Napoleon Bonaparte
How did Napoleon gain power? During the time of the Directory Napoleon was in the French military making a name for himself. He led armies in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, & Egypt. While he was in Egypt he heard about how weak and unpopular the Directory was & decided to take advantage. In 1799, Bonaparte staged a coup d'état and took the title of First Consul. Coup d'état (coo de ta) a sudden (often violent) attempt by a small group to take over a government.
What did Napoleon do for France? He stabilized France’s economy a national banking system He set up a fair taxation system He ended government corruption He improved the roads and sewer systems of France He restored the position of the Catholic Church in France gaining the favor of the people and of the Pope. He created a system of laws known as the Code Civil or Napoleonic Code.
Napoleon Becomes Emperor In 1804, with the support of the people, Napoleon crowned himself emperor. Napoleon wanted to create an Empire, and by 1812, he controlled much of Europe.
Napoleonic Wars
What were the Napoleonic Wars? The Napoleonic Wars began after Napoleon declared himself emperor in 1804. He began trying to conquer neighboring countries in Europe. His goal was to take over all of Europe.
What did the Napoleonic Wars Accomplish? They expanded French territory in Europe. The French Empire included: France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Italy, and other lands. He could never beat Britain and Russia. The Napoleonic Wars also caused Napoleon to lose power.
How did the Napoleonic Wars End? Beginning in 1812, Napoleon made three mistakes that led to his downfall: The Blockade of Britain - (called the Continental System) Napoleon wanted to hurt England by blocking any British trade goods from coming into mainland Europe. France’s navy was (embarrassingly) beat by England’s navy. The Peninsular War - France and Spain were Allies. Napoleon overthrew the king and put his brother in charge. Napoleon tried to take over the Iberian Peninsula. Spain, Portugal & England’s navy fought against France to keep them from taking over Portugal and Spain (Iberian Peninsula). The Spanish used guerilla warfare to push France out. The Invasion of Russia - trying to take over Russia was his biggest mistake. He sent his troops deep into Russia in the fall and he got stuck deep in Siberia without supplies during the winter before they could get out. Only 10% of his soldiers survived. These defeats were pretty embarrassing for Napoleon
What was the immediate impact of the Napoleonic Wars? The immediate impact was the development and spread of Nationalism and other revolutions in Europe. While Napoleon’s armies were conquering other nations, French soldiers were spreading ideas of the Enlightenment (natural rights, social contract, and limited government), changes in government (Monarchy to Republic), and their own Revolution (Life, Liberty & Fraternity!!). These ideas indirectly led to Napoleon’s defeat.
Napoleon’s Decline
What happened to Napoleon? The major losses of the Napoleonic Wars caused Napoleon to lose favor with the people in France. Finally after losses to England and Germany the French government agreed to peace terms. Get rid of Napoleon and we will leave you alone. In 1814, Napoleon surrendered his throne and was exiled (kicked out) to Elba. He was allowed to be leader of Elba (this was intended to be an insult to him) (Elba was a small island off the coast of Italy w/ 12000 people on it). Shortly after he was there he tried to kill himself (poison). Once he recovered (NOT EVEN POISON COULD DESTROY NAPOLEON!!) he made the most of his time by building a military, creating iron mines, improving agriculture on the island just for fun.
Napoleon’s not finished. What were the Hundred Days? He began to hear rumors that he was going to be shipped to a more remote island and decided to make a move. He escaped from Elba in 1815 & went back to France. Word got to the new government of France that he escaped and they sent a military regiment to capture him. Napoleon approached the regiment alone, dismounted his horse and, when he was within gunshot range, shouted, "Here I am. Kill your Emperor, if you wish.” The soldiers responded with, "Vive L'Empereur!" (“Long live the Emperor!) and marched with Napoleon to Paris. He gathered his allies, and in the Hundred Days, regained power in France for 100 days.
How did his Hundred Days end? Hearing of his return, England and Prussia attacked him. Napoleon didn’t have the manpower to defeat his enemies. Napoleon’s final defeat came at The Battle of Waterloo June 18, 1815. After this defeat he was exiled, again. This time to St. Helena (off the coast of Africa) where he would eventually die.
Napoleon’s Legacy
What was Napoleon’s legacy? Napoleon’s empire collapsed in 1815 He left behind an important legacy: Widespread nationalism among the people of Europe.
What is Nationalism? Loyalty to a nation NOT a ruler. Pride in one’s own country that is based on shared customs, a common history, shared language and religion. It is the cultural identity of a county and its people.
How did Napoleon cause the development of Nationalism in Europe? During the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon tried to force French culture in those countries. As a result, the conquered people became more loyal to their own nations, cultures, & customs. Citizens of conquered lands such as Austria, Prussia, Italy, and Portugal wanted to eliminate the French presence in order to gain self-rule. (Just like America and France!!!) People from other cultures and nationalities didn’t like some French guy telling them what to do! The idea of Nationalism developed and began to spread throughout Europe.