Professional Development for Irish School Leaders Presented to ICP Council, Perth 2016 by IPPN & NAPD The formation of the Centre for School Leadership
The Irish Education System -an Overview Primary 4yrs -12yrs 3,400 schools 34,576 Teachers 8 year groups/ classes Majority state funded /privately owned National Curriculum Post Primary 12 yrs. -18 yrs. 735 schools 26,804 Teachers Secondary, Vocational, Community/ Comprehensive 5/6 year cycle Majority state funded Prescribed curriculum 2 Key State Exams Third Level 7 Universities Autonomous, self governing 6 Colleges of Education 14 Institutes of Education
Who provides CPD for School Leaders in Ireland? Universities - Diplomas, Masters and Doctorates Leadership Development for School ( LDS) 2001- 2010-Professional development programmes for Aspiring, Newly Appointed and Established school leaders PDST(Professional Development Service for Teachers) 2010- Present LDS amalgamated into PDST -continue to provide programmes Professional Associations/ Management Bodies/Unions- All involved in provision
The formation of The Centre for School Leadership (CSL) IPPN& NAPD ongoing review of leadership supports for school leaders Collaboration with DES in this review Recognition of need to develop a more strategic approach to provision of support for school leaders School Inspectorate - Development of Quality Framework for Leadership and Management – Standards and Domains
The Centre for School Leadership (CSL) Three Partners DES, IPPN ,NAPD Overall responsibility at a national level for continuum of leadership development through induction & CPD for established school leaders. Not a delivery service Established on Pilot basis for 3 years 2015 – 2018 3 Million Budget over 3 years 3 experienced school Principals seconded from schools. Director Deputy Director Primary Deputy Director Post Primary Governance structure – reflects the three part collaboration of DES, IPPN & NAPD
Vision Develop, articulate and implement a vision for educational leadership in Ireland. Provide coherence for the range of leadership development opportunities. Ensure that leadership development courses are practice focused and bench marked both nationally and internationally. Support leadership at all levels “Every teacher a Leader”
Initial Focus Areas 1.Review of Current Provision & Quality Assurance 2. Provide for mentoring for newly appointed Principals. 3.Coaching for Principals 4.Third Level opportunities for Qualification for Aspiring Leaders.
Quality Assurance Role Review of current DES funded CPD provision Recommendations Development of a Quality Framework Reduce duplication
Mentoring for Newly Appointed Principals Advertised for volunteers to act as Mentors - oversubscribed Criteria: Min. of 5 years in the role Not retired for more than 2 years Willing to engage in a five day training programme This year-200 trained CSL Mentors (135 Primary and 65 Post Primary) All new PP Principals and all new P Principals in Leinster have access to a trained Mentor in September 2016
Mentor Training Programme included: Definition of Mentoring Qualities & Skills of Mentoring Phases of the Mentoring relationship Protocols, Procedures and Record Keeping Will have sufficient numbers of trained Mentors for all newly appointed Principals by Sept 2017
Coaching – “Unlocking potential” Support for established school leaders who may: wish to move their practice to a higher level. may be experiencing a challenge in the role. Professional Coaches available regionally. 400 places available in 2016-17 school year. Access by direct contact with provider. Self referring /Confidential. Launched by the Minister for Education in October 2016
Post Graduate Programme for Aspiring School Leaders (Level 9 ) 18 month programme. Detailed application process – assess readiness for senior leadership Blend of Face to Face & Online so as to facilitate professional dialogue Involvement of Practitioners in design & delivery of the Course Commencing in September 2017
Elements of the Programme Opportunity for participants to engage in Reflective Practice and Collaborative Action Research Evidence of and reflection on a work placement with a senior school leader in a school other than the participant’s own school and in a setting outside of the education sector Participation in Professional Learning Communities Available at a number of outreach centres regionally Approx. 200 participants per year
Course content Based on Quality Framework for Leadership and Management – Standards and Domains with the addition of Mentoring and Coaching Leading learning and teaching in the Irish Context Developing Leadership Capacity Leading school development Managing the Organisation Mentoring & Coaching
Contact Details for CSL Twitter : csl@csireland Website : www Contact Details for CSL Twitter : csl@csireland Website :