Please silence all electronic devices. Girls, this means Martin Cheerleading Please silence all electronic devices. Girls, this means you too! 2016-2017 Tryout Meeting *Disclaimer, this is not a comprehensive PowerPoint; it is not a substitute for reading the tryout packet in its entirely.
WELCOME Introductions: Principal: Marlene Roddy Athletic Coordinator: Bob Wager Current Booster Club President: Cheryl Eichenauer Varsity Cheerleading Coach: Sarah Scoggins Spurrier Junior Varsity Cheerleading Coach: Wendy Sexton Freshmen Cheerleading Coach: Kristin Session-Brown
Mrs. Roddy Principal
Coach Wager Athletic Coordinator
Cheer Booster Club President Cheryl Eicheneauer Cheer Booster Club President
CLINIC AND TRYOUTS CLINIC – March 8, 9, 10 4:30pm-6pm at Martin, Gym A Optional Review Clinic – March 22, 4:30-5:30pm at Martin, Gym A TRYOUTS March 23 - Juniors (3:30) and Freshmen (4:45) March 24 - Sophomores (3:30) and Seniors (4:45) Each candidate must wear a red short sleeved top and black athletic shorts.
REQUIRED PAPERWORK DUE TUESDAY, MARCH 8th! NO EXCEPTIONS REQUIRED FOR PARTICIPATION AT CLINIC AND TRYOUT! Cleared Pre-participation Physical Evaluation-Medical History Form# Arlington ISD Athletic Participation Release Form (AISD form AT-001-97)# UIL Concussion Form# Sudden Cardiac Arrest Form# Signed AISD High School Cheerleading Agreement* Cheerleader Candidate Demographic Sheet* Booster Club Interest Survey (optional but important)* Scholarship Cheer Request Form (if applicable)* #found on the AISD athletics website *In the Tryout Packet DUE TUESDAY, MARCH 8th! NO EXCEPTIONS If paperwork is missing, the candidate may watch but NOT actively participate in clinic.
TRYOUT MATERIAL Created and taught by the current 2015-2016 Senior Cheerleaders One dance One cheer with standing tumbling or jump incorporation included in the routine Running tumbling 3 different types of jumps The tryout process will be modeled by a Senior Cheerleader at Clinic.
CLINIC AND TRYOUTS No video may be made of the clinic. This includes video phones. The SENIOR cheerleaders will NOT be available outside of the clinic to assist any candidate. Tryouts are CLOSED. Announcement of teams: March 28th, 3pm for Junior Varsity and Varsity squads and 4:30pm for Freshmen squad in the Little Theater.
CHEER TEAM SQUADS Varsity Squad: 20-30 athletes made up of sophomores, juniors and seniors Junior Varsity Squad: 20-30 athletes made up of sophomores and juniors Freshmen Squad: 20-30 athletes made up of freshmen only
JUDGES AND SCORESHEET Judging will be conducted by the 3 Martin Cheer Coaches and up to 2 other judges with extensive cheer experience. Scoresheet Motions & Technique (10 points) Spirit (10 points) Voice (10 points) Dance (10 points) Jumps (10 points) Tumbling (10 points)
IMPORTANT DATES Mandatory Uniform Fittings: April 5th Mandatory Squad meetings: April 5th, 8th, 11th **depending on squad Mandatory Parent meeting: April 11nd , 7pm Camp money due Booster Club meeting: April 11th, 6:30pm
IMPORTANT DATES Overnight NCA CAMP!! Practices: at Spirit of Texas, Texas Christian University June 6-9th Practices: at Spirit of Texas, May 16th and 18th Varsity and Junior Varsity 3:15pm-4:45pm Freshmen 4:45pm-6:15pm
IMPORTANT DATES Practice during the school year At Spirit of Texas during August through January. Practice is on Monday and Wednesday at either 1:30-3:30pm or 3:15-4:45pm Competition practices may be longer All practices are CLOSED
LEADERSHIP POSITION Academic excellence as the first priority Be Respectful to EVERYBODY Adhere to the Student Code of Conduct Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter PICTURES AND COMMENTS! *Scoggs-Spurrs’ reminder: Do NOT put anything on Social Media that you do not want your Grandma to read!
SUPPORT FOR ATHLETIC TEAMS Pep Rallies Painting Signs Football Games Volleyball Games Basketball Games Playoff Games Spring Sports Special Events Community Service Activities
COMPETITION Competitions: NCA Nationals (National Cheerleading Association) Possible UIL Competition Possible Regional NCA Competition There maybe practices over Winter Break, so BEFORE you make plans for Winter Break, check with the coach to avoid conflicts. A configuration of squads to be determined by the Martin and Spirit coaching staffs and based on skills and academic eligibility factors.
COSTS Approximate Costs Uniforms $600 Camp $355 Camp clothes $120 Activity Fund $50 Competitions $250 Spirit of Texas (practice/training) $540 + $30 registration
COSTS After selected, cheerleaders and or parents are EXPECTED TO BEAR ALL COSTS THAT GO ALONG WITH BEING A CHEERLEADER. If financial help is needed, it will be provided by AISD, but must be PRE-ARRANGED through the high school principal and the Athletic Director BEFORE TRYOUTS. Form at the back of packet, due by March 4th to Coach Spurrier
SELECTION OF CHEERLEADERS A student is eligible to try out for cheerleader if either of the following two conditions are met: At the time cheerleading applications are made available, the student resides in the AISD and The student resides in the attendance zone for the school where they are trying out or Has met all UIL and TEA transfer rules at the school where the student desires to try out D
GRADE REQUIREMENTS Eligibility: Student must not have a recorded grade average lower than a 70 in any course for any six-weeks grading period. Ineligibility occurs at the end of each six weeks. The Cheer Coach will inform the cheerleader when eligibility has been regained and at which activity that cheerleader may start participation. Cheerleading activities from which the student will be suspended include but are not limited to: games, special events, pep rallies and any other activity sponsored by the school. D
CITIZENSHIP As leaders of the school, cheerleaders are expected to maintain high standards of citizenship. ANY violation of policy or rules of the AISD, State Board of Education, AISD Student Handbook, or Martin High may be grounds for ineligibility, probation, or dismissal from the squad. Any cheerleader who QUITS or is REMOVED for not meeting her or his obligations will NOT be allowed to try out for next year’s squad. D
TRANSPORTATION Transportation to out-of-town games will be provided through the Athletic office. Transportation to and from in-town games will be provided by the school district. Transportation to and from activities (not games) will be the sole responsibility of the student’s parents if deemed necessary by the Coach and Athletic Coordinator. The school is not responsible for any expenses incurred by parents who provide transportation. D
GO WARRIORS! THE END Questions? Make sure you signed in and received a tryout packet, one per cheerleader. Have a good night and thank you for coming. Sarah Spurrier’s email: GO WARRIORS!