Alabama Alternate Assessment (AAA) 2016-2017 “What’s That on the Horizon???” A Performance Task Assessment
Coming to a School Near You A Performance Task Assessment WHAT???? We are transitioning from a portfolio assessment to a standardized performance task assessment. All students on the extended standards curriculum will be assessed with this new format. Additional training will be provided.
Mathematics- Grades 3-8 and 10 Science- Grades 5, 7, and 10 2016-2017 Performance Task AAA Reading- Grades 3-8 and 10 Mathematics- Grades 3-8 and 10 Science- Grades 5, 7, and 10 Testing window: April 3-May 12, 2017 We are transitioning to a new standardized performance task assessment for the 2016-2017 school year. We will continue to assess Grades 3-8 and 10 in reading and mathematics and science in Grades 5, 7, and 10. New this year is a 4-6 week testing window for all students to be assessed on the AAA. It is April 3- May 12, 2017.
No Minimum Evidence/Rubrics Administered 1:1 Paper Test (PT) 2016-2017 Performance Task AAA No Minimum Evidence/Rubrics Administered 1:1 Paper Test (PT) Answer Document Test Administrator Manual (TAM) Student Booklet No Minimum Evidence/Rubric is required to administer the assessment. The assessment will be administered as a 1:1 test by a test administrator. Each individual student will be assessed with the AAA. No group testing will be allowed. It will be administered as a paper test. Each test booklet per grade will contain all required subjects to be assessed. One answer document will be required per student to record answers per subject. Test Administrator Manuals (TAM) will be issued to each teacher administering the assessment.
Extended Standards ALSDE Special Education Services COS Website 2015 Reading Alabama Extended Standards 2015 Math Alabama Extended Standards 2016 Science Extended Standards Special Education Services has provided copies of the Alabama Extended Standards on the SES Website under Courses of Study (COS). Teachers must teach all extended standards per grade per subject to all students on the extended standards curriculum. Students will be assessed on all extended standards per subject according to the grade assigned to the student in iNOW/Chalkable.
Say What??? I didn’t get all that, LOL!! Performance Task Assessment Test items will be designed to be meaningful and engaging to students. Each content standard will be assessed by items written at different Depths of Knowledge (DOK). The different test items will give all students the opportunity to show what they know across content.
Design of Test Items Reading: passages/sentences/words may or may not be read to the student. Pictures may or may not be provided. Mathematics: some test items may use only a mathematical equation (numbers, signs, etc.) and other items may have the mathematical equation along with pictures to represent the mathematical equation.
Sample Test Items Disclaimer Sample items provided in reading and math. The sample items are SAMPLES (ideas). The exact format of testing items will be provided.
5 + 3 = ___ Math Test Item Samples Script provided per test item Here is a number sentence (Point to the number sentence). Five plus three equals blank. Which number is the correct answer choice? Point to and read the answer choices to the student. two eight nine No Response Test Item Test Item pictures Here is a sample math test item. The Test Administrators Manual (TAM) will contain directions on how to administer the assessment. A script will be provided per each test item. The test administrator will record the answers in the answer document per student. There will be four answer choices per test item. Three answer choices will be for the student, but the fourth choice “no response” will be only for the teacher to mark when the student provides no response to the test item. 5 + 3 = ___
Sample Math Test Item This fraction bar is divided into 3 equal parts. What part of the fraction bar shown is shaded black? Point to and read each answer choice for all students. 2/3 (Read: “two out of three”) 3/3 (Read: “three out of three”) 1/3 (Read: “one out of three”) No Response. The Test Administrators Manual (TAM) will contain directions on how to administer the assessment. A script will be provided per each test item. The test administrator will record the answers in the answer document per student. There will be four answer choices per test item. Three answer choices will be for the student, but the fourth choice “no response” will be only for the teacher to mark when the student provides no response to the test item.
