Maynooth University Access Programme Rose Ryan, Director of Access Maynooth University
Overview of Presentation National Perspective Key changes DARE 2017 HEAR and DARE Entrants at Maynooth University Key Issues for Students What can I do to support greater access?
HEAR DARE National Perspective DARE Initial Assessment HEAR Initial Assessment DARE Initial Assessment 2016 2015 % change Ticked Box 11,548 11,353 2% 6,746 5,782 17% Completed Online Application 9,548 9,161 4% 5,415 4,503 20% Total Applications Assessed 6,081 6,125 -1% 3,896 3,305 18% Eligible 4101 4,190 TBC 2993 2,417 24% Ineligible 1980 1,935 904 888 Eligible Carry Forward Applicants 462 406 14% 353 313 13%
HEAR Application Numbers
DARE Application Numbers
DARE Eligible by Disability 2015 & 2016 % Change ADD/ ADHD 224 170 +32% ASD 247 218 +13% Blind 39 23 +70% Deaf 77 66 +17% Dyspraxia 254 226 +12% Mental Health 520 364 +43% Neurological 133 176 -25% SOI 412 311 +33% Physical 152 116 +31% SLD 886 747 +19% Speech 50 n/a +100% Total 2993 2417 24%
DARE HEAR Eligible Applicants 2015 & 2016 2016 2015 Applications to both DARE & HEAR 534 399 Eligible applicants to DARE & HEAR 252 185 Ineligible on both DARE & HEAR 55 37 Ineligible on DARE only (Eligible on HEAR) 89 70 Ineligible on HEAR only (Eligible on DARE) 138 107
Changes to DARE for 2017 Changes emerging from two areas: This is year two of the roll out of changes, based on the DARE re-definition Based on the feedback provided from schools and the learning from year one of the Educational Impact Statement, there are a number of improvements for 2017
Changes to the Applicant Statement Applicants are no longer required to fill out an Applicant Statement on the EIS In its place is the EIS Checklist, which applicants and their Guidance Counsellors are asked to complete together to help them determine which aspects of the EIS are most relevant to them Applicants can still make their personal statement on the Section A: Supplementary Information Form
Changes to the EIS The entire EIS has been shortened from 8 pages to 6 The number of indicators has been reduced from 7 to 6 The EIS & Teacher’s Manual provides clearer guidance on how much of the form needs to be completed for the purposes of DARE eligibility Applicants who have not attended the same school for the entire duration of their post-primary education are only required to get an EIS completed by a previous school where the current school cannot capture the impact of the applicant’s disability/ condition
Teacher’s Manual The Teacher’s Manual for 2017 will include a section on the HEAR Social and Cultural Indicators: Socio-Economic Group DEIS Area This is included as a result of feedback from Guidance Counsellors who requested more information was provided to schools on the above.
Changes to the Evidence of Disability for applicants with a Specific Learning Difficulty From 2017 onwards, DARE will no longer require a full psycho-educational report dated within the previous three years of application for students applying on the basis of a specific learning difficulty (SLD). Applicants will be required to submit a full psychological assessment report of any age in which a diagnosis of a specific learning difficulty is clearly outlined. Applicants will also be required to submit attainment scores from school- based testing or from testing administered by a suitably qualified psychologist, which must have been carried out on or after 1 February 2015 in either case As with all other disability categories, a completed EIS must be included in the application to DARE
Changes to the Evidence of Disability for applicants with a Development Coordination Disorder From 2017 onwards, applicants to DARE with Development Coordination Disorder (DCD) will no longer require a full psycho-educational report dated within the previous three years of application. A psycho-educational report of any age will suffice A report of any age from an Occupational Therapist/ Physiotherapist/ Neurologist is still a requirement As with all other disability categories, a completed EIS must be included in the application to DARE
Changes to the GP Verification Applicants who have an existing diagnosis but have difficulty accessing the appropriate professional to get confirmation of the diagnosis or an updated report may ask their general practitioner (GP) to complete the Section C Evidence of Disability form, if the GP has the relevant information on file. From 2017 onwards, the Section C (if completed by a GP) must be accompanied by a copy of a document from the applicant’s file in which the diagnosis is confirmed. A single document which confirms the diagnosis and is within the time limit (if one applies) is sufficient This document must be signed and dated by the appropriate specialist/ consultant. If a time limit applies, the diagnosis or reconfirmation of diagnosis from the appropriate professional must have been made within that time limit.
DARE & HEAR Application Advice Clinics Nationwide Saturday, 21 January 2017 Further details will be sent to schools in late September
Applicants can apply to both Remember… Applicants can apply to both DARE & HEAR Applicants who are both DARE and HEAR eligible will be prioritised by colleges when allocating reduced points places.
A Word of Thanks We would like to thank all the Guidance Counsellors and Learning Support Teachers who participated in the evaluation of the new Educational Impact Statement. Your feedback was very valuable. We have endeavoured to incorporate as much of your feedback as possible in the EIS 2017.
Key issues for Students Staff can be unaware of the impact of background or age or disability not only on accessing third level but on completing and progressing; Students with disabilities can have very complex issues in addition to the usual stresses in higher education – mental health is a particular concern; Many students experience real financial hardship – issues around stigma, awareness, accessing supports in a sensitive manner that puts the student at the centre of the experience; Many students rely on the Institution to keep them in school/college – many competing forces that will encourage them to leave – lack of confidence, financial pressures, pressures from home/caring responsibilities, lack key academic skills, loneliness; Many students are not aware of the supports that are there or would find it difficult to ask for help – signposting is important and personal support is critical Many students will find the HEAR/DARE processes challenging and will need targeting, advice and support.
What can I do to support greater access? Be aware of barriers that face many students in accessing and staying in higher education – financial, social and cultural. Be proactive about targeting, providing advice and support about HEAR & DARE routes – these students may require additional advice/support; Be aware of the wide range of academic, personal and financial supports available for students at Maynooth University; Liaise with the Access Office if you have particular queries or concerns or would like advice; Be an advocate within your own institution to raise awareness of accessibility and diversity issues – MAP Ambassador Programme, College Awareness week 21st to 27 November 2016, HEAR DARE Advice Clinics Saturday 21st January 2017.
Contacts Maynooth University Access Programme MAP Lodge, North Campus, Maynooth University T: (01) 708 6025 E: W: Stephen Kennedy, Disability Officer, (01) 708 6341 Gemma Lynch, Access Advisor, (01) 708 4703 gemma.a. Emer Sheerin, Mature Student Officer, (01) 7083307