PowerShell Chattanooga James Petty & Jonathan Eckelberry
James Petty Jonathan Eckelberry Whoami
Definition Scripting language: A scripting or script language is a programming language that supports scripts, programs written for a special run-time environment that automate the execution of tasks that could alternatively be executed one-by-one by a human operator. Definition
Early mainframe computers (in the 1950s) were non-interactive, instead using batch processing. IBM's Job Control Language (JCL) is the archetype of languages used to control batch processing. Get-History
Every released version of Microsoft DOS and Windows has included a command-line interface tool (shell) COMMAND.COM (MS-DOS, Windows 9x) & cmd.exe (Windows NT and later) Shell included a scripting language called batch In 1998 Microsoft introduced Windows Host Script with Windows 98 and cscript.exe Integrates with Active Script which allowed scripts to be written in compatible languages (JScript and VBScript) 2002 – 2006 Monad was developed April 2006 Monad was renamed to PowerShell and was no longer an add-on, but a new component Get-History
PowerShell version 1 was released on September 26, 2006 with final Release to the web (RTW) on November 14, 2006 and announced at TechEd Barcelona. 2008 – 2009: PowerShell v2.0 Windows 8: PowerShell v3.0 Windows 8.1: PowerShell v4.0 BUGS: PowerShell v5.0 OneGet PowerShell cmdlets to support Chocolatey's repository-based package management and extending support for switch management to layer 2 network switches. Get-History
On 18 August 2016, Microsoft announced that they had made PowerShell open-source and cross-platform with support for Windows, OS X, CentOS and Ubuntu. The source code was published on GitHub. The move to open source created PowerShell Core, which runs on .NET Core. PowerShell Core will be shipped with Windows Server 2016 Nano Server. Get-History
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While VBScript is not going away completely, support will be discontinued in a push to move toward PowerShell. Why? PowerShell is just the next step in the in the line up of automation for Microsoft. Remove-Item