#FETC It’s class time; do you know what your students know? Classroom Response Tools Chelsy Hooper, Terri Schulz Ensworth School @hooperc97 @terrischulz Link to this presentation: https://goo.gl/kDWDqo have sites open so ready to switch to them when time
What is Formative Assessment? Formative assessment, including diagnostic testing, is a range of formal and informal assessment procedures conducted by teachers during the learning process in order to modify teaching and learning activities to improve student attainment. -Formative assessment - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formative_assessment
Articles “3 Things Every Teacher Should Be Doing With Web 2.0 Tools” by Nicole Krueger Constantly evaluating what students know Creating personalized learning experiences Helping students explore complex problems “Formative Assessment is Transformational” by Andrew Miller “3 Tips to Caffeinate Teacher and Student Presentations” by Lynell Burmark Assessments- quizzes, writings, tests, projects- but also real-time feedback like polls, such as socrative, peardeck, Kahoot Allowing students to develop own online flashcards, adapt review documents, color-code Google doc review sheet, pick own tools to use to accomplish a task or use for a project Using digital tools to help them understand a larger issue- simulation, game, creatively consider options, ask thought-provoking questions Formative assessment- vs summative assessment- digital tools can help give specific, actionable feedback, increased engagement as learning is relevant to student, students empowered, quick and efficient ways to check for understanding Assessment is no longer a surprise; student learning becomes transparent and personalized 10 min chunk of teacher knowledge, 2 min discuss with partner insert breaks into presentations: video, compare/contrast, use photos to introduce topics
Socrative www.socrative.com App: Socrative Teacher Cross-platform, free, teacher creates an account No student login required; they enter a room number or room name to join Quiz (quiz you make ahead of time in Socrative, student paced- immediate feedback, student paced- student navigation, teacher paced, all live results shown to you, can share quizzes among teachers, multiple choice, T/F, short answer) Quick Question (multiple choice- up to 5, T/F, Short Answer that you ask on the fly, out loud- anonymous) Space Race (contest between teams, using pre-made quiz) Exit Ticket (requires students to enter name, then 3 questions, 1. How well did you understand today’s material?, 2. What did you learn in today’s class? 3. Answer your teacher’s question (verbal question) Socrative Resources, Free Tech for Teachers Video on how-to
Kahoot Student feedback, game-style- no app but cross-platform, free https://getkahoot.com/ to sign in and create Students go to https://kahoot.it and enter a pin #, no student login required, does ask for a name- give guidance on what you want them to enter here Kahoot types: Quiz, Discussion, Survey Can add image, video, part of a video to a question- quiz is multiple choice only, can make questions points or no points Could divide students into groups, each group joins Kahoot with one device Can share quizzes with other people on Kahoot Intro video at Get Kahoot site Ghost Mode! play again, against yourself and “ghosts” of others “Blind” Kahoot: “The Art of Blind Kahooting” from the Kahoot Blog Older students could create their own Kahoots
Padlet http://padlet.com/ Free version, “Jetpack” edition with more features $45/yr per teacher, Chrome app, works on tablets, can sign in via Google acct Create new Wall, gear = modify this wall, image, title, description Share the wall’s URL with students Double-click on wall to add a new post or drag a file from your computer On a post, you can record video from webcam, upload a file, drag a file in, insert a link Share/ export- tons of ways! also embed Use as a backchannel during class / presentation
Great to use as brainstorm, KWL, backchannel, group note taking sign in with Google acct so students can make own padlets History teacher had his students create padlet as presentation on topic- also did debate with it
PollEverywhere https://www.polleverywhere.com/ Audience or class polling Can use web site on a laptop or tablet or phone or can text a response via SMS Can use PollEverywhere app to embed polls in slides Free account allows saved responses up to 25 participants Can create one question or a survey (series of questions to be done at participant’s pace): types include word cloud, multiple choice, upvote-downvote, rank order, clickable image, open-ended No login required: send participants to your polleverywhere link or they can text to a number
81 Dash http://81dash.com/ Create a classroom backchannel; allows teachers to create and monitor chat rooms Students can register as a guest user, don’t have to put in email address- still need username and password The owner of the room (teacher) can delete messages that students post Students join your session by going to the URL of the room you created Can set the room to expire, can assign tasks, see mentions, send to Google Classroom Use the chat to ask students a question, use as online discussion for topics
Can share the chat to Google Classroom
Tozzl http://tozzl.com Similar to padlet, but requires no login Create a tozzl (like a digital pinboard) and share the URL with students, can also email them an invite Can set a password to allow edit and a password to allow delete of tozzl Can subscribe to the tozzl and it sends you an email when something changes Can post: text, list, image, video from YouTube, link, upload a file, a Twitter hashtag No login required: give students guidance on posting (add name or username at end of post) students can create own tozzl
Grab the url for sharing from the browser address bar, or qr code, can also invite by email, tweet Can insert twitter feed of hashtag- great way to teach current search/ research skills
