Community LCAP Survey Stockton Unified School District March 1 – April 7, 2017
Purpose of the Study Stockton Unified School District asked parents, guardians, students, employees, and community members for feedback on their progress toward meeting students’ needs and accomplishing the district’s goals. Feedback will be reflected in the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which the SUSD Board of Education approves each spring. The Community LCAP Survey focused on three goals: Meaningful Partnerships Safe and Healthy Learning Environments Student Achievement
Details of the Study The Community LCAP Survey was open from March 1 to April 7. K12 Insight emailed individual invitations with survey links to parents, guardians, employees, and community members. Participants also could access the survey via a public link on the district’s website. Paper surveys were available upon request. The survey was offered in English and Spanish. This report summarizes overall survey results. Results do not reflect random sampling; therefore, they should not be generalized to the entire SUSD community. Rather, results reflect only the perceptions and opinions of survey participants. Findings for each item in the report exclude participants who did not answer. In charts and graphs, data labels less than 5 percent are not shown. Percentages may not total 100 due to rounding.
Participation Respondent Group Number of Invitations Delivered (NMax) Number of Responses via Emailed Invitation Number of Responses via Public URL Total Number of Responses SUSD Stakeholders 10,500 1,276 2,392 3,668
Meaningful Partnerships
Parent Involvement As we look to the 2017-2018 school year, please select three programs or services from the list below that you would like SUSD to add or expand upon. (N=3,542) Note: The sum of percentages may exceed 100 because participants could select more than one response.
Parent Involvement (Continued) Note: Only SUSD parents answered these questions.
Pupil Engagement As we look to the 2017-2018 school year, please select three programs or services from the list below that you would like SUSD to add or expand upon. (N=3,629) Note: The sum of percentages may exceed 100 because participants could select more than one response.
Pupil Engagement (Continued) Note: Only SUSD parents answered these questions.
Safe and Healthy Learning Environment
Basic Services As we look to the 2017-2018 school year, please select three programs or services from the list below that you would like SUSD to add or expand upon. (N=3,567) Note: The sum of percentages may exceed 100 because participants could select more than one response.
Basic Services (Continued) Note: Only SUSD parents answered these questions.
School Climate As we look to the 2017-2018 school year, please select three programs or services from the list below that you would like SUSD to add or expand upon. (N=3,602) Note: The sum of percentages may exceed 100 because participants could select more than one response.
School Climate (Continued) Note: Only SUSD parents answered these questions.
Student Achievement
Implementation of State Standards As we look to the 2017-2018 school year, please select three programs or services from the list below that you would like SUSD to add or expand upon. (N=3,578) Note: The sum of percentages may exceed 100 because participants could select more than one response.
Implementation of State Standards (Continued) Note: Only SUSD parents answered these questions.
Pupil Achievement As we look to the 2017-2018 school year, please select three programs or services from the list below that you would like SUSD to add or expand upon. (N=3,562) Note: The sum of percentages may exceed 100 because participants could select more than one response.
Pupil Achievement (Continued) Note: Only SUSD parents answered these questions.
Course Access As we look to the 2017-2018 school year, please select three programs or services from the list below that you would like SUSD to add or expand upon. (N=3,576) Note: The sum of percentages may exceed 100 because participants could select more than one response.
Course Access (Continued) Note: Only SUSD parents answered these questions.
Other Student Outcomes As we look to the 2017-2018 school year, please select three programs or services from the list below that you would like SUSD to add or expand upon. (N=3,544) Note: The sum of percentages may exceed 100 because participants could select more than one response.
Other Student Outcomes (Continued) Note: Only SUSD parents answered these questions.
Key Insights More than half (59%) of participants are most interested in increasing the parent academy trainings, followed closely by services in parent language classes in English and Spanish (56%). A majority of participants (73%) would like basic services expanded upon for students, including clubs, activities, and leadership programs. Access to instructional technology is the highest priority for respondents in the implementation of state standards. Almost all parents (99%) are aware of how important it is to attend school daily. A large majority of parents (86%) said their child does not participate in Career and Technical Education programs. Similar percentages of participants are interested in each of the course access options. The top two options had only a 1-percent difference: 56 percent of respondents want services added to or expanded in Career and Technical Education (CTE), and 55 percent want additions or expansions made to college readiness programs (AVID).
Next Steps Review survey results with district and school leadership Incorporate survey results into 2017–2018 SUSD district and school LCAP plans Determine a strategy to communicate current actions and upcoming priorities to parents, community, staff, and students Create action steps for identified areas of improvement Target community members for increased response rates for the 2017–2018 LCAP survey