ATLAS 2200 - WEB Class Introduction
ATLS 2200 - Web Spring 2017 Lecture: Labs: Tuesdays, 9:30am – 10:45am, ATLAS Room 100 Labs: Monday, 1:00pm – 3:30pm, ATLAS 1B25 Tuesday, 2:00pm – 4:30pm, ATLAS 1B25 Wednesday, 1:00pm – 3:30pm, ATLAS 1B25 Thursday, 11:00am – 1:30pm, ATLAS 1B25 Thursday, 2:00pm – 4:30pm, ATLAS 1B25 Thursday, 5:00pm – 7:30pm, ATLAS 1B25
Ian Hales Just in is fine BA, University of Colorado Boulder, Digital Art MS, University of Denver, Marketing & Advertising Management TAM Instructor since 2004 Web maker since 1998 First website was a Final Fantasy VII Fan Website (Don’t judge) Thankfully, that website no longer exists Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday, 11:00am – 1:00pm, Room 231C
Other Classes Intro Projects > Digital Media 1 > Web Motion Capstone Projects Digital Media Boot Camp Exploring Virtual Societies > Fundamentals of Social Media Live Streaming Production Meaning of Information Technology
Partners in Crime Kari Santos – Lecturer x2 Labs David Schaal – Lead Instructor
Course Overview Web is divided into: Structure Design Behavior
Structure HTML5 Outline Semantic Markup Content
Design CSS3 Layout Typography Color Web Graphics
Behavior JavaScript Interactivity Control DOM Manipulation JQuery, etc.
Hand-Code It’s cool No WYSIWYG Web Design Clean code Be one with the Friends don’t let friends use Dreamweaver Clean code Be one with the
Critical Thinking Why? Past, Present, Future of the Web Cultural Impacts & Social Implications Theory
Inverted Lab Classroom Self Teaching Books, videos, internet Technology changes fast Lab Hands-on practice Come with questions
WEDNESDAY, MAY 10TH, 1:30PM-4:00PM, ATLAS 100 Final Exam WEDNESDAY, MAY 10TH, 1:30PM-4:00PM, ATLAS 100
Required Reading HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites, Jon Duckett Javascript and Jquery: Interactive Front-End Web Development,
Required Viewing
Materials Notebook Portable storage device – USB Headphones
Attendance 3 Absences total Tardies = 1/3 an absence -10% class grade for 4th absence and beyond
Critique Opportunity for Feedback Mandatory attendance / participation Projects considered a day late if not presented at critique
Grading Lecture = 34% Lab = 66%
Lecture Grade Midterm Exam = 10% Final Practicum = 10% Attendance Questions = 14% Approximately 14 questions throughout the semester
Lab Grade Project 1 = 10% Project 2 = 10% Project 3 = 10% Lab Homework = 26% Approximately 13 assignments throughout the semester
Grade Definitions A = 94%–100% - Reserved for truly amazing projects that extend beyond the expectations of class, both technically and conceptually A- = 90%–93% B+ = 87%–89% B = 84%–86%< - Very good projects that demonstrate a strong technical proficiency and creative aptitude B- = 80%–83% C+ = 77%–79% C = 74%–76% - Acceptable projects that neither push the expectations of class nor fail to meet them C- = 70%–73% D+ = 67%–69% D = 64%–66% - Poor projects that have a few worthwhile aspects but are lacking overall D- = 60%–63% F = 0%–59% - Bad projects that either demonstrate a total lack of understanding or effort put into class C grade or higher required
Freedom of Speech Sensitive topics may come up Instructors will serve as an impartial mediator
Course Content Be a mature audience Contribute to discussion if you disagree with topic or example Share your perspective Leave the classroom if you must Nothing touchy is planned Instructors will be professional
Lab Policy No food or drink Keep doors closed TAM exclusive Card Access Treat equipment with care
Computers, Laptops and Mobile Computing Devices Usage Policy Computer use for classroom related activities No checking E-mail Stay off social media Don’t work on projects for other courses No gaming / web surfing Absences as a penalty Cell phones
Honor Code Don’t cheat Do your own work Don’t double dip Attribute sources
Classroom Behavior Don’t disrupt Be professional Be respectful Listen (to anyone who has the room)
Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, Harassment Don’t Tell your instructor if it happens or if you see it happen
Disabilities Please provide note from Disability Services Notes before due dates Reasonable accommodations based on recommendations Happy to help
Religious Observances Give us a heads-up beforehand Make up work
Religious Observances Give us a heads-up beforehand Make up work
Class Website: Timeline Weekly Outline Lecture Lab Required Readings & Viewings Homework & Projects Subject to change
Class Website: Resources Useful links referenced throughout the semester More links may be added in lab pages
Class Website: Students Class Portal URLs Online presence Community
Edmodo Invite URL: Group code: xca3bf
Edmodo Lecture: Main Group Lab: Sub-group Lecture attendance questions Grade posting Occasional announcements Student conversations
Attendance Question: Week 1 What was the first significant thing you created that exists/existed on the internet? (Blog, Website, Youtube video, etc.) Why did you create it and how old were you when you did so? Can this artifact still be found today? (Don’t worry, I won’t ask to see it) If it is no longer online, why was it removed? Post your question to Edmodo under “Lecture Attendance Question Week 1” Your answer should be approximately one paragraph in length.