Physic topics and MaGrid


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Presentation transcript:

Physic topics and MaGrid prepared and revised by : Bouchra Belhorma & Mourad Belmir : Centre National de l'Energie, des Sciences et des Techniques Nucléaires, Rabat Rajaa Cherkaoui El Moursli & Zineb Elmouridi : Faculty of Science, Mohammed V-Agdal University, Rabat Yahya Tayalati & Mohammed Hamel : Faculté polydisciplinaire de Nador, Université Mohammed Ier d'Oujda Presented by : Farida Fassi for the Moroccan team

Plan Present Grid usages Used/needed packages MaGrid tutorial Magrid site status Main physic topics for the Moroccan members Perspectives

Present Grid usages ATLAS Calice/ILC Medical physics

Used/needed packages 1- ATLAS Athena Geant4 Ganga/panda DQ2 Users : all RUPHE members Ruphe : Réseau Universitaire de la Physique des Hautes Energies

Used/needed packages 2- CALICE-ILC Mokka Marlin Users : B. Belhorma, M. Belmir, Y. Tayalati, M. Hamel

Used/needed packages 3- MEDICAL PHYSICS Gate Users : Y. Tayalati, R. Cherkaoui

MaGrid tutorial The team has organised a national grid tutorial in the Faculty of Rabat, on 13th June 2008; 20 participants of different profiles (teachers and students) reached this workshop. A temporary grid UI has been installed and used for the tutorial. The official Magrid UI was shutdown due to the site change of CNRST

Magrid site status Regular EVO meetings are organised between Moroccan team in order to follow the setup of the site. Athena 14.2.10 is installed and tested OK In progress : a complete (about 60Gbites) CERN software mirror will be installed In a second phase, the packages for Calice will be installed, as well as Gate for medical physics simulations

Brachytherapy in ATLAS top quark physics Main physic topics for the Moroccan members in ATLAS top quark physics in Calice testbeam data analysis In medical physics : PET tomography simulations Linear accelerator Brachytherapy

1- Top mass reconstruction in the semi-leptonic mode Main physics topics 1- Top mass reconstruction in the semi-leptonic mode Thesis of Z. Elmouridi, codirected by Rajaa Cherkaoui El Moursli (University of Rabat) and Dominique Pallin (Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont-Ferrand) Events reconstruction for Mt=175 GeV t  W(jj)b and t  W(lv)b 1- Comparison of different reconstruction algorithms for MC generated events 2- MC generation by Z’->ttbar with various Z’ energies 3- Events Reconstruction and analysis

2- Top quark study in the full hadronic ttbar channel Main physics topics 2- Top quark study in the full hadronic ttbar channel Y. Tayalati Study of the jet reconstruction. The ttbar data are generated by MC@NLO available on the ATLAS grid. Study of the cone, Kt and Yspliter algorithms

Main physics topics 3- ECAL of Calice Thesis of M. Belmir In collaboration with LPSC-Grenoble Electromagnetic Calorimeter testbeam analysis of data taken in DESY and CERN (2006-2007) and Fermilab (2008): energy resolution, uniformity and linearity; position resolution; corrections of guard rings effects

Perspectives 3 new students planned from 2009 Projet d’Action intégrée entre les Universités de Rabat et d’Oujda, CNESTEN, l’Institut de Physique Corpusculaire de Valencia et le Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont-Ferrand two main topics in ATLAS : Higgs and top physics Medical Physics : PET tomography Ecal/Calice : testbeam analysis Evolution of Magrid to a tier 3 in under discussion Installation of clusters in other universities (Rabat, Oujda) 3 new students planned from 2009