Guelph, Ontario CANADA
Where is Guelph – How far is it? Driving 4 hours from East Lansing, MI 5 hours from Pittsburgh, PA 9 hours from Boston, MA 10 hours from Richmond, VA What to see in Ontario Toronto 1 hr drive Niagara Falls 1 hour drive Muskoka Lakes 2 hour drive
Where to stay - Dormitory rooms Single Rooms: $73.10 Traditional style residence room with one twin bed, shared washroom in hallway, clients receive daily maid service and are quoted on a per person per night rate. Double Rooms: $65.75 Traditional style double residence room with two twin beds, shared washroom in hallway, clients receive daily maid service and are quoted on a per person per night rate. Student Rooms: $49.65 Traditional style double residence room with two twin beds, shared washroom in hallway, student rooms do not receive daily maid service and are quoted on a per person per night rate. Townhouse Rooms: $108.00 for 3&4 occupants, $121.00 for 1&2 occupants. Townhouse style residence is the only residence with air conditioning and include up to 4 single rooms with one twin bed per bedroom, small kitchenette (dishes, cutlery, pots, etc. not included) & living area, clients receive daily maid service and are quoted on a per person per night rate. Parking for delegates who stay overnight in our the dorms is included in the accommodation rates.
Where to stay – Local Hotels When contacting hotels be sure to mention that you are attending EAS. Hotels often sell out for EAS so be sure to book early. The rates are in Canadian dollars. You must book before July 9, 2015 to get the discount rates Best Western Royal Brock Hotel - $93.99 Days Inn Guelph - $89.00 Holiday Inn Guelph Hotel & Conference Centre - $109.99
EAS Guelph Speakers Daniel Borges Brock Harpur Katrina Brudzynski Carlos Castillo Robert Currie Cynthia Scott-Dupree Les Eccles Hanan Gashout Pierre Giovenazzo Krispn Given Paul Goodwin Ernesto Guzman Zachary Huang Mollah Hamiduzzaman Brock Harpur Tammy Horn Greg Hunt Paul Kelly Melanie Kempers Paul Kozak Peter Kevan David MacKay Doug McRory Rebecca Masterman Karol Mathews Heather Mattila Rod Merrill
EAS Guelph Speakers Nuria Morfin Nadia Tsvetkov Medhat Nasr Gard Otis Graham Parsons Stephen F. Pernal Alana Pindar Robert E. Page, Jr David Stotesbury Nigel Raine Daniel Thurston Nicolas Tremblay Nadia Tsvetkov Pegah Valizadeh Rene Van Acker Alison Van Alten Dennis vanEngelsdorp Patricia Wolf Veiga Julie White Geoff Williams Mark L. Winston
Keynote Mark Winston Professor Apiculture & Social Insects Recognized as one of the world’s leading expert on bees and pollination, Mark has had an illustrious career researching, teaching, writing and commenting on bees and agriculture, environmental issues and science policy. He directed Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Dialogue for 12 years, where he achieved wide recognition as a distinguished Canadian educator. Mark is also author of Bee Time: Lessons From the Hive “There are powerful lessons to be learned from bees about how we humans can better understand our place in nature, engage the people and events surrounding us with greater focus and clarity, interact more effectively in our relationships and communities, and open ourselves to a deeper understanding of who we are as individuals, communities and a species.” Keynote Mark Winston Professor Apiculture & Social Insects Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
EAS Guelph Workshops Queen Rearing Registrants must commit to attend both Monday and Tuesday, August 10 and 11. Class size is limited to 25 attendees. This queen rearing workshop consists of classroom sessions and demonstrations with hands-on lessons in the bee yard. Participants are required to have prior beekeeping knowledge and experience in maintaining colonies. Topics include queen biology, methods of rearing queens, preparing a cell builder colony, grafting techniques and care of cells and queens.
INTRODUCTORY BEEKEEPING EAS Guelph Workshops INTRODUCTORY BEEKEEPING This beekeeping workshop consists of classroom sessions and hands-on lessons in the bee yard. Participants of all experience levels are welcome. Topics include basic honey bee biology, beekeeping equipment, working in the bee colony, seasonal beekeeper responsibilities, harvesting and extracting honey and preparing bee colonies for winter. Each participant will have the option to buy a copy of the Ontario Beekeeping Manual which corresponds with the workshop.
EAS Guelph Workshops BEEKEEPING AND IPM (INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT) This intermediate beekeeping workshop consists of classroom sessions and hands-on lessons in the bee yard. Participants should have taken an Introductory Beekeeping workshop or course and/or have at least one season of beekeeping experience prior to attending. Topics include pest and disease biology and identification, monitoring for pests and diseases, record keeping, treatments and integrated pest management. Each participant will receive a copy of the Integrated Pest Management for Beekeeping in Ontario Manual.
EAS Guelph Workshops How to win a honey competition
EAS Guelph Workshops Mead Making
Master Beekeeping Program The EAS Master Beekeepers Program has existed for many years as a level of beekeeping expertise certified through the rigorous testing established and maintained through the Eastern Apiculture Society. The Master Beekeepers work together to support the educational arm of EAS. PURPOSE AND GOALS: There has been a growing interest in beekeeping in North America, particularly in the past decade among hobbyists. Because of the continuing growth in this interest, there is a need for competent bee masters to provide education and assistance to beginning beekeepers and serve in other capacities in the community as experts in beekeeping. The Master Beekeeper program has been developed to certify qualified beekeepers to serve this need. Initially, this program was developed by Dr. Roger A. Morse at Cornell University. The program has now been expanded by the Eastern Apicultural Society of North America to other areas. Master Beekeeping Program
EAS Guelph all day bus Tech Tour Thursday of the conference will feature the "Tech Tour" which will give registrants a chance to see a lot of varying aspects of the industry. Everyone will be bussed, so no worries about maps, carpooling or sampling a little mead and local beer.
EAS Guelph Tech Tour See two of Ontario’s largest commercial apiaries Charlie Bee Apiary and Dutchman’s Gold
Tech Tour Over 2,000 colourful tropical butterflies floating freely among lush, exotic blossoms and greenery. Made up of 45 different species, call this beautiful space home.
Tech Tour Lunch at the Falls
Rosewood Estates Winery and Meadery tour Tech Tour
Tech Tour – BBQ Banquet John Van Alten of Dutchmans Gold Will host a BBQ Banquet, queen auction, live band Tech Tour – BBQ Banquet
Honey Show
See you in Guelph this Summer! For more details and to register please visit See you in Guelph this Summer!