Presentation at NorDoc Meeting Exploring community-oriented policing in post conflict police reform: what can we learn? Ingrid Nyborg Presentation at NorDoc Meeting Oslo, October 17th, 2016 ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
THIS PRESENTATION Background for research About the project and approach Preliminary insights Concluding points ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
THE BACKGROUND THE POST-CONFLICT POLICE AND SECURITY REFORM AGENDA Global threats (terrorism ,drug and trafficking networks, displaced persons etc.) often originate in conflict and post-conflict contexts where law and order is extremely challenging The international community spends billions to support police reform processes in post-conflict contexts Conventional, top-down, militarized approaches have proven to be neither effective nor sustainable. Community-oriented policing (COP) is promising, but there remains a lack of in-depth understanding of police-community relationships in police reform assistance. ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
THE ISSUE HOW CONVENTIONAL POLICE REFORM FALLS SHORT Focus on short-term training of police for fighting terrorism and militants, rather than lower-level conflicts and crime Long-term processes of capacity/institution building not prioritized: Police institutions remain fragile long after conflict Lack of a substantive link to communities in the reform process The result: Lack of trust between police and community members - Police continue to be perceived as perpetrators of crime - source of insecurity ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
THE ISSUE EXPLORING COMMUNITY-ORIENTED POLICING What is community – oriented policing? Is it a strategy? A model? A philosophy? Does it differ in each context? Who decides the definition – the international community? National police? Civil society? COP aims to establish (or re-establish) trusting relationships between communities and police – preventative, collaborative and problem solving ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
THE ICT4COP PROJECT RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To gain a better understanding of police-community relations in post-conflict countries undergoing security and police reform: How might communities and police develop and maintain sustainable, trust-based relations that contribute to people’s human security? To explore innovative ways in which information and communication technology (ICT) might enhance these relationships, and lead to increased trust, accountability, police integrity and human security. ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
THE ICT4COP PROJECT OVERALL AIMS ICT Human Security Advance the scholarly debate on post-conflict issues Re-envision the objectives and practices of policing in post-conflict settings ICT OVERALL AIMS Develop police education and training Influence national and international policy agendas ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
UNDERSTANDING HUMAN SECURITY THE QUESTIONS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN SECURITY What are the sources of security and insecurity in the communities? What is the nature of police-community relations in each case? How has COP been implemented and by whom? What kinds of policing practices or other activities does it comprise? How has COP been institutionalized in national and international education, training and policy? Use of ICT by the police? By communities? ? ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Post-Conflict Context Extreme conflict-sensitivity Chronic violence: gender, minorities Weak/corrupt formal institutions Strong informal security networks Police and government as providers of insecurity Lack of trust and accountability Competing reform processes/political agendas Post-Conflict Context ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
UNDERSTANDING HUMAN SECURITY THE METHODOLOGY UNDERSTANDING HUMAN SECURITY Human Security as a broad, integrated concept Interdisciplinary, Ethnographic & Qualitative: The importance of context Epistemology and research ethics: ‘co-creation of knowledge’ (network-building, facilitation of dialogs between actors) Cross-cutting issues, and comparative across cases ! ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
MULTIPLE OBJECTIVES OF ICTs THE TECH DILEMMA Do ICTs facilitate or compromise trust, safety, security or basic freedoms? Are ICTs in use for surveillance and targeting of vulnerable people/populations? Our technology research ambition: Explore innovative ways in which (ICT) might enhance police-community relations and contribute to improved human security Focus: low-level, accessible technologies (radio, TV, mobile apps, social media, face-to-face interaction etc) MULTIPLE OBJECTIVES OF ICTs ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
PRELIMINARY RESEARCH INSIGHTS Afghanistan Pakistan ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
PRELIMINARY RESEARCH INSIGHTS Wide range of innovative COP pilots: Joint police-civil society organization initiatives - funding to civil society (PAU of UNAMA) Promising results –Led to COP as its own section in MoI Police call number (119). Mixed results - Police in social media Vibrant civil society ICT environment AFGHANISTAN ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
PRELIMINARY RESEARCH INSIGHTS Several partnerships and dialogs attempted between police, justice and local conflict resolution institutions in KPK and border areas – Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – Gender? Program at national level to integrate COP into police curriculum Significant increase in use of ICT by police: efficiency, accountability Little collaboration with civil society organizations Controversial cyber crime bill limiting freedom of speech Tension between civil society organizations and the use of ICT for reporting government corruption and other crimes. PAKISTAN ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
CONCLUDING POINTS I II III IV Vast differences between local community, police, government officials, politicians and the international community's views on security and insecurity. II Understanding local context in general is important, but particularly how people communicate and how trust is built within that local context. III Support for civil society involvement in police reform is critical to ensure the success of police reform – COP is one promising strategy What skills and competence are needed in the international community, including police advisors, to support local reform processes which contribute to human security? IV ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Thank you! ICT4COP: A Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Project The ICT4COP Magazine: Norwegian University of Life Sciences