For Parents and Students Educational Websites For Parents and Students
Some Suggestions Preview and explore the website in advance to capitalize from its content, and to ensure it’s current and appropriate for your child. Browse the website with your child and use this as an opportunity to engage, talk, teach, and learn with him or her. Stay abreast of what your child is learning in class to match this with the concepts and skills that your child reviews and practices online.
Some Suggestions Ask your child’s teacher regarding resources from the publishers of the curriculum adopted by the District. Most publishers provide internet resources, including games to review content. Visit your neighborhood library to learn of more educational websites and resources such as the availability of printers for your limited use.
Skill Practice and Content Review for Students, and Tips for Parents Free Educational websites for parents and students
Educational Websites: Parent Tips and Resources Common Sense Media: provides a wealth of resources, information and advice in Spanish and English to harness the positive power of media and technology Educational Website reviews by Commonsense Media: rates and links to websites, filterable by age, rate, subject, skill, and topics PBS Parents: tips and resources for parents of students in elementary and secondary schools -
Educational Websites: Parent Tips and Resources Colorín Colorado: provides free research-based information, activities and advice in English and Spanish to parents, focusing on English learners Internet Essentials by Comcast: bilingual site with free classes and online tutorials, and information on low-cost computers and affordable internet Univision Contigo – Bilingual site with videos and other tools designed to help parents support the education of their children in grades K-12
Educational Websites: Games, Worksheets, and more California reading list: Assists parents and students in selecting books written at a level that corresponds with a child's ability to read www. Arcademics Skill Builders – free online language arts and math practice games for students K – 8
Educational Websites: Games, Worksheets, and more Funbrain: free educational games, online books, and comics for kids in ages preschool through grade 8 Kidzone: parent tips and free worksheets, suitable for K – 6 students Cool Math: games and lessons for students ages 13 and up, and tips for their parents to help students learn math
Community Resources to Enhance Learning
Community Links to Enhance Learning City of Los Angeles Public Library – County of Los Angeles Public Library – California Science Center –
Internet Safety Information for Parents
For Internet Safety Onguard Online: bilingual federal website with free publications, videos and other resources to help children be safe, secure, and responsible online LAUSD’s Office of Human Relations, Diversity and Equity: cyberbullying public service announcements, videos, and the district’s policy on bullying Wired Safety: public service announcement videos, downloadable games, and other internet safety resources Netsmartz: helps children learn how to be safe on and off line, and offers free, downloadable multimedia presentations for parents
Federal and State Websites, Standards and Assessments Informational websites for parents on federal, state, and district initiatives, standards, and assessments
Information on Federal and State Initiatives, Standards and Assessments U.S. Department of Education website: information on the nation’s education initiatives, programs, and laws; provides information in many languages Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: Information about the assessment system with links to FAQs, fact sheets for parents, and overview videos. students/
Information on Federal and State Initiatives, Standards and Assessments California Department of Education – parent portal: California Department of Education, CELDT Site: Scroll down and click on the Parents and Students tab for access to released test questions, a glossary, and FAQs Council of the Great City Schools: Provides parent guides with focus areas in the Common Core State Standards by grade level
District’s Parent and Community Services
REFLECTION 3-2-1 On a piece of paper: Write 3 new ideas you learned today. Write 2 ways you will support parent engagement at your site. Write 1 action step you will take.