Reactive to Proactive Approach to Track Maintenance on Indian Railways 109-4X Dynamic Tamping Express Fastest Tamping Machines in the world J.S. Mundrey January 2017 J.S. Mundrey, Febraury 2016
TRACK MAINTENANCE ON EUROPEAN (GERMAN) RAILWAYS (1/2) On German Railways there are no regular Track Maintenance Gangs There is no patrolling of any type - Key man, hot/cold weather, Rainfall, security etc. There are no scheduled manual track inspections. Track is inspected as and when required All track monitoring work is carried out by machines i.e. Track recording cars fitted with video cameras, ultrasonic rail flaw detection cars, ground penetrating radars All track works are planned in advance and carried out under complete traffic blocks under good weather protection.
TRACK MAINTENANCE ON EUROPEAN (GERMAN) RAILWAYS (2/2) No track maintenance staff is found on track during regular Train operations All Track Maintenance work on German Railways is carried out during normal working hours, 5 days a week seldom any emergency There are no derailments on German Railways on Track account Track Maintenance staff has a peaceful life free from tensions enjoying holidays and vacations Can we have a similar situation on Indian Railways......YES! How do we achieve that?
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Sub- Structure - Ballast sub- Grade, Drainage system etc. TRACK STRUCTURE ON IR Super Structure Sub- Structure - Ballast sub- Grade, Drainage system etc. While track standards have been well laid the quality control leaves much to be desired. Track drainage is the sufferer. J.S. Mundrey, Febraury 2016
TRACK MAINTENANCE ON IR Poor quality control in the procurement of track components and rail and in their laying in track, the behaviour of the track in service remains unpredictable . Track maintenance thus remains a “find & fix” reactive activity a 24 hours /365 days task not subjected to planned schedule. Track requires frequent attention on account of Track subsidence particularly at vulnerable locations. Rail / Weld fractures Faster deterioration of track geometry at turnouts / curves /level crossings Poor track drainage causing instability in track
TRACK MONITORING/INSPECTION/PATROLLING In view of unpredictable behaviour of the track a strict regime of monitoring, inspection and patrolling is being followed. Trackmen are on the track along the trains, exposing themselves to hazardous environment under present day high speed / heavy density electric traction environment on Indian railways track inspection are at various level’s PWI to higher officers. Patrolling are: key-man, hot weather, cold weather, monsoon, security etc. On advanced railways nobody is on the track during train operation. All track activities are planned and carried out under complete traffic blocks.
PROACTIVE APPROACH TO TRACK MAINTENANCE ON ADVANCED RAILWAYS On advanced railways all track maintenance works are planned in advanced to be carried out in proactive regime in complete track possession Measures taken by them to reach its stage are: Rails: High quality standards in procurement transport laying and welding of rails. Concrete sleepers and fastening: Assured service life under sleeper pads (USP) provided to obtain longer life Uniformity of formation stiffness: An easy stiffness gradient at change of track structure. Fool proof track drainage system Deployment of sophisticated track monitoring system such as track recording cars with video cameras ultrasonic flaw detectors ground penetrating radars etc. Monitoring of vulnerable location by internet connected sensors. Lately, deployment of drones for aerial inspections
STEPS REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN BY I.R TO REACH THE PROACTIVE REGIME Rails procured should be free from internal defects, rolled into longest possible lengths, further welded into longer panels in an integrated high quality flash-butt welding plant. Transport and unloading of rails at site will be the responsibility of the supplier, as stipulated in German Railways. Welding at site will be done Robotic welding plant such as: Plasser APT 1500 R.
STEPS REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN BY I.R TO REACH THE PROACTIVE REGIME Sturdy Turnouts with well laid down regime for repair and replacement of each component. Turnouts technology will be at least upgraded to DFC level. The condition monitoring will be done through sensors. Concrete sleepers will be provided with USP throughout, including at Turnouts
STEPS REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN BY I STEPS REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN BY I.R TO REACH THE PROACTIVE REGIME (Continued) Fastenings components will have assured service life ,for timely replacement. Uniformity of track stiffness will be ensured. For this purpose the formation will be rehabilitated with the deployment of AHM-800 R type machines, as being done on Chinese Railways.
STEPS REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN BY I.R TO REACH THE PROACTIVE REGIME Foolproof track drainage will be ensured, by having a network of surface/underground drains
All railway lines ,starting with important routes ,will get scanned with GPR, to have access to the authentic information about the sub grade conditions, needed for correct diagnosis of track faults and for deciding remedial measures.
All track maintenance will be carried out in a planned manner under the protection of complete traffic block. Mobile maintenance units of the type, Robel 69.5 will be provided for transport and for having all weather protection.
No manual patrolling or trolley inspections No manual patrolling or trolley inspections. Track recordings, track videography at regular intervals to locate track faults, which will be carried out in a planned manner. Rail Scan equipment will be used to monitor the thermal load on LWR tracks. J.S. Mundrey, Febraury 2016
Drones would be progressively deployed for ensuring track safety
STEPS REQUIRED TO BE TAKEN BY I.R TO REACH THE PROACTIVE REGIME Complete track fencing, with no movement of maintenance staff on tracks, during traffic will be sin-quo-non of such a proactive track maintenance system.
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