Reviving Your Drills with Simulated Victims
Objectives Learn how to create realistic scenarios for staff training Learn some basic moulage (injury/illness make up) techniques and how to build your own moulage kit. Warning: this presentation contains graphic images that may be disturbing. However, none are real injuries.
Who should be doing drills & why? Any CPR/FA trained staff Lifeguards (in-services & competitions) Real life and practicing is different Similar to a scrimmage Pg 20 on CPR instructors manual Power point is boring.
How drills are done at Tx St Pick a week and do drills all in one week Sporadic did not work well Committee picks dates and times (within week) for each program area Dates and times emailed to our contact who notifies UPD, Fire and EMS Crucial piece Week before drills the victims are trained Evaluators are certified LGIs and/or CPR/FA Instructors Signs displayed all week at all locations
How drills are done at tx st cont’d Student staff share what occurred/lessons learned at next staff meetings Summary given at all staff meeting for professional staff as well
EXAMPLES OF THINGS LEARNED FROM EMS Drilling hole into marrow when healing drugs are needed quickly Painful stimuli for folks passed out On ice? EMS needs to know that! Special shoes will be needed. Many times info was not communicated well to them Let students know what their role will be once EMS arrives Police always asking for ID
What is Moulage? Application of mock injuries for training purposes.
Why Should I Do Moulage? Emphasizes following OSHA standards for handling bodily fluids Familiarizes your staff with what equipment you have and where it is in your bag Creates realism Practicing first aid skills Find out if staff can’t handle blood
Why do moulage? Safe environment for your staff to practice protocols Less obvious clues sometimes missed in real life Example: Hives, white finger beds, medical bracelets
Trainer Bags and AEDs Utilize any extra bags or “retired” bags Create a layout diagram so each bag reflects the other bags. This helps enforce consistency at each site. Add links kemp
Trainer Bags and AEDs Non-sterile bandages are cheaper for practice. Bags and backpacks Non-sterile bandages are cheaper for practice. Have trainer AEDs Mark all Training emergency bags and AEDs with neon tape Know difference between program area bags?
Resources for Moulage Recipes Local Fire Department Other Universities/Pools Google/Search Engines Lifeguards Love YouTube Wilderness and Remote First Aid instructors manual (pg 206)
Laminated Paperwork Laminate for reuse/going green Can laminate first aid supplies inventory check list (ensures restocking).
Role Playing Having our staff practice being the “injured patron” and the responder allows them to work on how they will conduct themselves and work on empathy professionally. This allows us to see what we need to work on and help give individualized feedback.
Basic Moulage Training Kit for Emergency Reenactment Professionals by Ben Nye Cream Makeup: master bruise wheel (6 colors), creme F/X burns & blister wheel and cyanotic blue foundation Simulation bloods: stage blood (2oz), gelatin blood capsules (10 pack) and thick blood Moulage essentials: Nose Wax - Fair, Simulated Bone Wax, Liquid Latex, Charcoal Character Powder, Plains Dust Powder, Neutral Set Powder and a 2" Laceration Prosthetic Spirit Gum Adhesive Spirit Gum Remover Quick Cleanse Makeup Remover Professional Tools: Trauma Simulation Guide, No. 5 Flat Brushes, Synthetic Sponge - Single Lot, Nylon Stipple Sponge - Single Lot, Velour Powder Puff - Single Lot, Modeling Tool, Wood, Cotton Swabs Applicator 100/Bag Moulage Kit Case Total: $95.00
Simulaids Basic Casualty Kit “Reusable wounds and refillable accessories let you practice bandaging and splinting techniques repeatedly.” Contents: 1 compound fracture tibia, complete with reservoir and pump assembled 1 bottle coagulant makeup blood 1 pkg. powder to make 1 gal. simulated blood 12 assorted stick-on lacerations and open fracture wounds 1 casualty simulation wax 1 pkg. broken Plexiglas® for simulating glass embedded wound 1 ea. grease paint colors: white, blue, brown and red 1 body adhesive for stick-on wounds 1 atomizer mist sprayer 3 spatulas 3 tongue depressors 1 pkg. of methyl cellulose for blood thickening Total: $191.90
DIY KIT Blue and red markers or a color wheel for bruising Simulated blood Temporary tattoos (like the ones from Wolff F/X) Thick clear plastic cup (can simulate broken glass) Knox gelatin (can be used to create burns and act as an adhesive) Makeup sponges for applying color Soup (can simulate vomit) Baby powder for creating “Shock - like” coloring A spray bottle (add water and a little bit of glycerin for a sweaty effect) Paint brushes Tongue depressors Vaseline Tooth picks Q-tips Paint Pallet Ivory Soap Bars (you can carve them to look like bones) A storage container Fingers and toes Tip: Check out Halloween stores afterwards for sales for inexpensive wounds and pieces for your kit
Wounds Using the Ben Nye skin Using Halloween leftovers Add pic of Halloween leftover
Imbedded objects and dismemberments
Fake blood Packages Applying the fake blood before and during drills (LABEL IT WELL) Red lip gloss for congealed blood
Bruises Use red and blue markers
Hives Can use Bill Nye but not always worth it Blush
Pale/Cold Related Illnesses Baby powder Make up that is lighter than skin
Sweat Water plus glycerin in spray bottle Glycerin in the baby aisle
Burned Skin Petroleum jelly with a little blue and red food coloring and some (minimal) food coloring
Vomit Oatmeal Can of soup The lunch that was left in the fridge for over month (just kidding!)
What about the amount of time this takes to set up? Paying folks by the hour and don’t have it in the budget to have them do this? Seek volunteers ahead of time. They can come a little early and some might come for free because they are into it. Use GA/Pro Staff/Interns as victims
The Do Nots of Moulage Do NOT allow “victims” to leave with their injuries. Should a real accident occur, this could cause serious issues Do NOT use latex Sugar ingredients should not be used in outside exercises during warm/hot weather. Could attract bees or other stinging insects Dish soap or other ingredients could hurt victims eyes; don’t use on “head injuries” Only use new lipsticks
Other tips/Considerations Get your free practice epi pens Use trash bags/plastic to protect floors from a mess Clean all sponges, equipment afterwards Make sure you do Biohazard Trainig (OSHA Law) Clothes that victims wear that day should be old Keep the paperwork from drills Add link for epi pens
Encouraging participants
Thank you! Stephanie Darimont Aquatic Territory Specialist American Red Cross South and Central Texas 512-838-1325 Julie Saldiva Assistant Director of Aquatics & Safety Texas State University 512-245-8454