155 500 660 834 1 279 029 1 806 813 1 907 995 SANRAL: Botswana river crossing 18 200 Overall Total 9 728 055 10 497 184 11 916 947 12 843 488 13 915 586 16 216 986 17 832 229 18 830 834
Summary of Budgets: Transfers (Roads) (Provincial Roads Maintenance Grant) PROVINCES CURRENT MEDIUM TERM ESTIMATES 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 R'000 Eastern Cape 1 245 877 1 319 364 1 395 882 1 474 051 Free State 1 245 600 1 319 076 1 395 592 1 473 745 Gauteng 505 696 535 522 566 586 598 315 KwaZulu-Natal 1 912 947 2 025 789 2 143 300 2 263 325 Limpopo 994 630 1 053 325 1 114 419 1 176 826 Mpumalanga 1 637 077 885 392 936 699 989 154 Northern Cape 955 021 1 011 356 1 070 022 1 129 943 North West 865 778 916 849 970 033 1 024 355 Western Cape 839 877 889 362 940 952 993 645 Unallocated 797 629 1 002 183 1 058 305 Total 10 202 503 10 753 664 11 535 668 12 181 665
KEY PILLARS OF S’HAMBA SONKE ROAD PROGRAMME Increased Investment Labour Intensity Know Your Network Improved Access Safe Road Environment Increase investment in maintenance of key arterial routes to support the rural economy Increased focus in the cost efficient use of labour absorptive methodologies in road construction and maintenance; Know your network: A focused attention on deployment of local resources to support road network asset management Improving Access to Schools and Clinics and other public facilities Delivering a Safe Road environment
National Road Asset Management System ( Integration , Standardisation & Uniformity) METROS PRAMS National Agency RRAMS Institutional Level Integration Other Munics Vertical Integration all DM’s Systems Level Integration SANRAL Live Link National Footprint (i-RAMS System)
Closing Remarks 1 Government is investing in Infrastructure 2 Sustainable Job Creation & Skills Development 3 Opportunities for Professionals within the Built environment – Pr CPM, Pr CM, Pr QS; Pr Eng,Pr Tech Eng, Pr Techni Health & Safety Practitioners 4 An enabling environment to allow private sector to support the infrastructure development
Thank You