Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist Church eGiving with ACS Wesleyan Chapel United Methodist Church
Why use eGiving? Better data entry Reduces user error Less work for staff Preserves the intent of the contributor Empowers your contributors Not limited to giving during the service Allows people to schedule donations Supports guest giving Meets people where they are Donors 40-59 years old are now the most likely to give online.
What is Access ACS? Access ACS allows our members to access information online. It provides several features for our staff and congregants, including… Event Registration Member Directory Calendar ACS Pay Plus
How does Access ACS work?
What does ACS Pay Plus include? ACS Pay Plus allows our members to give to our church at anytime. Give in Access ACS. Give through your organization’s website. Give on your mobile device with the Church Life app and via text message.
Give from the church’s website… We have placed the giving link on our website. Contributors can give from the link with or without an Access ACS account. Contributors who have an account can set up recurring transactions and use saved payment methods.
…as a guest Guests click Continue to create an account or give a one time donation. They receive on screen and email confirmations of their gift. The gift automatically shows in Access ACS reports and in an import for ACS Contributions. The program retains their name, address, and email address, so you can create People records for them if needed.
…as a member People who sign in Access ACS will have access to saved payment methods and be able to choose their gift frequency. They can view their giving history as well as pledges.
Give via text message We have setup text giving also. Our unique church keyword is WCSH2017. Contributors give in 3 easy steps: Text ‘WCSH2017’ to 73256 Click the link Complete the gift Contributors receive a receipt onscreen, via text, and via email.
Anyone can download the Church Life free app. Give with an app Anyone can download the Church Life free app. You can give, register for events, access saved payment methods, and much more. To download the app, search Church Life in your app store. Sign in with your Access ACS email address and password.