In your books please: Date: Title: Muffins and food miles Welcome! Planners and equipment out please. Do not talk over the teacher. Raise your hand to participate in discussion. Complete your food miles card sort on your table! In your books please: Date: Title: Muffins and food miles
Full marks???
Show I understnd food miles and their effect on our shopping habits Star Challenge Learning Objectives: To be able to understand food miles and design a muffin using seasonal fruit Star rating Success Criteria I can define what food miles are and I can apply this to my muffin designs I have some understanding of weights and measures. I can demonstrate what food miles are and I can give reasons for my choice of fruit in my muffin design. I have good understanding of weights and measures. I can discuss what food miles are and I can justify reasons for my choice of fruit in my muffin designs. I have good understanding of weights and measures and know the abbreviations. Today I will : Show I understnd food miles and their effect on our shopping habits
Food Miles
SPAG!!!! What are food miles? Write in sentences what you think food miles are and how does this impact on the environment. SPAG!!!!
Design a muffin using seasonal produce Brief: You have been asked to design a muffin that reduces the amount of food miles used.
Design and annotate your own muffin What makes a successful muffin? Add Colour What fruit are you using and say why? What are your top tips for making muffins? How will food miles affect your choice What do you want your muffin to taste like?
Muffin Demo Mix 250g self raising flour, 1 tsp of baking powder, 100g sugar and fruit (chocolate chips) in a bowl. Pour 250ml milk into a jug, crack egg add 3 tbsp’s (40 ml) of oil into a jug and whisk. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl and mix. Place mixture into muffin cases. Place in oven for 10 - 20 mins gas mark 6 or 200 degrees C. Wash up thoroughly.
What is the correct name for…. Mechanical Scales Balance Scales Electronic Scales
Weights and Measures Kilogram Gram Litre Kg Millilitre Tablespoon g Teaspoon Kg g l ml tbsp tsp
What went wrong with these muffins? Date: Title: Muffin Practical
Prepare for practical Follow the instructions: Aprons on, hair tied back, wash hands etc. Gather your ingredients at your work station. Stand and wait for my next instructions. You have 3 minutes to do this. GO!
Muffins Star challenge! Learning Objectives :To be able to prepare Muffins Grade Success Criteria 1 I can prepare muffins safely and hygienically (washing hands, using oven gloves, washing up) 2 I can prepare muffins safely and hygienically (washing hands, using oven gloves, washing up). I can weigh and measure accurately identifying equipment names. I can operate a cooker and are able to identify all the parts 3 I can adapt the recipe and discuss flavours, appearance and textures.
Process for making muffins Mix 250g self raising flour, 1 tsp of baking powder, 100g sugar and fruit (chocolate chips) in a bowl. Pour 250ml milk into a jug, crack egg add 3 tbsp’s (40 ml) of oil into a jug and whisk. Pour the wet ingredients into the bowl and mix. Place mixture into muffin cases. Place in oven for 10 - 20 mins gas mark 6 or 200 degrees C. Wash up thoroughly. Muffins in oven by 13:50. Cleared away by 14:05
Extension – Self and peer assessment Using the success criteria below, self assess your own muffins. Once you have completed a self assessment, peer assess your neighbours muffins, making any comments on their sheet.