Sample Math Test Item Pictures may or may not be provided in the student test booklet for test items and/or answer choices. Point to and read each answer choice for all students. 1 4 8 No response The Test Administrators Manual (TAM) will contain directions on how to administer the assessment. A script will be provided per each test item. The test administrator will record the answers in the answer document per student. There will be four answer choices per test item. Three answer choices will be for the student, but the fourth choice “no response” will be only for the teacher to mark when the student provides no response to the test item. 1 4 8
Sample Math Test Item Pictures may or may not be provided in the student test booklet for test items and/or answer choices. 4 + 3 = ___ The Test Administrators Manual (TAM) will contain directions on how to administer the assessment. A script will be provided per each test item. The test administrator will record the answers in the answer document per student. There will be four answer choices per test item. Three answer choices will be for the student, but the fourth choice “no response” will be only for the teacher to select when the student provides no response to the test item. Script: Point to and read each answer choice. 7 8 9 No response. 7 8 9
Sample Reading Test Item Stories may or may not be read aloud to the student. Pictures may or may not be provided in student test booklet. Script: Which word is and? Point to and read each answer choice. Point to the word but and say “This word is but.” Point to the word and and say “This word is and.” Point to the word the and say “This word is the.” No response. The student may point, eye gaze, etc. to select the answer. The test administrator will record answers on the answer document provided for each student. The Test Administrators Manual (TAM) will contain directions on how to administer the assessment. A script will be provided per each test item. The test administrator will record the answers in the answer document per student. There will be four answer choices per test item. Three answer choices will be for the student, but the fourth choice “no response” will be only for the teacher to mark when the student provides no response to the test item. but and the
Sample Reading Test Item Stories may or may not be read aloud to the student. Pictures may or may not be provided in student test booklet. Dillion Goes to the Post Office Dillion’s mother said he could walk with her to the post office to buy a stamp. His mother needs a stamp to mail a card to her friend who is sick. Dillion is excited about going to the post office. Dillion and his mother buy a stamp. Dillion places the stamp on the card to be mailed. Dillion drops the card in the mail slot for delivery. Dillion and his mother walk home. Dillion enjoyed his trip to the post office. Script: Where did Dillion and his mother go? Point to each answer choice and read each answer choice to all students. a. Point and say, “The grocery store.” b. Point and say, “The post office.” c. Point and say, “The playground.” d. No response. The Test Administrators Manual (TAM) will contain directions on how to administer the assessment. A script will be provided per each test item. The test administrator will record the answers in the answer document per student. There will be four answer choices per test item. Three answer choices will be for the student, but the fourth choice “no response” will be only for the teacher to mark when the student provides no response to the test item.
Sample Reading Test Item Stories may or may not be read aloud to the student. Pictures may or may not be provided in student test booklet. Submarines A submarine is a boat that can travel under water. Some sailors in 1850 thought submarines were sea monsters. In 1900, electricity from batteries was the main power source. Modern submarines are powered by nuclear reactors. Modern submarines can carry as many as 150 sailors. Modern submarines can be as long as a football field. A nuclear submarine can stay underwater for over 90 days. 1. What is a submarine? The Test Administrators Manual (TAM) will contain directions on how to administer the assessment. A script will be provided per each test item. The test administrator will record the answers in the answer document per student. There will be four answer choices per test item. Three answer choices will be for the student, but the fourth choice “no response” will be only for the teacher to mark when the student provides no response to the test item. Plane Boat Car No response
How can I prepare my students for the new assessment??? Teach the Alabama Extended Standards.(Reading, mathematics, and science) Participate in training when made available.(Additional training will be provided) Review training materials.(Additional sample test items in all subjects will be provided.) Prepare classroom tests similar to sample test items. Progress monitor. Teachers must teach all Alabama Extended Standards. The assessment will cover all extended standards per subject per grade. Additional training and sample test items will be provided. Teachers are encouraged to prepare their classroom materials and tests in the format of the sample test items. Teachers are encouraged to progress monitor throughout the school year in preparation for the assessment. The collection of evidence is a good way to monitor the progress of the student to master a skill and an effective way of communicating to parents and administrators.
This handout is posted separately on the Student Assessment Webpage, under AAA.
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