Scrumy https://scrumy.com/ Free, online, no login required Group task management Student self- management Load it and go to New Free Project If you want to be able to return to the project, save the URL to it Good way to observe thought process / progress of tasks for individual work or for group projects
Sample Scrumy
Quizlet Live Digital flashcards, can use them in study mode or classroom game mode Get started: https://quizlet.com/teachers Features of Quizlet Live, includes video and how-to: https://quizlet.com/features/live Teacher creates account (free, paid account $34.99 per year for more features) and flashcard sets, students join with a code (no login required) Students join at https://quizlet.com/live Students are assigned to teams See Live Demo: https://quizlet.com/livedemo Can also have students use quizlet and tell you their % correct
Quizlet Live
Pear Deck https://www.peardeck.com/ Classroom presentation/ feedback Free, offers more features if Premium, saves Peardeck presentations in Google Drive, so could use it more as lesson plan, can import Google pres, PPT, or create new from scratch Allows pre-made questions and quick questions, students join using Google account and code for presentation: http://peardeck.com/join give peardeck permission to access Google acct; can also invite G Classroom sections Question types: multiple choice, free response text, free response number Offers teacher different views when presenting- presentation view using laptop Integrated with Google Drive, login with Google account, so could have students use Pear Deck to make their own interactive presentations
Pear Deck Home
Pear Deck types of slides
Nearpod Similar to Pear Deck Works great with mobile devices; app Can log in with Google account Create presentations with formative assessments embedded as slides, can import own files; publish presentation when ready to use with students Explore and use presentations already created Students sign in with code for each presentation, available when you make published presentation live; name or nickname required, second field “other” could be used for class section or student # Can share all class answers back to students, pushes it back to their device New! Integrates with Google Classroom! https://youtu.be/xkO3QhbTvgwhttps://youtu.be/xkO3QhbTvgw
ClassFlow ClassFlow: Free Software from Promethean that allows you to create lessons and deliver them, with interactivity and feedback/ formative assessment (like Socrative, Nearpod) Can create your own “Flipcharts”, use materials already created “Marketplace”, upload and convert PowerPoints Can set up students in your “Class” or can have students join on the fly with a code: https://classflow.com/student Great way to leverage 1:1 program, as you can send what’s on your screen to their screen and they can respond to assessments or on the fly poll questions Works great with Activ projection but don’t have to have the ActivWall or the ActivPanel to use ClassFlow https://classflow.com/
ClassFlow Sample
Other CRS / Backchannel Tools Google Forms: https://www.google.com/forms/about/ , Flubaroo: http://www.flubaroo.com/ ; Google Add-ons: Kaizena https://kaizena.com/ JoeZoo Express https://getjoezoo.com/ Today’s Meet: https://todaysmeet.com/ Mentimeter: https://www.mentimeter.com/ Polldaddy: https://polldaddy.com/ Plickers: https://plickers.com/ use if you have no student devices Your school’s learning management system (LMS): assessments, quizzes
Let’s try it! *Starred means you can access it now, on your own, without me activating it (already active) socrative.com choose Student Login enter room: hooperroom kahoot.it enter pin # *Padlet: http://padlet.com/hooperc/conference *PollEverywhere: pollev.com/chelsyhooper913 *81 Dash: http://81dash.com/Sample-for-conference#tab-2 *Tozzl: http://tozzl.com/t/4N7gHcSsAv *Scrumy: https://scrumy.com/samplefetc Pear Deck: http://peardeck.com/join give peardeck permission to access Google acct *Google Form: http://bit.ly/1bg8uwx Nearpod: http://www.nearpod.com/ Join Session, enter code Sample Student sstudent15 password sample topic: Conference
Try it on your own! Kahoot! https://getkahoot.com/ to sign in and create; Students go to https://kahoot.it and enter a pin # Socrative: www.socrative.com App: Socrative Teacher, Socrative Student Padlet: http://padlet.com/ Poll Everywhere: http://www.polleverywhere.com/ 81Dash: http://81dash.com/ Tozzl: http://tozzl.com Scrumy: https://scrumy.com/ Quizlet Live: https://quizlet.com/features/live PearDeck: https://www.peardeck.com/ Nearpod http://www.nearpod.com/ Today’s Meet: https://todaysmeet.com/ Mentimeter: https://www.mentimeter.com/ Plickers: https://plickers.com/ Pick one or two tools and try it on your own, use 2 devices so you can test it as a student- good way to catch errors, get familiar with it Pick one or two tools and try it on your own, have 2 devices so you can test it as a student- good way to catch errors, get familiar with it
Resources Free Tech for Teachers CRS blog (how-to vids, more): http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2013/03/four-good-alternatives-to-clicker.html#.VK7K-orF_0o (Poll Everywhere, Mentimeter, Socrative) http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2014/09/5-ideas-for-using-padlet-in-school.html#.VK7fyIrF_0o (Padlet) http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2013/04/three-good-ways-to-use-todaysmeet-in.html#.VK7gBYrF_0o (Today’s Meet) http://practicaledtech.com/2015/04/05/practical-ed-tech-tip-of-the-week-qr-codes-backchannels/ (Backchannels) “Web Tools to Give Students Voice” (Educational Technology and Learning) http://www.educatorstechnology.com/2015/09/some-excellent-web-tools-to-give-students-a-voice-in-class.html “10 Fun Filled Formative Assessment Ideas” (Edutopia) http://www.edutopia.org/discussion/10-fun-filled-formative-assessment-ideas?utm_campaign=RSS&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=socialflow