Deep & Dark & Dangerous This book is about a girl that torments other people because she wants a proper burial.
The Beginning It starts by a girl that is very curious finding a picture of her mom, aunt, and a girl named ‘T’. Ali asks her mom who ‘T’ was and mom said in a hiss “I don’t know what your talking about!” When Ali’s father came home he thought they should visit the Gull Cottage ( where the photo was taken).
Going to Gull Cottage The aunt Dulcie wants to take Ali for a Summer trip and Claire (Ali’s mom) was not wanting Ali to go and Claire had another horrible migraine because she had a past never to be spoken of just like Dulcie. Eventually Claire gave in and let Ali go.
Ali Ali is a curious girl that is 13 years old. In one part of the story near the end she calmed a ghost down because she fought against her siblings and found out something that helped many people.
Dulcie Dulcie is Ali’s aunt and Emma’s mom. Ali was only brought to baby-sit Emma while Dulcie paints for her presentation in Washington.