LOCATION Definition: Finding where a place is Absolute Location latitude and longitude coordinates Paris France is 48o North Latitude and 2o East Longitude. or a street address The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Relative Location Described by landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another. New York is about 90 miles northeast of Philadelphia Gateway Shopping Center is a few blocks west of VFMS
PLACE Definition: A place on Earth that can be recognized as separate or different from other places on Earth. Each place is a unique combination of: Physical Characteristics Human/Cultural Characteristics
Physical Characteristics Specific to THAT place. The way a place looks. Created by nature. Land Features Mountains, Plains and Plateaus Rivers, Lakes, Seas Climate Vegetation
Physical Characteristics Examples: The Grand Canyon in Arizona Andes Mountains in South America.
Physical Characteristics Examples: Amazon River flows through Brazil. Niagara Falls New York State and Ontario
Human/Cultural Characteristics Specific to THAT place. Man-made or invented. Language Unique buildings Religious Practices Celebrations/traditions/holidays
Human/Cultural Characteristics Examples: The Empire State Building in New York, City Independence Hall in Philadelphia
Human/Cultural Characteristics Examples: Eiffel Tower in Paris Citizens Bank Park, Philadelphia
Human/Cultural Characteristics Examples: Mayan ruins are located in Mexico. Stonehenge in England
Human/Cultural Characteristics Examples: Mummers Parade in Philadelphia Mardi Gras in New Orleans
Human/Cultural Characteristics Examples: Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain
Human/Cultural Characteristics Language Portuguese is the official language of Brazil. Religion Many Mexicans are Catholic.
Guess These Places golden arches, hamburgers, chicken nuggets Golden Gate Bridge, 49ers, Alcatraz. Lincoln Financial Field, white lines marked with numbers, cheerleaders, screaming people. Broadway, Lincoln Tunnel, streets crowded with people
VFMS Think of 2 physical and 2 human characteristics that describe this school
ASSIGNMENT Take out a piece of paper and fold it in half Think of a place that you have been: a city, country, museum, Valley Forge Park, the mall…. Write down 3 Physical and 3 Human/Cultural characteristics about this place Don’t write down or tell anyone what the place is.