Job Ready Managing for Success
Objectives At the end of this session you will learn how to: Create Participant Email Address Add Participant Employment Readiness Rating Create Case Notes Outcomes Create Training and Employment Outcomes Find Green Occupations Manage reports for program success
Registering or Logging in Website: If you are a returning user, you may simply login with the User name and password created during your initial registration but first you must press “User Login”. To register as a new participant, your JobReady Program administrator will select the link called “Create New Account”.
JobReady New registrants will require a JobReady Program administrator to enter their Administrator ID and Access Key Staff are assigned individual Administrator IDs and Access Keys
Creating an Email Address During the registration process, participants will be required to enter an email address. In the event that the participant does not has one, creating a new account is an option available. Click on Create your Own Email Address link and it will direct you to Create a Google Account- Gmail
Creating an email address
Creating Learning Plans Once the registration process is complete the participant can continue. After the participant has identified the best job match the job will be saved and learning plans can be created.
Creating Learning Plans From your dashboard click on your targeted job choice. You will be directed to the Job Display page. Locate courses available located under “Core Skills for this Job”. Click on “course”. Click on “Add to Learning Plan”.
Knowledge Check Can a new participant create their own account? What should you do after a participant has identified their job match from the list provided in JobReady?
Adding Case Notes, Training & Employment Outcomes To update or add a user outcome, press “User Outcomes” located next to the participant’s name on the Administrator’s site. You can add either a case notes, training or employment outcome by pressing the “Add Outcome” links. To delete an existing outcome click “delete”. To update an existing outcome, click “edit”.
Adding Case Notes, Training & Employment Outcomes
Adding Case Notes Outcomes
Displaying Case Notes Outcomes
Editing Case Notes Outcomes
Deleting Outcomes
Choosing Employment Readiness Rating 4 - Not Ready: Participant is enrolled in the program and initial IEP is developed 3 - More Training Needed: Participant had not accomplished all the objectives for the Training Plan and after a reassessment more training had been added to the IEP 2 - Job Ready: Participant has all the soft and hard skills needed for the job, but need job search skills training (Job Club) 1 - Highly Job Ready: Participant has all soft, hard and job search skills but there is no job available at the moment
Creating IEPs Access the Administrator’s Site Search for the user’s account 3. Once the search is completed, the user record will display on the screen The icons that display represent what you can do with the user account To create the IEP you will choose the “view user” icon.
Viewing an IEP Access the participant’s account and click the User Outcomes icon At the bottom of the page, click display to view the IEP
Adding Comments to an IEP Notes regarding the participant’s progress towards the IEP should be added to the comments section.
Finding Green Occupations on JobReady To find a Green Occupation on the JobReady Program type the word “green” in the search box on the User’s Dashboard.
Finding Green Occupations on JobReady
Knowledge Check The host agency supervisor called you because the participant does not follow the safety procedures at the training site. Where should this information be recorded in the participant’s JobReady account?
Knowledge Check Your administrative assistant had applied for a job opening at the local One Stop Center. Where should this information be noted? The participant has been enrolled at Teknimedia to complete a course. Where should this information be noted in JobReady?
Running and viewing various reports Reports are accessed via the Reports tab on the Administrator’s Site. They can be acquired through the online report method or a download CSV (Excel) option so that you can work with the data in an Excel spreadsheet. To run a report, click on one of the available report name links.
Accessing Reports
Employment Outcome Report EXAMPLES OF REPORTS Course Report username course_name date location provider_code provider_name arlasnow Getting Started with Excel 2007 3/20/2009 EW-MO-0001-0 CESIL Skill Improvement Course Library gheyen Advanced Document Features in Word 2/3/2010 EW-MO-0007-0 Case Notes Report lastname firstname login location contact_type date outcome rating program acker barbara backer EW-IA-0002-0 Meeting 8/25/2010 Sucessfully complete 3 Not Selected Baudler Loren lbaudl Phone Conversation 8/27/2010 4 Federal SCSEP Harris Pearl peharris Email 10/7/2010 State SCSEP Rangel Susan srangle EW-PA-0001-0 10/6/2010 Concern Raised 2 Shinn Thelma thelshi 8/19/2010 Employment Outcome Report login lastname firstname location referred_date industry employed referred_to bcsiki Csiki Bethany EW-MI-0017-0 10/9/2010 Finance No Wildfire Credit Union 10/23/2010 Other Region VIII B.C. Times Bay City Times
EXAMPLES OF REPORTS Activity Report Test Report User Report