World Travelers “I am not the same, having seen the moon shine on the other side of the world.” – Mary Anne Radmacher
International Holidays Thursday., Mar. 24th , Maundy Thursday- Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cost Rica, Cube, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Spain, Faroe Islands, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, India, Iceland, Mexico, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Paraguay, El Salvador, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, US Virgin Islands Memorial Day- Argentina Purim- Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States Nowruz/Spring Holiday- Azerbaijan Purim (Tel Aviv)- Israel Dolyatra- India Tourism Week Holiday (Day 1)- Uruguay
Events on Campus Dance Theatre of Santa Fe Presents "Elements of Style" Fri., March 25 & Sat., March 26 12:00 p.m., Fine Arts Hall Dance Theatre of Santa Fe's spring semester performance, "Elements of Style 2016," will feature choreography by two of the college's alumni who have gone on to professional dance careers as well as a solo dance by one of those alumni, Doug Gillespie. "Elements of Style" will be presented at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 25, and 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 26, 2016, in the Fine Arts Hall at the Northwest Campus of Santa Fe College, 3000 NW 83 Street, Gainesville. Tickets are $15 main floor and $12 balcony for adults; $9 for seniors, children and University of Florida students; and free for Santa Fe College faculty, staff and students with college identification cards. For ticket information, call the Box Office at 352-395-4181 or visit the Fine Arts ticket website at.
Events on Campus Con. Carnival on the Grove Mon., March 28, 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Oak Grove For our induction ceremony, we will be hosting a carnival from 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. out on the Oak Grove. Presented by Student Government and Phi Theta Kappa. Religious Diversity Fair Tues., March 29, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Oak Grove Join us for the Religious Diversity Fair on Tues., March 29 from 10:00 am - 1:00 pm in the Oak Grove. The Religious Diversity Fair provides students with opportunities to learn about the different religious faiths and locations of worship services in the Gainesville area. Free Pizza and Drinks will be served.
Events on Campus & off Ireland: The other side Latino Migrant Farm workers: Uncovering the Hidden Reality Thursday, March 24, 2016, Santa Fe College, Room WA104 at 7PM Robin Lewy, Director of the Rural Women’s Health Project, Dr. Rosana Resende, Professor of Latino American Studies. The Future of Cuba and the Cuban-American Community Thursday, March 31, Fine Arts Hall at 7PM Film: Food Chains Mar. 30, 2016 at SF Lawrence W. Tyree Library lobby, 12:00 p.m. Ireland: The other side A week of Northern Ireland Wednesday, March 23 - Tuesday, March 29 The Center for European Studies announces its second Getting to Know Europe grant with a week on Northern Ireland. Join us for several riveting talks, a film screening and an art talk/performance/exhibition from Wednesday, March 23rd through Tuesday, March 29th. Belfast-based contemporary artists Colm Clarke and Tonya McMullan will be on a 10-day visit to Gainesville. While the artists are in residence, they will be working with several groups of Gainesville high school students in performance art and photography workshops and Colm will complete a local art project that focuses on homelessness in Gainesville. More information about all the events can be found on the or for a complete list of the calendar of events visit the .
Events off Campus Con. Global Challenges Speaker Series: Myanmar/Burma and the U.S. Pivot to Asia with Michael E. Thurston Thursday, March 24 2016, 2:00-3:00pm at UF Reitz Union, Room G320 In November 2015 the military junta that has been ruling Myanmar with an iron grip allowed the first free and fair election in more than a quarter century, allowing Noble Peace Prize recipient, Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy to peacefully take power. Is this the beginning of that rare peaceful transition to democracy from a military rule? Why did the junta in firm control of Myanmar decide that now is the time for a transition to democratic rule and an open economy? The U.S. has played a seldom discussed, but critical role in the junta’s move towards democracy as part of President’s Obama’s realignment of U.S. foreign policy interests, sometimes referred to as “The pivot to Asia”. Leading this discussion will be Michael E. Thurston, Former Chief of Mission U.S. Embassy in Burma, U.S. Department of State Diplomat & Senior Foreign Service Member. Thursday, March 24 2016, 4:00pm at UF Curtis M. Phillips Center for Performing Arts VISA Talent Show is BACK and BETTER than ever. Join us at the Phillips Center for a line up of multicultural performances. Watch as the dance troupes battle for the throne as the number one International Students Dance Troupe on the University of Florida Campus. See you there!
Events off Campus Con. African Studies Lecture Friday, March 25 2016, 3:30-5:00pm at UF Grinter Hall Room 404 Topic: African-centered Knowledge and the Politics of Knowledge Production. Sponsored by: UF Center for African Studies UF Holi-Festival of Colors Saturday, March 26 2016, 11:00am-3:00pm at UF Norman Field UF's Indian Student Association and Student Government present: UF Holi - Festival of Colors. Everyone get excited for UF's fourth annual, university-wide Festival of Colors event. Holi is a traditional Indian holiday that celebrates the commencement of spring by throwing colored powder at each other and celebrating diversity in unity. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate in this exciting and colorful event! Kick-off will begin promptly at 12:30PM! The event is FREE and is open to EVERYONE! Invite your friends to come experience one of UF's premiere events on campus! We encourage everyone to WEAR WHITE and bring water guns! Krishna Lunch will be served free for everyone to enjoy, and Cupcakes for a Cure will be tabling with some sweet dessert! Keep an eye out for some awesome raffles and giveaways leading up to and following the event! ASL Idol Sponsored by V.I.S.A Saturday, March 26 2016, 6:00pm at UF Harn Museum of Art NAMASTE India: India Fest & Health Fair Sat., April. 9th, Volunteers Needed April 8th
Club Concerns Fund-II-promotional items purchase T-shirts, Gadget grips, and pens End of year lunch- Date, time, and location Possible places Bj’s Bar & Restaurant, Mr. Han’s, Dragon Fly, or Liquid Ginger ? Discuss possibly having one more fundraiser? India Fest sign-up Officer elections SG banquet Wed., Apr. 20th, R-01