Mrs. Harris Mrs. Neighbor 7th Grade C-2 POWER UP For Student Success Mrs. Harris Mrs. Neighbor 7th Grade C-2 Language Arts & Social Studies
Expectations Do your personal best Work well with others Be positive Respect yourself and others with your words and actions Be responsible for your actions Follow ALL school rules (no cell phones or gum!)
Students Motivated In Learning Everyday!! SMILE! Students Motivated In Learning Everyday!! Smiley Stamp Brought All Homework, Completed All Assignments, Stayed on Task, Tried Your Best Found on PACK Planner inside cover After 5 stamps, students draw a smile ticket or treat!
STOP Stamp Students earn a “STOP” stamp in PACK Planners for the following: Fail to bring homework Not following rules and procedures *Parents*: please check PACK Planners daily to stay informed
Classroom Procedures Students are expected to: Walk in quietly & Immediately Start Warm-Up Review homework Daily Lesson Ask Questions Read or work on academic assignments when finished early Write down homework in PACK Planner
Classroom Procedures Absent Work: Must be completed within one week of the absence. Absent work can be found on the white board. It is YOUR responsibility to obtain and make up any and all absent work. If you have a question or concern, just ask! Please let DCIS know if you are planning on being absent ahead of time or for a long period of time so we can make arrangements! Leaving the Classroom: Restrooms: Should be used before or after class Raise hand and wait quietly and patiently MUST sign out and in on the sheet posted by the door.
Classroom Procedures “No Name? No Fame! “ All work MUST be submitted with first and last name for full credit. Tests/Quizzes No talking will be permitted during tests and quizzes. Talking during test/quiz= ZERO Completed in black or blue non-erasable pen ONLY Accelerated Reader- on computer
Homework Policy Write homework down daily in PACK Planner 10% off each day assignment is late (homework and classwork). Must be turned in within two weeks Check Teacherweb for updates
Materials Multiple Pencils (mechanical if possible) Extra led/pencil sharpener with shavings catcher Black/blue non erasable pen Highlighters Red Pen (correcting) Glue Sticks Colored Pencils Earbuds/headphones 3-Ringed Binder 1 Composition Notebook for Journaling Folder with TWO pockets Chapter Book
Internet & Computer Use Chrome Books Checked out to students later in the year Internet Google Drive ONLY for academic use NO food, drinks, or gum near computers Academic dishonesty, misuse of technology and cheating will NOT be tolerated This includes pictures, blogs, snapchat, games, and other apps.
Grades Grades are always available through the new Parent Portal Category Percentages: Tests: 35% Quizzes: 30% Class Work: 25% Homework: 10%
Communication E-mail: Phone: DCIS (909)803-3300 Teacherweb: Friday Folders: Student Work Grades: online in the Parent Portal