Ana Martí-Belda, Luis Montoro & Javier Roca Personality characteristics of recidivist drivers attending a rehabilitation program Ana Martí-Belda, Luis Montoro & Javier Roca INTRODUCTION: One of the measures implemented to improve road user behaviours is the Penalty Point System. International studies recommend that these intervention measures are centered on offender’s educational and therapeutic content, and place emphasis on the individualization of programs and the psychological approach (SUPREME, 2007). There is a body of empirical evidence demonstrating the link between personality factors and risky driving (Dahlen & White, 2006; Constantinou et al., 2011). Spanish offenders program don’t include psychological evaluations. It is important to know the personality characteristics of the drivers attending those programs in order to adapt offender rehabilitation measures to those individual features. OBJECTIVE: This study analyses the existence of differences in personality variables amongst a sample of offender and criminal drivers. Also searches for variables able to predict the probability of recidivism. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sample: 105 offenders, 127 criminal drivers and 126 control group. Instruments: anger driving scale (DAS), sensitivity to punishment and sensitive to reward questionnaire (SRSP-Q), personality questionnaire (ZKAP-Q), social desirability (Marlowe-Crowne), alcohol disorders (AUDIT). Procedure: questionnaires were administrated by two interviewers during the rehabilitation courses between 2012 and 2013, where offenders and criminals must attend to get their licence back. Data analysis: descriptive analysis, analysis of covariance and logistic analysis regressions.
Personality characteristics of recidivist drivers attending a rehabilitation program Ana Martí-Belda, Luis Montoro & Javier Roca. University of Valencia. SPAIN RESULTS Differences between groups DAS. Anger evoked obstruction Offenders- control DAS. Anger evoked by possible sanction Criminals - Criminals SPSR-Q. Sensitive to reward ZKP-Q. Sensation Seeking ZKP-Q. Activity ZKP-Q. Agressivity AUDIT. Alcohol consumption Descriptive analyses Offences: speeding (48%), alcohol (41% ) Mobile use (33%) Crimes: alcohol (94%) Recidivism (attendance to previous courses): offenders 16,7% Criminals 7,1% victim accidents: offenders higher rates *** ** *** * Logistic Regression Analysis 57% variance Multiple Logistic Regresssion DV: groups of offenders, criminals and control IV: Alcohol, anger towards possible sanction, activity *** * *** ** * *** *** ns *** *** *** ns p≤0,10, * p≤0,05, ** p≤ 0,01, *** p≤0,001
Spanish rehabilitation system needs more psychological intervention. Personality characteristics of recidivist drivers attending a rehabilitation program Ana Martí-Belda, Luis Montoro & Javier Roca. University of Valencia. SPAIN CONCLUSIONS: There are personality differences between criminal, offenders and control group of non offenders nor criminals Anger, activity and alcohol disorders predict the possibility of being risky driver. Offender personality profile is more related to risky driving than criminals. Criminal drivers have more alcohol consumption disorders then offender and other drivers. Offender drivers have more injury accidents than criminal and other drivers. Most previous investigations are made in traffic contexts different to Spain and with university students. Spanish rehabilitation system needs more psychological intervention. REFERENCES: Constantinou, E., Panayiotou, G., Konstantinou, N., Loutsiou-Ladd, A. & Kapardis, A. (2011). Risky and aggressive driving in young adults: Personality matters. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43(4), 1323-1331. Marti-Belda, A. (2015). Repeat traffic offenders: analysis of demographic variables, personality and alcohol consumption of those attending to the rehabilitation courses in the penalty point system context (Doctoral thesis, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain). Retrieved from SUPREME (2007). Thematic report: Rehabilitation and diagnosis. Directorate-General for Transport and Energy (TREN), European Commission, Brussels.
Contact Details PhD professor Ana Martí-Belda Research Institute on Traffic and Road Safety (INTRAS) University of Valencia(Spain). Faculty of Psychology E-mail: Telephone: (+34) 96 1625458