Preparing for Adulthood


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Presentation transcript:

Preparing for Adulthood Pat Bullen- NDTi/PfA York 9th June 2017 1 1 1

Our vision for children and young people with special needs is the same as for all children and young people – that they achieve well in their early years, at school and in college; lead happy and fulfilled lives; and have choice and control. (Department for Education 2014)  

What are the relevant bits of the the SEND reforms? Preparing for: independent living – where and with whom participating in society – friends and relationships being as healthy as possible higher education, training and/or employment – exploring different employment options self-employment supported employment apprenticeships, traineeships, supported internships work experience and volunteering SEND Code of Practice Chapter 8

< The Benevolent State The Inclusive Society > “I want a life not a service!”

All of the reforms are intended to help young people transition to adulthood. Preparing for adulthood is referred to throughout the reforms as employment, independent living and community participation and is expanded on in the Code of Practice. PfA = high aspirations for a full adult life with the following outcomes: Higher education and/or employment Independent living – choice and control over lives and support with good housing options and support Participating in society – friends, relationships and participating in and contributing to the local community Being as healthy as possible (health and wellbeing) Use this slide as platform to discuss 5 key messages and links across the acts: Supporting people to determine their own lives – wishes aspirations and needs children young people and families at heart of decision making about own lives and support and strategic decision making, MCA and supported decision making and advocacy Outcomes pfa and wellbeing IAS – one dedicated 0-25 service covering … inc PfA LO Person centred outcome focussed assessment and planning (focus on Personal budgets Multi agency pathways and working (EHC and new partnerships with housing and employment etc) inc transition pathways and protocols and imp of send reforms and care act locally Joint commissioning and developing the market Workforce imps ? Where can we put key working ? Integrated pathway to adulthood – transitions pathways and protocols seamless approach – 0-25 services ? Avoiding the cliff at 18 and again at 25 Shared vision

SEN Data 2 May 2017 LAs were asked to give figures for post-16 young people with EHCs who have apprenticeships, supported internships – not all responded, but the figures for 2016 are: Apprenticeships 292 Traineeships 300 Supported Internships 715

Good practice PfA demonstration sites, report deferred until after the Election purdah period is complete. Leeds/Newcastle/Cheshire West & Chester/Bath & NE Somerset Evidence of what works in employment pathway. Newcastle EHC Plan has PfA strands written into it Doncaster- employability curriculum in (some) special schools, and planning from Y7 in EHC review for PfA outcomes B&NE Somerset Project Search success

PfA outcomes exemplars See Resources section- new outcomes from earliest years across the four pathways Raising achievement team

Community Participation PfA Outcomes across the age ranges for children and young people with SEND  Outcome Employment / HE Independent Living Community Participation Good Health  Age Local Offer, building independence and resilience, Education, Health and Care Plans   Early Years following instructions - consider any specifics around sensory impairment feeding and drinking making friends checks at births (hearing etc) 0 – 4 years adapting to new environments toileting social interaction 2 year old development check playing with other children real world play (kitchens, DIY, cleaning) visits / day trips immunisations real world play (builder / nurse / doctor) what do you want to be when you grow up?'

Community Participation Provision universal and targeted Speech and language therapy (SLT), occupational therapy (OT), Physiotherapy, health visitor, parents, Portage, community nurse, community/disabled groups, toddler groups, GPs/paediatricians, social workers/respite care, early years professionals, use of personal budgets as appropriate.  Outcome Employment / HE Independent Living Community Participation Good Health Primary numeracy getting dressed - making choices team playing child obesity checks Reception - Y2 real world visits (fire stations etc) washing / brushing teeth after school clubs diet - making choices 5 - 7 year olds what do you want to be when you grow up?' paying in shops (supervised) weekend activities physical exercise Key stage 1   weekend activities immunisations dentist school visit

talk about different careers and education options Provision   As above plus: Teachers / TAs / support staff, school nurse, Dentist Organised clubs e.g. Brownies / Cubs (universal services) Primary talk about different careers and education options sleep-overs and residential trips youth and after- school clubs learning to be safe on and offline  Y3 - Y6 start to build a personal profile of interests and ambitions understanding money knowing the local area immunisation BCG 8 - 11 year olds school sessions from visitors on their careers moving around the school independently friendships articulating pain / health problems Key Stage 2 cooking at school and home walking short distances alone managing minor health needs eg asthma shopping transport / road signs

As above plus: Friends/peers, Careers advisers, CAMHS Provision As above plus: Friends/peers, Careers advisers, CAMHS Secondary subject option choices - thinking about university and college, picking the right subjects for future career goals exploring different careers understanding requirements for HE after school / Saturday jobs structured careers advisory sessions work experience, starting with tasters and building up to increasing time in the workplace - with support where needed GCSEs / NVQs / Entry level qualifications vocational options continue to build personal profile - use in careers sessions understanding supported employment options eg access to work transition to new settings starting micro- enterprises travel training making decisions about what to spend money on making own food socialising unsupervise d in town independent living skills making decisions about how to spend free time social media online gaming staying safe online belonging to different groups friendships and relationships puberty sex education immunisation - tetanus managing more complex health needs understanding what the GP can help you with annual health check with GP if registered Learning Disability mental health and wellbeing Y7 –Y9 12 - 14 year olds KS3   Y10 - Y11 15 - 16 year olds KS4

Community Participation  Outcome Employment / HE Independent Living Community Participation Good Health Post-16   16 - 19 in schools colleges SPIs residential build on strengths and interests highlighted in personal profile planning for employment: what qualifications do you need, what study programme should you be on, what work experience would be most helpful apprenticeships supported internships traineeships further work on academic qualifications including E&M A-levels and planning for university including sharing EHC plan with disabled students allowance study needs assessor CV writing skills in applying for jobs knowing how to access support from JobCentre post-education interviewing does the LA have a supported employment service? managing bills (e.g. mobile phone) residential learning options mental capacity - decision making life skills travel training parents take a step back managing your time transition to adult care being safe in your home understanding different types of living arrangements and thinking about what future living arrangements are positive and possible for each YP actively planning for future living arrangements with family, LA etc. developing new friendships Personal budgets - how could they be spent post 16 to further PfA aspirations managing your time  being safe on the streets understanding alcohol and drugs volunteering taking responsibility for dental and optical appointments managing own health transition to adult services knowing when you need to see the GP staying physically active and healthy understanding relationships, including sexual relationships - choices, safety and good health

Going forward New employment sites developed through Mencap and NDTi in opportunity areas Time available for local areas to request PfA support to develop local pathways from PfA team nationally Housing/independent living element examined in detail in WM, could be shared in the region Wider outcomes ….include planning for adulthood

“We need to be sure we are focused on helping people get great lives and not just better paper work” Michael Smull Michael Smull has been working with individuals with disabilities for the past 40 years and written extensively on the topics of person centred thinking and challenging behaviours and the challenges of changing systems to support self determination. More of his work can be watched on the Helen Sanderson You Tube channel
