Community Nutrition Team Extension Jeopardy 4-H FCS AGNR Community Nutrition Team Extension Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
4-H Project work provides a member the $100 Question 4-H Project work provides a member the opportunity to do what?
$100 Answer Learn By Doing
$200 Question from H1 What was the number of youth and adult volunteers that were enrolled in 4-H in Mahoning County in 2016?
$200 Answer from H1 1,439
What were the top two 4-H Projects taken in Mahoning County in 2016? $300 Question from H1 What were the top two 4-H Projects taken in Mahoning County in 2016?
$300 Answer from H1 HOGS 178 BREEDING RABBITS 172
$400 Question from H1 What is CARTEENS?
$400 Answer from H1 4-H CARTEENS is a traffic safety program conducted by 4-H teen leaders and their program partners for juvenile traffic offenders. 4-H CARTEENS goals include: · reducing the number of repeat juvenile traffic offenders, · decreasing the number of teen traffic offenders, and · increasing teen awareness of traffic/vehicular safety.
Name one of the 3 activities that make up a 4-H project $500 Question from H1 Name one of the 3 activities that make up a 4-H project
$500 Answer from H1 Hands-On activities: making producing, practicing, observing, testing, interviewing, caring for, etc. 2. Organized activities: demonstration, speeches, workshops, camps, county judging, project activates, exhibits, etc. 3. Leadership/Citizenship activities: conducting, planning, teaching, assisting, informing, organizing, etc.
What does FCS represent? $100 Question from H2 What does FCS represent?
Family & Consumer Sciences $100 Answer from H2 Family & Consumer Sciences
What are the 3 Healthies in FCS? $200 Question from H2 What are the 3 Healthies in FCS?
Healthy People, Healthy Finances, Healthy Relationships $200 Answer from H2 Healthy People, Healthy Finances, Healthy Relationships
What is the theme for OSU Extension FCS? $300 Question from H2 What is the theme for OSU Extension FCS?
Better Lives, Stronger Communities $300 Answer from H2 Better Lives, Stronger Communities
$400 Question from H2 What is Serv Safe?
$400 Answer from H2 It is a mandated class for Every Vendor that has a Food License from the State of Ohio.
What is LHLW Fall Challenge? $500 Question from H2 What is LHLW Fall Challenge?
$500 Answer from H2 It’s an online email challenge sent to participants twice weekly for 6 weeks to focus on healthy living.
What does OCVN Stand for? $100 Question from H3 What does OCVN Stand for?
Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists $100 Answer from H3 Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists
$200 Question from H3 Who teaches all of the required Ohio Fertilizer Certification trainings in Ohio?
$200 Answer from H3 OSU Extension
How many volunteer hours are given by MGVs each year? $300 Question from H3 How many volunteer hours are given by MGVs each year?
MGVs in Mahoning gave 4,336 hours in 2015 $300 Answer from H3 MGVs in Mahoning gave 4,336 hours in 2015
$400 Question from H3 How many personal questions are answered in the Plant & Pest Diagnostic Clinic?
$400 Answer from H3 In 2015, we answered 643 questions and did 169 soil tests. We’ve doubled our numbers since 2011
How many farms are in Mahoning County? $500 Question from H3 How many farms are in Mahoning County?
$500 Answer from H3 578
$100 Question from H4 What does SNAP-Ed stand for?
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education $100 Answer from H4 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education
$200 Question from H4 What does EFNEP mean
Nutrition Education Program $200 Answer from H4 Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program
How many participants, of all ages, did SNAP-Ed reach this past year $300 Question from H4 How many participants, of all ages, did SNAP-Ed reach this past year (from June 2015 to June 2016)?
$300 Answer from H4 Total number of classes: 557 Adults: 619 Youth: 7,549 Total Participants: 8,168
What population does EFNEP serve? $400 Question from H4 What population does EFNEP serve?
$400 Answer from H4 Limited Resource Families who are responsible for the care and feeding of children (0-18yrs) or who are pregnant.
Name 3 things that EFNEP’s curriculum covers $500 Question from H4 Name 3 things that EFNEP’s curriculum covers
$500 Answer from H4 1.The importance of physical activity within the home 2.Resource management ( planning menus for the benefit of stretching food dollars and saving money) 3. Food Safety 4. MyPlate and what benefits these food groups have for our bodies 5.Parenting tips on feeding children
What is the age range of SNAP-Ed classes? $100 Question from H5 What is the age range of SNAP-Ed classes?
$100 Answer from H5 Any age from preschool onward! Any age from preschool onward! In Mahoning County, we have ranged from 3-4 years old to 96 years old
What are the different 4-H Programs offered in Mahoning county? $200 Question from H5 What are the different 4-H Programs offered in Mahoning county?
$200 Answer from H5 Shooting Sports CARTEENS Royal Court Teen Council Day Camps Overnight Camp Counselors School Enrichment Programing
$300 Question from H5 What is local flavor?
$300 Answer from H5 A summer tour series of urban farms and community gardens every Monday in Youngstown from Memorial day through Labor day
What FCS programs are offered in Mahoning County? $400 Question from H5 What FCS programs are offered in Mahoning County?
$400 Answer from H5 Dining with Diabetes, Take Charge of Your Health, Level 1, Serv Safe, Financial Fitness, Financial Management, Lunch & Learns, Wellness, Real Money, Real World, Food Preservation, Food Safety, Ignite Grant, How to Prevent a Foreclosure in Your Neighborhood,
What are the Impact Areas for OSU Extension? $500 Question from H5 What are the Impact Areas for OSU Extension?
$500 Answer from H5 Health and Wellness Job Skills and Careers Thriving Across the Life Span Sustainable Food Systems Engaged Ohioans, Vibrant Communities Environmental Quality
Final Jeopardy First introduced to American vehicles in 1971, this safety device is responsible for saving the lives of over a million people. What is it?
Final Jeopardy Answer Airbags