Coaching/Fitness/Physical Education for PreK-12 Gary Carthan Rowan University Students
What is Coaching? Coaching is a form of development in which a person called a coach supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training, advice and guidance.
Biggest Coaching Influence My dad Larry Carthan Sr Started coaching Football in 1991- 2003 and 2008-2017 Coach basketball from 1995-2017 Boys and Girls Track and Field from 2007- 2017 Finally Retiring after 2017
Coaching Experience Assistance coach for girls High School basketball for 6 years Assistance coach for Rec( BABL) for 4 years Head coach for Rec( BABL) for 1 year Assistance coach for Track and Field for 4 years
What made me want to be a Coach Giving back to the sports that I love Finding a profession after my playing days are over Having fun teaching the youth the right way to play Values Commitment Teamwork Love for one another Creating lifetime bonds
Why Coaching is Important to me? 6 Nba Titles
Believing in them Telling kids and teens that I believe in you goes along way. Because they probably never heard it before Giving them self-confidence to succeed They will remember this words forever Help them beyond sports ( their own passion)
Basketball & Fitness Trainer
Basketball Development Trainer The Reason One of my goals is to help players become better players. Giving them chance to improve their skills Seen way too many kids that have potential and no help around them
Basketball Development Trainer Experience I do train boys and girls middle school and High School players during the summer. Working with kids and teens on their skills is enjoyable. My another goal is to get paid for it one day and to work with college players and professional players
Basketball Development Trainer Salaries $25,236 to $51,417 for being a professional skills trainer Middle school/ High School you can charge what you want The beauty of owning your own bussiness
Basketball Camps Had the opportunity to work at many different basketball camps in New Jersey. Basketball is my love and passion and I see a lot the kids with the same passion Just want to give them a chance to get better improve there skills and to live there dreams to become great basketball
Fitness and Personal Trainer
Reason for being a Personal Trainer Help people reach goals Getting people to fall in love with fitness Giving them tips about nutrition Know from past experience
Physical Education
Physical Education Definition- instruction in physical exercise and games, especially in schools.
Physical Education Values Goals I want to accomplish Getting every kid involve Teach them teamwork Finding every kid interest Make new friendships Values
Passion about Physical Education There are some kids that are not active. I want to find a interest in each kid. Another goal is to see them grow and play a sport in the future Influence them that they do anything if you put your mind to it
Physical Education- Salaries They make between 55,050 and 85,000 It also depends how much they will offer
Working with Kids Ever since I started working with kids it felt like I have found my passion. I have worked summer camps, after school programs and sports camps. I feel like I’m a role models for kids to look up to in the community. The kids are the future I want to make sure they succeed.