8) Setting Up a Small Apiary Oxleas Wood Apiary 8) Setting Up a Small Apiary Essentials
Vespa velutina – Asian Hornet
Vespa crabro – European Hornet
Asian Hornet European Hornet
Neighbours & Landlords Apiary Site Site Suitability Allotments Community Gardens Other Users Neighbours & Landlords Borough and Rules No Pets or Insects Entomophobia Swarming Nuisance Road Traffic ‘Nearby’ Hazards Farming and Garden Sprays ‘Nearby’ Influences Intense Crops – Rape Seed Jam Factory etc
Environmental Protection Act 1990 Nuisance Environmental Protection Act 1990 S79 Statutory Nuisances (1)(f) any insects emanating from relevant industrial, trade or business premises and being prejudicial to health or a nuisance; Recourse: Local Authority issues an Abatement Notice Defence: Best Practicable Means
Swarms - Ownership Circumstances Ownership Reason Colony in Hive You Your property Foraging Bees Bees intend to return to your property (the hive) Bees in a Swarm No One Anyone can follow a swarm Swarm Collected Whoever collects the swarm Whoever has control assumes ownership Swarm escapes No one controls the swarm
Hazard & Risk Assessment
Hives Choose and stay with one type of Hive
British (modified) National Hive the National is as good as any And you don’t need the Gizmos and make sure it’s in CEDAR British (modified) National Hive
WBC Hive William Broughton Carr the WBC is pretty but AWKWARD to manipulate (and EXPENSIVE) WBC Hive William Broughton Carr
Top Bar Hive
You’ll need one of these or any suitably sized box Nucleus Hive
Protective Equipment Suit Gloves and Gauntlets Boots Full or Half Fencing Veil Gloves and Gauntlets Leather Boots Toe Protected
Bees Best start off with a mild-tempered bee, say a Buckfast – avoid frequent swarmers like Carnica
Bees purchase your first stock from a reliable Bee supplier DON’T use a feral swarm OR get one from a MATE! WHY ? because of risk of introducing disease . . . and Truculence!
Current Season Nucleus Three Options: Packaged Bees Bees and Queen unrelated No Wax-Borne Disease Overwintered Nucleus Established Queen with Her Own Progeny Last Year’s Queen Fast off the Blocks but Risk of Swarming Current Season Nucleus Delivery Date Uncertain – Could Miss May Flow Spread of Disease, Etc Risk
Marx Clubs and Societies British Beekeepers Association Hive Insurance in Subs Local BBKA Affiliated Club or Society London Beekeepers Association Ruxley and Sidcup Bromley, etc Please accept my resignation. I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member! Marx
FERA Registration FERA ? NOT mandatory but worthwhile registering with FERA What’s FERA ? Government’s Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) Incorporates Food & Environment Health Agency (FERA)
FERA Registration It’s a bit more paperwork but worthwhile And a FERA inspector will burn your hives if diseased
Manual or Motorised Radial Extractor Electric Uncapping Knife and Tray Extraction Equipment Manual or Motorised Radial Extractor Settling Tank Electric Uncapping Knife and Tray Filters
Extraction Equipment and to remain legal, before bottling the honey one of these And labelling etc to comply with these The Honey Regulations 2015
Essential Gizmo’s
Essential Gizmo’s
Essential Gizmo’s But not one of these!
Essential Gizmo’s Put a CORK in it!
Essential Gizmo’s
Essential Gizmo’s
Essential Gizmo’s
Essential Gizmo’s
And you’ll need to protect and store your spare hives and equipment over the winter months
Overwintering Store Not as easy as you think! Bee-Tight Shed
A serviceable second-hand one will do Wax Moth Treatment A serviceable second-hand one will do Chest Deep Freezer
And, finally, Good Luck!